The Tale

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Late one night in the desert, two men were getting drunk near a fire, pouring their drinks into the fire while a couple of cheetahs watched as they stripped down to their underwear, throwing their clothes in the fire.

"What a waste of beer." one cheetah said, sipping at his own beer.

"You're right, Duke." the other cheetah said, picking up the last beer that they had. While the men were beginning to get intoxicated, Duke had quickly snatched some of the alcohol.

"I can't believe that humans are so dumb. They just live to consume and die. When will we go, Dolores?" Duke asked. He tossed his glass over to the fire. It was better to make it look like the men drank the beer than two 'wild animals'.

"Just after this beer darling. I'll finish it quickly." Dolores answered, as she popped the cap off the bottle with her claw.

The men started jumping over their fire after a couple of minutes. The two had wild, drunk eyes, and seemed to be doing a ceremony to a god in their boxers. Dolores had gotten through half of her drink, and Duke began to stretch. The men noticed the stretching cheetah, without seeing Dolores laying right beside Duke, drinking her beer.

"I have never seen a cheethah do that!" one man said, drunk.

"Some here, Ferd. Where's the booze gorne?" asked the other in a deeper tone.

"I don't know," the other answered, ready for more drunk questions. "Hey, let's keep it up!"

The men got back to jumping over the fire, and Dolores finished her drink a few minutes later. The fire had decreased to cinders, and the men were jumping over it as if it were at a foot-high flame. Duke was already up and ready to go, and when Dolores got up, they began kicking the bottles closer to the men's fire, to make it seem like the men had drank more.

The men stopped jumping over the fire, and began dancing in a circle slowly, as the cheetahs raced up to them silently and bit their ankles, the men toppling down into the sand by the impact of the cheetahs. The two men were heavy, and both cheetahs had to put a lot of effort to keep a walking pace while dragging the men. The men thought that the two animals were beautiful women and were hitting on them.

The cheetahs soon got to a cave, where they entered a small tunnel that a man would have to bend slightly over to walk through. They soon reached a large room after going down the sloped tunnel, with another entrance letting light into the cavern. The marks of earlier animals lined the floors and parts of the walls, and the men were released, having fainted from the journey and supposed women.

"Let's get this over with." grumbled Duke, tired from dragging the heavier man.

A piercing scream emitted from the cave, loud and clear in the chilly morning air. A nearby village was awoken by the scream, and the singular scream was followed by many more. After a minute, the screams suddenly stopped, the screams fading off from the area of the same place. The man in command sent out a few men, who found the cave, where they heard the fast paw-steps of animals running away, and when they reached the cavern, they found guts, blood and bile laying around the cave with blood coating the floor, blood-stained pieces of men's underwear dotting the red scene.

The tale was repeated to many children and young adults as a warning to never get drunk at night away from home.

Duke and Dolores were not spotted, but their attacks continued for 25 years after the first attack, until a local hunter shot the two while they were spying on him.

The skins sold for 25 million dollars at an auction.

Tale of Two DrunkardsWhere stories live. Discover now