Chapter 4: Mr Sandman

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Caitlin's heels clicked rhythmically on the stone pavement below her. The gentle swaying of her hair on her back nearly distracted her from the sharp nip of the air. Though Caitlin was not bothered by the cold, it was still an odd sensation to feel. Large plumes of icy breath rose up and cradled her face. The few people brave enough to be wandering the streets so late at night left trails of vapour behind them. Tall buildings ascended into the inky sky above. Caitlin had to strain to see their roofs through the intense lamp light she was under. The puddled pavement floor was littered with frost and ice. Caitlin had to be careful where she stepped, she didn't want to risk falling. Not many cars were on the roads, probably because of the yellow snow warning. All civilians had been advised to stay inside on the next few days as a snow storm was predicted to hit. The few brave enough to go out were taxi's and motorcyclists.

Caitlin felt a cold shiver slither down her spine, stopping her in her tracks. The doctor peered around her. Hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Gripping the scarf around her neck tightly, she caught sight of a dark silhouette perched atop the towering building just across the street. It's form was rigid and unwavering. Caitlin's skin began to crawl. Pressure built on Caitlin's temples, the world around her seemed to be shrinking. The floor beneath her feet falling. Swallowing hard, she took a step forwards. The shadow shifted slightly, her breath faltered.

A whoosh of air rushed over Caitlin, snapping her from the trance. Blinking hard, she turned to see Ethan staring at her with large eyes. His gaze flicked up to the rooftop and back to her. "You alright?" He grunted, arching a brow at her.

"Yes," she replied softly. Caitlin glanced back up to the rooftop. Nothing, the silhouette was gone. "I just thought I saw something." Sending her partner a goofy smile she added, "my imagination is just playing up. Hormones and that." Caitlin tried to shake off the strange sensation. Only, she couldn't dispose of the cold prickle that had seized her skin, or the weird way her stomach had flipped.

Ethan nodded slowly, "right. Hormones." Offering her his arm, the two began to walk down the frosty pavement. "I was thinking of baby names," he announced to her. Caitlin turned her head to him, glancing up at his stern features. Cocking a brow, she prompted him to continue. "What about Dawn? Or Louise?"

Caitlin hummed under her breath. They were not names she had given any particular thought to, but they definitely intrigued her. "Why those names?" She asked gently.

"I think she will be a new chapter for us. The dawn of a new era." A goofy smile split his face, "a new beginning. As for Louise, well, Louise is a name for warriors. It means famous warrior, and I have a feeling our girl will be a fighter." A fond look warmed his eyes as he stared down at Caitlin's stomach, "especially after some of the kicks I've felt."

Caitlin gently leant her head on his shoulder. "They sound wonderful. Dawn Louise Frost it is."


Medusa had never been one for clubs. In fact, she despised them. A bunch of sweaty bodied people chumming it out in cramped, hot conditions? Not for her. Even in her youth she had despised them. The only time she went was when Tate dragged her along as his bodyguard. So it was very strange for her to be entering the tight spaced Twoot where hundreds of people were swaying out of time with the music. Pushing past a few red faced, hiccuping teens, Medusa found who she was looking for. The powerful, colourful club lights flickered around the place, illuminating stranger's faces with hues of blue and red. The stench of alcohol and sweat burned her nose.

Medusa stood tall over one of the few booths. In it was a well groomed man with sleeked back hair and a cocky smile. Sliding into his booth just across from him, she commented, "sitting all alone? You're feeling confident Pickle." A gaggle of underdressed women staggered past them, giggling as they went.

The man turned to her, raising a dark brow. "Whom do I have have the pleasure of speaking to?" He hummed, dusting off his striped suit and catching her eyes with a steady glare.

Medusa pursed her lips and sent him a sweet smile. "You don't recognise me?" She batted her eyes and raised the pitch of her voice. "It's me, little old Medusa. We met in the ring."

Pickle's eyes widened slightly. Righting himself, he cleared his throat and sent her an amused smirk. "Is that so? Here I was believing that Medusa was the young chick the boss man had a fling with,"

Medusa clenched her fists and ground down hard on her teeth. Flicking her head to the side, she caught eyes with the first person she could. A short, stout man with a large curving belly and disproportionate nose. Within seconds his figure was encased in stone, but not before he let out a strangled cry. Medusa returned her gaze to a wide eyed Pickle with a cunning smile, "I'm from the future, and it wasn't a fling."

Hysteria broke loose in the club. People started screaming. Girls tripped up over their own heels to back away from the statue. "Interesting," Pickle mused, leaning forwards onto his elbows. "What is it you want?"

"I want you to help me rescue Tate from prison," she told him with a simple shrug. Many of the club goers had burst free from the hot room and into the alley outside. The music was shut off and the few brave people left over were fussing about what to do. Wisely one of them had seemed to have decided to call an ambulance. Pity there was nothing medicine could do for the poor sod.

"Why would I do that?" Pickle snorted.

"Because in three years you will be murdered. I can help you track down and kill your killer before he gets you." She shrugged gentle, holding his intense gaze. A few moments passed and only the sweet terror of the clubbers could be heard. Pickle rolled his jaw, his dark eyes clearly entrapped in thought. Suddenly, Pickle jutted out his hand harshly, palm open, fingers spread. Medusa grasped it in her own and gave it a harsh shake.

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