Chapter 10

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A few days later I awoke to the steel door creaking open. I filled with joy glad this wasn't the way I would end.

Once the door was all the way open I galloped out as fast as I could and got a tight rope around my neck when I was about to fly. The rope jerked me back and I struggled for a bit but soon gave up hearing Gezzor's voice inside of my head again. I followed the hunter to the two poles. I snorted and rolled my eyes hoping that I wouldn't have to endure that routine where they put ropes and leather against my skin.

After they tied me up they put huge sheets of colored metal on me and used leather straps and steel chains to keep it in place. I attempted to shake off the annoying metal, that didn't work.

When they finally got all my armor on, the hunters untied my ropes and walked towards the steel doors. I did not want to go in there again. I jerked my head back and most of the hunters let go. I ran as hard and fast as I could with a couple of hunters still hanging onto the rope and being dragged behind me.

I took to the air not caring about the added weight of the hunters. I blasted the chains over the chained dome I was in multiple times until I got a smell of something good, a fish. I raised my nose and followed the scent to the steel doors then landed with several groans from the hunters I've been dragging around. I paced in front of the door deciding if I should go in and be trapped forever with a full belly or not.

Ultimately, hunger won and a found myself trotting inside and swallowing the few fish inside. The doors slammed behind me but I didn't care. All I cared about at that moment is eating as much as possible. There were only a few fish so I was still hungry but I felt that it was worth it.

That evening I heard more men so I peeped outside and saw more hunters dressed differently and one normally dressed hunter.

After a half hour of more and more people coming, the normally dressed hunter said, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen! Tonight I'll bring you two of the most vicious dragon in the archipelago! The beloved champion, the Skrill!" A huge roar of applaud and cheering came from the crowd of Vikings. "Verses the hardheaded, Rumblehorn!" As he said this two of the steel doors opened. The first dragon was a species I didn't recognize but when I saw the sparks of electricity bounce around on its back, it felt strangely familiar. The other one I had to think about it for a bit but soon identified it as a Rumblehorn.

The bright colored Rumblehorn fired a flaming rock blast that hit the other dragon. The purple dragon struck the Rumblehorn with a powerful bolt of lightning. The Rumblehorn collapsed and groaned in pain.

The purple dragon let out a screech and rushed towards the Rumblehorn. He slapped the Rumblehorn with his tail then screeched again. The Rumblehorn weakly got to her feet and wacked him with her clubbed tail which sent the purple dragon back a few feet.

The Rumblehorn rushed towards him and lowered her and charged with a force of 30 men, leaving a large bruise on the side of the purple dragons head. The purple dragon hissed his anger and shot another bolt of lightning at the Rumblehorn. The Rumblehorn lay on the ground, unconscious. He raised his head and the fight way over as quickly as it started.

The crowd cheered and chanted "Skrill! Skrill! Skrill!" Then the normally dressed hunter announced "And the Skrill is victorious once again!" The crowd cheered once more. "Be sure to come again tomorrow night! A legendary fight shall occur!" "And only one will be leaving triumphant! Will be, the spiky Deadly Nadder? Or the mysterious black dragon?" The hunters cheered again. I was starting to get tired of this endless applause.

Then someone from the crowd asked, "What species is this dragon?"

"I do not know. As I said, it is a dark mystery" answered the normally dressed hunter in sort of an evil voice.

I roared as loud as I could but only got a handful of glances. I paced in my cage while the hunters all left. I paced and paced but I just didn't know what to do and what will happen to me? Was I going to starve in this very cage? Was I going to fight with another dragon like I've seen? If so what dragon would I have to fight and could I make peace with them? If not would I meet the same fate as the Armorwing and Rumblehorn?

I thought about these things for a couple of hours then I formulated a plan, if I didn't get let out in a few days I would roar and screech and howl and purr and slam the steel doors with my body and hopefully they would let me out. If they let me out and there are a dozen men out there again I would play dead. If they let me out to fight I would be submissive to the other dragon and perhaps it won't hurt me. If he does, I will fight as hard as I can. Not like I have any other choice in that case.

Content with my plan I circled and lit the ground on fire to keep warm. I lay on the heated ground and revised my plan then fell asleep.

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