Chapter 6: Recuperate

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Medusa's breath was shallow, but her heart fast. Gently, she methodically wrapped a white bandage around his hand. The sweet scent of Tate's cologne brought goosebumps to her skin. Warm emotion swamped her eyes as fond memories drifted through her mind. The darkened motel room they were renting had a distinct pungent oder of must and smoke. The shutters were broken, letting in only thin streams of wavering light. The bed Tate was sitting on creaked underneath him as he shifted his weight. "You've changed." He stated. Medusa paused her work, only to glance up at him for a second. With a hefty sigh she continued wrapping the bandage. "You've become darker. A little more twisted. Just like me," he hummed.

"A lot of things go wrong between now and my time," Medusa told him, keeping her hands moving in a fluid motion.

"My death included?" He asked softly. Medusa nodded her head numbly. The familiar tickle of tears distorted her vision. Tate placed a hand underneath her chin, forcing her to meet his intense gaze. "It's okay," He hushed her softly. "You are with me now. Now we can prevent my death, we can learn from our mistakes." He used his thumb to gently stroke her cheek. "Things will be different." Medusa nodded again, blinking back the tears that had threatened to spill. Tate took her hands in his own and pulled her into a tight hug. The gentle beating of his heart filled Medusa's ears. Her body melted into his embrace. "I think I like you better like this. You are much more open with me," he stroked her back gently.

"I've always loved you with all my heart," she sniffled pulling away from his warm embrace.

Tate sent her a sly grin, "even before you met me?"

With a chuckle Medusa sent him a playful glare and set back to bandaging his hand. The door to the stuffy room burst open, allowing searing light to pour in. The dark silhouette of Pickle consumed the entire doorframe. "Medusa," his voice crackled.

"Pickle," she greeted him icily.

"I helped you retrieve Tate, now I believe you owe me information," Pickle spelled out every word clearly. Medusa and Tate shared a look. Her lips quirked upwards and she stood to her full height with her arms crossed securely over her chest. Pickle took a step forwards and straightened up his own height.

"You don't want to stick around any longer?" She asked, batting her eyes and clasping her hands behind her back. A man like Pickle was hard to come by. Christopher had his fingers in many pies. Clubs, gangs, and he even had contacts in Argas. Medusa would be dammed if she let a fine man like him escape her stone grip.

Pickle's lips turned down and his brows pulled in tightly together. "No," he hissed.

"Too bad," Medusa shrugged and bent down to continue working on Tate's hand.

Pickle opened his mouth to protest, but only a strangled wheeze escaped his thin lips. "You bi-"

Medusa could see Pickle's shadow crumple to the ground before he had any chance to finish his sentence. "Now, now. That is no way to speak to a lady," Tate chastised him. "I think it would be in your best interest to hand around with us a little longer." All he got in return was a strangled yes from Pickle's quivering form. A wicked smile curled up Tate's lips. Johninng turned to Medusa, pulling her in gently for a soft kiss.


Caitlin's hands felt clammy as she fidgeted around with a button on her cardigan. There was team Flash. All staring at Nora. All waiting for an answer. Excess herself, didn't look any calmer. The cortex was unusually warm. Barry and Iris were staring between Caitlin and the speedster from behind the entrance desk. Cisco on the other hand was seated at the desk, his dark brows furrowed together. Caitlin was sitting next to him, Ethan standing by her side. Nora inhaled deeply, "Caitlin, just like you, your daughter has an alter ego. A cold one," Nora explained. "But erm, the more you turn into Killer Frost the more she does, because in order to survive the extreme low heats of Frost's body, she must run at the same temperature."

"Nora, what does this have to do with Caitlin dying?" Barry asked softly, raising a finely groomed brow. Ethan's grip on the doctor's shoulder tightened, but none of the team turned to look at her. Gently she placed a hand on her large stomach.

"I'm getting to that," Nora replied. "Well, her alter ego, or Frigid as we call her, will end up killing you on the day she is born. The more you turn into Killer Frost, the more time Frigid has to develop and understand." The speedster fiddled with her fingers.

Caitlin's shoulder's fell a fraction, "how does she kill me?"

A moment of silence befell the group. Nora hummed. "That information was kept from me." Caitlin's mouth cracked open. If they had no idea what killed her, then trying to prevent it would be like stabbing into the dark with a blunt sword. Running her hands down her face, she let out a weary sigh. Before anyone else could say anything, Nora continued her speech. "But I have enough information to make an educated guess."

"Tell us everything," Cisco urged her onwards. Caitlin leant in towards Ethan, feeling him lay his arm across her shoulders.

"Frigid is a heat zombie. She has the ability to absorb warmth from anywhere and does so readily. I also remember seeing photos of you when you were buried." Nora began to work on her wrist computer, flicking speedily through her files until she pulled one up. A picture hologram was projected from the computer, showing clearly Caitlin in a casket. The doctor sat forwards in her seat. Her hair was brown and her skin bronzed by a bit of sun.

"I died as Caitlin," the doctor murmured. "But if our daughter was Frigid when she was born and I was Caitlin, then she would have drained the heat out of me." Nora nodded her head numbly. Caitlin felt a smile tug at her lips. A cold voice creeped into her head. 'Absolutely not'. Killer Frost hissed. Caitlin met Ethan's mismatched eyes with a wide grin. "My alter ego doesn't have heat to be drained. So the answer is simple then. It's Killer Frost that is going to have to do the pushing."

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