Chapter 4: The Morning After

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Penelope's POV
I woke up to Josie getting dressed. She always looked so beautiful, even when she just wakes up.
"Hey sleeping beauty." Josie says cheerfully. She walked over to me to peck my lips.
"You missed it but we don't have classes today, it was the announcements. Something about an explosion in the werewolf quarters." Josie said as she brushed her hair.
"Then why are up? Come cuddle with meeee!" I said opening up my arms.
"You know I would love to but Lizzie is curious as to where I am so I have to make up an excuse." Josie says coming to sit on the bed. I stared at her for a little while. I got lost in her eyes sometimes. She kissed me goodbye but just as she was about to leave I stopped her.
"Wait! Before you go I have a quick question." I said walking towards her.
"Will you be my girlfriend....again?" I asked getting down on one knee.
"Yes!" She said cupping my cheek and kissing me gently. I deepen the kiss and pinned her against the door. She broke the kiss.
"I would love to do this all day long but I have to go." She said. I wanted her to stay but I understood she had to go.
"Fine but you own me." I said. Josie smiled and walked out the door. I smiled to myself. I got a second chance with the love of my life. I was actually happy.
I called Mg to meet up so we could hangout. We met in the courtyard
"I've had the best 2 days." I said smiling from ear to ear.
"I've never seen Penelope Park this happy. So what happened?" Mg asked.
"Josie and I are back together. And I this that it's possible that I love her even more than I did 3 months ago." I said. It was true though, I have never been this truly happy not even when I was with Josie for the first time. I think I'm more grateful for her since I had to live 3 months without her at it was horrible.
"Damn Peez you better not fuck it up again." Mg said while watch Lizzie Saltzman practice her flag football skills.
"Mg, go shoot your shot." I said pointing to Lizzie. I don't like Lizzie but I care about Mg's feeling so I'm being nice.
"I will just not now, I'll do it at the perfect time." He said.
"Ok well good luck, Romeo." I said as I patted his shoulder.

Josie's POV
I walked to my room to find Lizzie standing at the door.
"Where have you been? I was worried something had happened!"  Lizzie yelled. She did look worry, I felt bad. I shouldn't spend the night with Penelope any more.
"Sorry, I was just studying with Mg and decided to spend the night because it was late." I said looking at the floor. It was hard to her, she is my sister.
"Josie, why are you lying? I thought we told each other everything?" Lizzie said. She was practically crying. My heart ache at the sight.
"Ok, I was lying to you but I don't think you want to know the real reason I wasn't home." I said.
"Tell me Jo." Lizzie said. I have to tell her the truth even though it will hurt her. She needs to know the truth.
"I wasn't home because I was with Penelope. We're back together. She's my girlfriend." I said. Lizzie had a blank expression. She was disappointed she had to be, she hated Penelope ever since we started dating for the first time.
"That bitch. No! Oh no Josie you have to dump her now she broke your heart! She is the definition of a horrible girlfriend. You two are toxic together! You guys will never make it." Lizzie yelled. Tears were rolling out of my eyes. Her words were so full of hate.
"You know I can't do that. We just got back together and I think she's the love of my life." I said. Lizzie stormed away. I was going to chase after her but I decided not to because Penelope was right, a little distance could be good.

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