Chapter 10

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      Last night was a late and crazy one, but I finally got into work over an hour late.
"Question: how many calories do you think I burned walking from there to there." A familiar voice said as I got off the elevator.
"You, female closest to me." They said again as I realized it was Seth, the one who trained me in the academy.
"Oh, uh, three?" Amy replied as I laughed.
"Ha! Try 0.8 numbnuts." I said stepping beside Seth.
"Elizabeth! My favorite academy student! How ya been?" Seth asked punching my shoulder.
"I've been better. Sorry I'm late aswell." I apologised.
"No problem. I was just about to tell your coworkers I made promises to my superiors that I most certainly cannot keep." I nodded.
"That's why I need those idiots to work twice as hard." He said pointing to the others.
"No, no, strike that. Four times harder! No, no, strike that aswell! I need you morons to work eight times harder than you've ever worked in your entire life! I'm having a heart attack." He stopped standing still.
"Yeah, I'm having a heart attack. Get back to work!" He yelled then fell to the ground.
"Get a doctor!" Terry yelled as I stepped over Seth's body.

       I sat at my desk going over paper work that I missed yesterday until Jake came over.
"What? I am trying to work." I said typing on my computer.
"Why won't you talk to me? Did I do something wrong?" Jake asked.
"You know exactly what's wrong. Rosa told me." I said.
"Oh, the kiss. Elizabeth it meant nothing." Jake said as I scoffed.
"Did it?" I looked at him.
"Rosa told me about your feelings for Santiago... And don't you think it's funny, how everytime we have an intimate moment she walks in." I said.
"Elizabeth, the kiss meant nothing. I promise you." Jake grabbed my hand.
"You sure? I-I mean I told her what happened in the past, and..."
"Elizabeth, I love you, not Amy... Okay?" I nodded.
"CONFERENCE ROOM IN 5 MINUTES." Sarge yelled at everybody.

"So I want to explain what happened back there." Seth said as Jake squeezed my hand.
"I did not have a heart attack. The doctors have informed me that I have a genetic heart condition... My aortic valve is 16% too narrow, which lowers my life expectancy from 103 to 64." He explained.
"So sorry, sir." Amy said.
"That's terrible." Agreed Boyle.
"Yes, it's depressing. They also informed me that I carry the gene for webbed feet, which is interesting, more than anything else." Seth told us all as I felt Amy's eyes on us.
"But, uh, when you stare death in the face, as I have, it really puts thing into perspective, namely that I've been wasting too much of my time farting around!" He yelled at everybody.
"So that stops now! Say good-bye to the fun, hilarious, laid-back Seth Dozerman that you used to love. Boys hand them out!" Seth yelled as we were handed devices.
"What the hell are these?" Rosa asked.
"These are Dozer-pads. Each one is equipped with GPS system and a countdown clock to remind you to complete a task every 55 minutes. Or for Carpenter never." Seth said as I cheered.
"It also has backgammon on it, which I could not delete but you are not allowed to play."
"What happens when the clock runs out?"
"Failure..." Seth said as the device yelled "you are behind schedule".
"Oh that's fun."
"Your 55 minutes starts now!" Seth yelled as everyone ran off.

       Jake groaned dragging me to Sarge's desk as I tried to throw out my wrapper.
"Sarge, I don't need to be monitored all day long. I'm not a toddler." Jake said.
"This is stupid." He grunted.
"I know you're not a toddler, because my toddlers know that "stupid" is a no-no word." Terry said.
"He's not wrong, I grounded Sam for a week when he said that." I said as Sarge pointed at me.
"Keep that Dozer-pad on you at all times."
"Fine, but I am gonna play the hell out of some backgammon." Jake said before dragging me away once again.

The Next Day:

I giggled at Jake as his finger tips ran up my thigh until Boyle came over.
"Hey guys, how was your night?" He asked winking at us.
"It was great, we ate junk food and watched reruns of scooby doo late-night. What did you do Charles?" I asked arms crossed.
"Well, I..."
"Peralta, Dozerman says he wants to see you." I gave Jake a small smile as he went into Seth's office.
Boyle and I looked at each other before running to the door to listen in.
"According to your Dozer-pad, two of your coworkers have been gathered around your desk for the last 90 seconds." Boyle and I stared at each other again.
"Also, someone named Norm Scully has been in the bathroom for the last 72 minutes."
"Oh, yeah, that means he's about halfway." Replied Jake.
"But in regards to the coworkers, sir, I was telling them I wanted to get more work done, but all they wanted to do was talk about my dating life, known full well that my true love is efficiently." I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend.
"You know my motto, sir. Cho's before hos. "Cho's" is "chores." What?" Jake asked.
"I like you, I could tell from the moment I walked in here that we were one and the same detail-oriented, love crunching numbers." Boyle and I hid our laughs.
"Bet your apartment's immaculate, could probably eat off the floor."
"And I do." Jake said as I gagged.
"I'm gonna handle this for you."
"Okay." Jake said.
"I'm gonna send out a Dozerblast." Seth said.
"Hey, everyone stop talking about Peralta's personal life... Dozerblast over." Boyle and I looked at each other.
Our Dozerblasters went off as we ran back to our desk, pretending to work.

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