Chapter 5

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  Sam ran towards the other kids as I smiled at my son as Ms. Andrews turned to me.
"He's in good hands here Miss. Conzer. If anything happens we will be sure to call." She told me as I nodded.
"Thank you so much, I should head to work." I said.
"Of course." I thanked her again then waved goodbye to Sam before leaving.

      I sat at my desk going over paper work when Jake came in.
We haven't really talked since thag night at Shaw's and frankly I was too nervous.
"Ooh, nice pimp walk, pimp." Charles said.
"Well, thank you, pimpin' playa." Jake said.
"Whoa, that is not a pimp walk. That's a limp walk." Terry said.
"You sure you should be here, Jake? I mean you wiped out hard."
"It wasn't so much a wipeout as it was controlled power fall, Sarge." Charles squeaked.
"Well, that's his disagreement squeak... You wiped out, what'd the doctor say?" Terry asked.
"Welcome; we haven't seen you in 11 years. Haven't been to the doctors in 11 years, how trill is that?" Jake asked us.
"Your tone's braggy, but your words are real sad." Terry said as I nodded.
"Hmm. Did he clear you for active duty?" I smirked.
"First of all, the doctor was a woman. There's such thing as women doctors, Sarge." Jake said as I rolled my eyes.
"I lied for effect, It was a man. And he said that I was perfectly fine, except for three cracked ribs and a broken toe, which were right next to two other broken toes." Jake said.
"Did he clear you or not?" Terry asked.
"He did not... All right, let's get to work, guys. We got a perp to catch." Jake told everyone.
"Oh, forget that. Uh-uh. No. Look, there's an APB out for your guy. Lot's of cops are looking for him, you don't need to be here." Terry told Jake as I nodded.
"Sarge, I know this case better than anyone, and I am this close to solving it." Jake begged.
"Your fingers are really far apart." I told him.
"Yeah, I also have a hairline fracture in my thumb. Mankinds least important finger am I right? Sarge, please, please, please, please." Jake begged.
"Just let me stay on the case, all right? I promise I won't go into the field or do anything dangerous." Jake said.
"Fine, you can work the case from right here, but you are tied to your desk." Terry said shaking Jake's chair.
"Ooh, tied to my desk.... Mr. Grey will see you now Sarge." Jake said sitting in his chair.
Terry walked away as I went back to my paper work, but it didn't last long since Jake was throwing sunflower seeds at me.
"What?! I am trying to work here!" I told him.
"We haven't talked since that night, and I miss you." Jake said as I shook my head.
"Well don't, it was a one time thing. Nothing more." I said getting up.
"Oh! You know you miss seeing this body!" Jake said about to get up as I turned.
"You are not allowed to leave your seat!" I smirked at him going into the breakroom.

      Charles and I were walking back from getting Jake some broth when Terry came over to us.
"Boyle, Conzer, have you seen Jake?" He asked.
"No. We were out getting him some healing broth." I told him.
"I was torn between chicken or beef, but then it hit me. Goat!" Said Charles.
Then a bang came from the evidence room, we looked at each other and then ran.
"What happened?!" Terry asked.
"I heard a bang!" Boyle replied.
"No. No bang, everything's totally normal." Jake said as I"rolled my eyes.
"Really? It looks, to me, like you did something stupid like try to lift a heavy box." Terry said.
"Sarge, come on. In my condition?" Jake asked us as I rolled my eyes.
"Pretty elegant solution, right?"
"No! Everything fell everywhere. All you had to do was sit at your desk. What is your problem?" Terry asked him.
"I don't have a problem. I'm just trying to solve this case, and everyone's making a huge deal because I have a few minor injuries to my ribs, ankle, hand, toes, and jaw." Jake said as looked confused.
"Jaw?" I asked.
"Yeah, that just happened. I got hit in the face with a box... But look, I'm fine. I promise you." I laughed.
"No, you're not. I'm done with this Peralta. Go home and get better. Now!" Terry yelled.
"All right, fine. But I'm taking this box of evidence with me." Jake said.
"If you can pick it up, you can take it." Terry said.
"Deal." Jake said.
He turned in pain before leaning down groaning in pain to get the box.
He turned back around with his teeth clenched and tears in his eyes.
"See? I'm fine." Jake said as Terry turned to me.
"Take him home Conzer, he'll listen to you."
"Why can't Boyle?"
"That's an order detective!" He yelled as I helped Jake out.

       Jake and I drove in silence to his place, well I did.
He was singing along to Rascal Flats, I groaned shutting the radio off.
"Could you be anymore annoying?" I asked.
"Yes I.... AHHH." Jake let out a scream as he tried to show off.
"So about that night..."
"It was a one time stupid thing, we don't need to talk about it." I said turning the corner.
"Yes, we do."
"No, we don't... Besides this will never work, since Holt is my uncle and all." I said as I pulled over.
"I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN'S NIECE! I LOVE YOU!" Jake yelled as I looked at him.
"I love you, Elizabeth, An-and I know we've only known each other for two months and." I leaned over pressing a kiss on his lips.
"Just shut up and kiss me." I said as he smirked pressing his lips back onto mine.

the captain's niece [Jake Peralta]Where stories live. Discover now