Chapter 22: Good at Goodbye

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Cisco felt something heavy pressing down on his chest. The sun warmed the front half of his body, but the part that was shaded felt like frost had formed on it. Sonny was standing next to him, his small form slightly doubled over and slouching. They were waiting by a train track. The fumes nearly made them choke. Many people were dotted around the platform, pushing and shoving as they went. One man cried out in pain as a small child stomped on his foot. The empty drone of the loudspeaker announced the next train was arriving in five minutes. Five minutes. Only five minutes. Cisco studied the small boy's face once more. Sullen and sunken. "Sonny... I know I've told you before, but you will really like this place." He spoke gently and placed a hand on the child's shoulder.

"So you've said," Sonny answered bluntly, his intense glare locked on the floor.

Cisco pursed his lips. "It's a home for meta children especially. They won't just teach you maths, they'll teach you everything you need to know from how to control your powers down to how to apply for a job." The boys intense stare didn't move. Instead his whole body tensed up. "Sonny-"

"I don't want to leave Central City," Sonny whipped his head up towards Cisco. "I don't want to leave my-" The child clamped his mouth shut with watery eyes. Cisco let out a long sigh. Of course the child didn't want to leave the city, it was his birthplace. It was where he grew up. This city had become a apart of his very being.

"Sonny... I know you don't want to go but-" Cisco began.

"Then why are you making me?" He cut in, his voice trembled and quivered. Small hands clenched into tight fists. The boys whole form was rigid as he stared with pleading eyes at Cisco.

Cisco's shoulder's fell. Wringing his hands, he rocked back on his feet. "It's not safe. Not with Medusa still lurking around the city. Especially not after Tate has been locked away." Cisco informed him. "Don't forget, Medusa wants revenge and she won't hesitate to use you as a means to do it. Heck she might even kill you for just being involved." Sonny returned his watery gaze to the floor. A wet sniffle escaped him. Cisco returned his hand to the boy's shoulder, this time with a stronger grip and a gentler touch. "Once we have locked Medusa up, if you really want to, you can return back to Central City."

Sonny cocked his head up to face Cisco. Watery hope gleamed in his eyes, "really?"

"Of course," Cisco smiled. "But many of the boys who go to the school don't want to come back." He laughed.

"I won't be like that." Sonny shook his head violently. "No. I promise Cisco, I'll come back." The sound of a distant train horn boomed in the air around them, increasing with every passing second.

"I'm counting on it..." Cisco hummed. "And even if you don't, just remember, our door is always open for you." With that, he pulled the blonde child into a tight hug. Sonny hugged back, but it was all too soon until he was forced to let go.


Ethan rested his head on his folded arms. The sweet scent of coffee drifted past his nose. He was seated in the Star Lab's lounge. The c-shaped bunch of couches behind him curled round a large coffee table. The speedster was seated at the bar next to the kettle. The soft sound of laughter and happiness echoed throughout the room. The source of such was undoubtedly the cortex. Closing his eyes, the speedster began to picture his future as Nora had described. Him, Dawn, team Flash. All working together. Yet Caitlin, she was an uncertainty. His heart seized up. Nora had confirmed so herself. Would his future be worth living if his caramel haired biochemist was not there to live it with him? Ethan gritted his teeth. How? How could he have done it? How could his future self have raised a child on his own? How could he have done it without Caitlin? Clenching his fists, he shuffled in his seat.

It was Caitlin who managed to worm her way into his heart without him even noticing. It was Caitlin who managed to cure him of his thirst for blood. It was Caitlin who brought him back to the light. Without her, he was just the scummy Barry from the future who messed everything up. Raising a daughter the right way should have been impossible for him. Perhaps it was the Caitlin in her that was her saving grace.

Footsteps bounced down the corridor that led to the lounge. They were much too heavy to be Caitlin's or Iris's and they were much too light to be Cisco's. They were the only footsteps Ethan knew better than Caitlin's. They were the footsteps he heard every time he walked. Barry strode into the room and sent his counterpart a friendly smile. Dumping himself down next to Ethan, the Scarlet Speedster stretched his arms far above his head. "I can't say I am too pleased to be dethroned as the only father on the team," he sent he time remnant a sly smile. Ethan let out a low chuckle and straightened himself up. "Are you nervous?" Barry asked, cocking a brow.

Ethan blew a whoosh of air out his lips. "Terrified." He mumbled numbly in response. Just the thought of being a parent made his heart skip a beat and skin prickle with sweat.

Barry pause, running an analytical eye over Ethan. "If you act anything like the way you act with Nora to Dawn, then I am certain you will be a great father." He assured him with a firm voice. "And anyway, parenting is in our genes." Barry sent him a wink. Ethan let out a small bark of laughter. Henry Allen was a great man and a great father. His son, Barry Allen was also a great man and a great father. Ethan could only hope to live up to those expectations.

"I suppose so," Ethan replied flatly.

"Not to mention that you and Caitlin make an awesome team. You proved that when you escaped the meta ring together." Barry told him, leaning back into his bar stool. Ethan's pressed his lips into a thin line and dropped his eyes to the bar. A sinking feeling tugged at his gut. That was if he had Caitlin. "Ethan... you know we will all be fighting as hard for Caitlin to survive. Even if she does pass-" Ethan's eyes shot up to Barry's in alarm. "But she she won't because we won't let her, even if she did. You've proven yourself plenty in the future that you will do a fine job of being a parent. Nora said so herself."

Ethan rolled his shoulders. "You think?" He murmured, pulling his brows into a deep frown.

"Even if Nora hadn't told me so herself, I would be 100% certain that you would be an outstanding parent." Barry once again assured him.

Ethan sent his counterpart a lopsided smile. "Thanks Barry," he returned the smile with a twinkle of his eyes. Barry simply just gave his time remnant a slap on the back.

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