the one with the exiled king

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Revenge of a Huntress

-the one with the exiled king-

"Believe me, every heart has its secret sorrows,

which the world knows not,

and often times we call a man cold,

when he is only sad."

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Dwalin immediately let go of her, letting her drop to the floor with a grunt. Huntress looked around her at the wide-eyed dwarves that were all staring at the doorway with their mouths slightly open in awe. When she twisted her body to see who was there, she understood their awe completely.

A middle-aged dwarf was standing in the doorway of the living space her and Dwalin decided to brawl in, radiating power and strength. There seemed to be a regality in the way that he held himself, with his long raven hair with a few streaks of grey and the pair of braids that ran down the sides of his face, and the way his shoulders weren't slouched even an inch. This dwarf was certainly royalty.

It was then she knew she was in the presence of Thorin Oakenshield at last.

"What in Mahal do you think you are doing?" His booming voice questioned, breaking through the silence like a well-sharpened dagger.

Huntress quickly remembered herself and cut her gaze from him as she pulled herself into a standing position. Gandalf walked in between the two, obviously ready for discourse.

"Thorin, my friend, do you remember what I have told you about my acquaintance-"

The Dwarven King's eyes narrowed. "You spoke to me of a well-seasoned warrior, not of a woman you picked up on the road."

The Ranger glared at the King without a crown, setting her shoulders back and straightening her skirts to help compose herself. She knew Gandalf would have her head if she dared to make more of a fool of herself, however, she didn't take insults lightly.

Gandalf let out a sigh at Thorin's words. "She is not one I picked up from the road, Master Dwarf, and you will do well to remember that."

Thorin sneered. "If that's true then why was she rolling around with my General like some sort of wayward wonton?"

Huntress crossed her arms. "If you don't know the difference between those making love and those throwing fists, it's a wonder why you haven't any heirs."

The temperature seemed to cool a few degrees, as the Dwarf King stared down the Ranger, stalking forward like a Lion to its prey. "I do not believe you realize whom you speak to, woman."

As Huntress refused to take a step back, Thorin and she were now standing nose to nose, showing no difference in their height. "Oh, I believe I do, Master Dwarf."

Gandalf seemed to decide this was the right time to intervene, grabbing the Ranger's arm and pulling her back behind him. "That is enough, you two. If I have to play mother and make sure you both get along, then this will be a long quest, indeed."

She rolled her eyes at the wizard but calmed herself down as she knew he was right. This was not the place or time to be making enemies, after all.

Thorin seemed to make the same decision, however, Huntress quickly noticed he started to completely ignore her presence. At least for the ranger that was not really anything new to deal with. She was often never seen at all. Sometimes it even makes things easier.

"I thought you told me this place was going to be easy to find, Gandalf," Thorin spoke, taking off the cloak he wore over his clothing, handing it to the dwarf she believed to be named Kíli. "I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have found it at all hadn't there been that mark on the door."

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