♤youtuber angst♧

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I always thought of people as ballons, you have to let go of them sooner or later.

Seàn was laying in bed, his eyes puffy and bloodshot. He was watching some of Mark's old videos. Today was a tough day for Seàn. It was Mark's birthday, yet no Mark to spend it with. The giggly doofus had gotten killed in a fatal car accident on his way to a resturant the day of their 2 year aniversery. Seán had always blamed himself since they were having a phone call when the crash happened.

"Jack relax I'm down the street." Mark had said in a reasuring tone.

Next thing you know you could hear the tires screech and the sound of a car crashing into a nearby tree. Seàn had stayed on the phone call even though it was painful.

He could hear all of Mark's shallow breaths, his groans and any other horrible sounds of pain. Mark begged him to stay with him since those would be his last moments. He went to a nearby payphone and called 911.

Seàn ran over to the scene of the crash but it was too late..

The once beautiful face that was Mark Fichbach was covered in bruises, cuts, blood and glass shards. His eye's lifeless, blood spilled from his mouth, glass shards were sticking out of his neck and face, he was a mess.

The images had mentally scarred Seàn. He started to cry just imagining it again. He shut the laptop and curled up in a ball under his blanket. Chica jumped onto the bed and moved part of the blanket away with her snout.

"Hey Chica." He sniffled and hugged the blonde dog.

Seàn didn't want Chica to end up in the pound so he took her in. She made a sad whining noise.

"I know girl, I-I miss him too."

They sat under the blanket together and watched old memories flash onto the screen. Tears of sorrow soon turned to tears of joy. Seàn laughed when Mark laughed, yelled when Mark yelled, and cried when Mark cried.

The last video uploaded had been Mark and Seàn fooling around during a live stream. It was just them giggling and laughing, playing around with some props, messing with Chica, just being goofballs in general.

The video was two years old but it felt like it had happened yesterday. A smiled spread across Seàn's face. After two years, he had let go of the sadness and guilt he felt.

He had let go of the balloon..

Republishing this bc I'm very proud of it, ik it's not Marvel buut hhhh

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