◇marvel fluff◇

545 12 3

Ship: Tom Hiddleston x Loki Laufeyson
(This is a song fic btw)

Tom sighed as he searched his pocket for his keys. It was about 9:45, an hour later than he was supposed to be home.

He felt bad, Loki wasn't one for being alone. It wasn't his fault that the photo shoot took so long.


Hiddleston unlocked the door and heard the soft strumming of a guitar.

He opened the door and peered in. The kitchen light was on.

He walked into the living room and shut the door behind him. He heard Loki's soft humming, causing him to smile softly.

She was singing that Midgardian song that always played on the radio.

"I swear he's destined for the screen.."

Tom took off his jacket and quietly crept into the kitchen, not wanting to disturb the goddess

"Closest thing to Michelle Phiefer that you've ever seen, oh.."

Loki sighed and stopped strumming. She missed Tom so much. Yeah he's an actor so he won't always be home.


"Lady, runnin' down to the riptide."

Loki jumped slightly at the other voice. She turned around to see Tom there. She smiled softly, red creeping onto her pale cheeks.

He pulled her into his embrace, holding her close in a tight hug. Loki leaned to his touch, burying her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry I took so long to get home-" Tom tried to apologize but the goddess simply held a finger to his lips.

"Your assistant already called me. Kristen? She let me know that things were gonna take a bit longer."

She hugged him tightly. "Knowing you, you'd feel bad anyways."

He smiled softly and kissed her head.

"You didn't...hear me singing did you..?" Loki said kinda timidly.

"I did.."

She covered her now crimson face in her hands. "That's embarassing..I probably sounded  really bad." She chuckled nervously, still hiding her face.

"I thought you sounded good." Tom moved her hands away from her face. "Plus, weren't you singing about me anyways?"

"PFFFFT NO- I mean no, I was not." The goddess folded her arms together and tried to look serious but her face was still bright red. 

The british actor simply giggled and picked up the small guitar next to her. "I thought you couldn't play?"

"I lied, you of all people shouldn't be surprised." She smiled. 

He started strumming the melody to Riptide, humming to remember some of the damn words.

"Are you gonna sing to me or something?" She smirked. "Do you even know the words?"

"Most of them. I try to remember since you love the song so much."

"Do a song you remember!" She punched him in the shoulder playfully. "You mumble stupid shit when you can't remember song lyrics."

Tom took slight offense. "I do not!"

"I was listening to that Lady Gaga song Pokerface the other day and instead of singing 'Can't read my'  you said 'Can't refine' ." 

"That's because I had listened to that song like once." Tom folded his arms. 

He thought for a moment, trying to think of a song he had all the lyrics memorized to but would also serinade the sweet goddess. 

Got it

He starts strumming, Loki rolls her eyes because she knows what song it is.

"Have you ever had the feeling you're drawn to someone?" He sang softly

"To someone." She sang along.

"And there isn't anything they could've said or do-one?"

"Said or do-one."

"Everyday I see you on your own, and I can't believe that you're alone." 

"But I overheard your girls and this is what they sa-ay."

Loki shifted to his male form and joined Hiddleston in a rather cute duet.

"You're lookin for a boyfriend, I see that. Gimme time, you know, I'm gonna be that. 

"Don't be scared to come put your trust in me."

"Can't you see? All I really wanna be is your boyfriend."

"Can't fight that.

"Knock me down you know I'm comin right back."

Tom locked eyes with the god and sang the next part softly. 

"I don't care at all what you've done before, all I really want is to be your-"

Loki pulled him close and kissed him, Hiddleston smiling and kissing him back.

He layed his head on the brit's shoulder, melting into his warm embrace. 

Comfortable silence hung over the two for a bit.

"I didn't know you liked BTR. I figured you'd enjoy One Direction or some shit." Loki said, breaking the silence.

Tom gave him a confused look. "Why?"

"Cuz they're british..and you're british.."

He gasped dramaticly. "That's racist."

Loki punched him again. "Against who??"

"British folk."

The raven haired male busted up laughing. "I'm sorry I have offended thee. Go drink your tea-" Loki couldn't get through the rest of the sentence without dying of laughter.

Tom shook his head, a smile on his face. "I love you."

"I love you too Thomas.."


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