Chapter 19: Hopter Copter

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Ethan counted internally to steady his breathing. The city far below him was quiet. Only a few cars sped through the dirty snow slush. The powerful streetlights glittered like stars in a manmade sky. The cold wrapped its sharp fingers around him, digging deep into his bones. The inky black sky above them consumed all light from below, leaving no traces of life. Barry was crouched next to him atop a tall, skinny office block. The Scarlet Speedster's breathing was ragged, his fingers always fidgeting. "Barry, calm down," Ethan chastised him gently. Barry clasped his hands, his eyes locked on the building across from them, just below their own. On top of the opposite building was a large, circular pad with a big red H painted on it. On top of that pad, a massive metal monster lay silently at rest. That was the helicopter, the helicopter that could possibly take Iris and Nora away. Around the helicopter pad was a deep trench with steps that led up to the aircraft and a slightly ajar door. Just off in the distance, the beautiful gleaming ocean could be seen. Dark turbulent waves washed over with pure white highlights. The moon was reflected perfectly in its mirror like waters.

"Ethan... what if they aren't here?" Barry asked, his voice trembled a little, his intense stare unwavering. Ethan paused, he hadn't been expecting such a question. "What if Tate has killed them?" The speedster began to rock on his feet.

Ethan pursed his lips. Barry seemed to be in a fragile state, even his red cowl couldn't disguise it. "Barry, if Tate had killed Iris and Nora, you would know about it. Anyway, old Nora is still kicking so they are very much alive and well." The Scarlet Speedster let out a gentle huff. "And wether or not they'll turn up, I guess we just found out."

The unmistakable form of Medusa strolled onto the roof and up to the helicopter pad. Behind her trailed two beloved members of team Flash. There was Iris clutching baby Nora, who's form was limp, close to her chest with her head held high. Behind them was Tate. A gun was gripped tightly in his hands and aimed directly at the back of her head. From the corner of his eye Ethan saw Barry tense up. They covered ground quickly and soon all four of them were on the helicopter pad, standing by the vehicle. Charles Donovan emerged onto the roof. A shiny metal object glinted between his fingers. The murmur of voices filled Ethan's ears, but he couldn't decipher it into words. Barry leant forwards, clutching his hands into tight fists. "Dad, don't!" Nora's voice barked down the com link.

It was too late. The Flash had already boosted himself into Flash time. With a grumble, Ethan followed. His black suit crinkled happily with the movement. Within the blink of an eye the pair found themselves on the roof in front of Medusa and Tate. The criminal couple barely looked at the speedsters before turning to one another and laughing. Iris stared at her husband with rounded doe eyes. Her head shook and she murmured a soft "no."

Ethan was immediately alert. Something was very wrong. He could no longer feel the electricity burning through his veins. He couldn't feel his intimate connection with the speed force vibrating in his brain. He couldn't feel his speed. Turning to his identical counterpart with wide eyes, he exclaimed, "Flash, we are powerless."

"Why did you rush in?" Caitlin snapped down the link. "Didn't you see that the only way Tate could control Iris was through his gun? Not his powers." Her exasperation was obvious despite the grainy quality of the audio feed. Ethan clenched his jaw, he knew better than to answer back. Anyway, she was right, he should have been paying closer attention. He supposed his mind was just focused on Barry.

"You've entered a field which dampens meta powers. It's tech from the future," Nora added. "You need to escape."

Barry's expression mirrored Ethan's. Their eyes were wide and lips pressed into a thin line. Clenching his fists, he turned to their opponents, "I guess we are doing this the good old fashion way way then."

Medusa rolled her eyes and whipped out a gun aiming it directly at them. "No chance,"

Before any of them could react, a searing hot pain sliced at the back of Ethan's ankles. The speedster fell, the concrete below rushed up to meet him. Everything around him span and was covered in thick fog. Vaguely hearing Iris call Barry's name, Ethan brought his wits about him. There they were, the pair of them, lying on the floor with a sleek arrow by their sides. Pushing himself up onto his side, the time remnant scanned his ankles. At the backs of his feet were wide, open gashes. His achilles had been completely severed. There was not going to be any walking done by him for a while. Sending an eye to his exact copy, it looked like Barry's heels had met the same unfortunate fate. "Thank you Observer, but that was totally unnecessary. I had the situation under control." Medusa huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and sheathing her gun.

From seemingly nothing, the Observer dropped onto the roof. His wooden mask gleamed in the powerful lights of the copter pad. Ethan supposed that mean they could rule out Charles as a suspect for being the archer then. Tate snorted a laugh and turned to his captives. Iris's wide eyes were trained on her husband, the freshly awoken and disgruntled child still attached to her chest. "Get them loaded on. The client in Croatia is waiting." With that he grabbed the woman and roughly shoved her onto the copter. Barry let out a cry of rage.

"Barry, I love you," Iris managed to call before she was roughly shoved again. Barry tried in vein to crawl along the ground towards them, but a strong kick from the Observed knocked him clean onto his side.

Ethan gritted his teeth. He could only watch as they all piled onto the vehicle, Charles taking the driver's seat. The Observer towered over them, an arrow taught in his bow. The powerful blades of the machine began the whirl and spin sending air rushing over them. Barry crawled forwards a little, his hand reached out towards the machine. Slow but surely, the copter took flight and ascended into the dark night sky. Ethan covered his face with his arms as wind whipped against his face. As the copter made its way towards the gleaming ocean, Ethan and Barry were no longer assaulted by the fierce wind it generated. Ethan collapsed onto his back. Barry was left staring at the retreating image of the copter with an open mouth. "So you were working with that scum all along." Ethan hissed at the Observer. The masked man turned to face him, the demonic, wooden sharp teeth gleamed in the moonlight. "I should have known."

The Observer turned his attention back to the helicopter. It was just about to enter open waters. The furious chopping of its blades could still be heard. Cracking his head to either side, the Observer readied his bow. He aimed directly at the metal vehicle. Barry didn't even notice, his wide eyes still focused on the helicopter. "Don't!" Ethan called, but it was too late. The Observer had loosed the arrow from his bow.

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