Chapter I

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The day was unsuccessful, to say the least. Aubrey and Chloe had been standing outside the whole day during the Activities Fair trying to recruit new women for the Barden Bellas - an acapella group within Barden University, Georgia. It was a rather warm day and Aubrey became more and more agitated the hotter she got and it didn't help that no one with bikini-ready bodies were showing up to grab a flyer with the promise of turning up to the auditions. After last year's failure at the ICCA Finals, the Bellas were struggling. They were a laughing stock and no one wanted to audition, especially since Aubrey was the new captain of the group.

Chloe, Aubrey's best friend, decided to ditch the bikini-ready body women and go for anyone who could sing, which turned out to be a success since multiple women grabbed flyers and with smiles on their faces. They weren't the types of women Aubrey particularly wanted since she believed the Bellas should consist of beautiful women. Even the name Bella meant beautiful in Italian. But Aubrey and Chloe had different ideas of beauty.

"Oh! What about her?" Chloe pointed out to a short brunette with dark eyeliner and rather alternative clothing on and Chloe's cheeks went as red as her hair.

"Oh... I don't know, she looks a little too... alternative for us," Aubrey said but Chloe just rolled her eyes and handed out a flyer to the younger woman.

"Hi! Any interest in joining our acapella group?" Chloe smiled.

"Oh, yeah, this is like a thing now..." The short woman smiled.

"Oh, totes! We sing covers of songs without any instruments. It's all from our mouths."


"So, are you interested?" Chloe asked, praying that the cute little alt-girl would say yes.

"Sorry, it's... pretty lame."

Chloe hung her head while Aubrey was ready to smack the girl down.

"Aca-scuse me? Syncronised lady dancing to a Mariah Carey chart-topper is not lame," Aubrey told her, trying to keep calm.

"We perform all over the world and compete in national championships," Chloe added.

"On purpose?"

Chloe hung her head once more.

"We played at the Cobb Performing Arts Center, you bitch," Aubrey snapped and the brunette was taken aback by the blonde's attitude.

Chloe was shocked and quickly stepped in. The last thing she wanted was for her best friend to turn away someone Chloe found super attractive and who could possibly be a new member of the Bellas.

"What Aubrey means to say, is that we are a talented group of ladies whose dream is to return to Lincoln Center this year. Help turn our dreams into a reality?" Chloe was practically begging the woman.

"Sorry, I don't even sing but it was really nice to meet you guys."

With that, the small alt-girl walked off and Chloe felt like she failed big time while Aubrey was annoyed beyond words.

"What... are we gonna do?" The blonde said through gritted teeth.

Chloe sighed then looked in the direction the brunette went. The redhead bit her lip as she watched the short woman stroll casually through the activities fair and she kept watching until she couldn't see her anymore. Aubrey looked at her friend and noticed what she was looking at but more importantly, who she was looking at and the blonde new Chloe was attracted to the brunette.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. Not the alt-girl, she thought. The woman had a serious attitude and if she happened to join the Bellas, Aubrey would have none of her cocky attitude and if Chloe did like the tiny brunette, then Aubrey would make her Chloe's responsibility. She looked at Chloe again and saw how disappointed she was and she had no doubt that the redhead wouldn't let the alt-girl get away that easily.


It was audition day and Aubrey was sitting near the front of the theatre with Chloe by her side while their opposing group, the Treblemakers - an all-male acapella group, sat in the back. Numerous people came out onto the stage to perform. Some were good, some were great, and some were just down and outright terrible. It wasn't difficult for Aubrey to pick out who she wanted to join. She took Chloe's advice and put aside her demands for bikini-ready body women and just focused on their singing ability and the blonde was able to pick quite a few people.

The auditions were long and sometimes borning since a lot of people weren't what Aubrey was looking for until one woman strode out onto the stage. She was tall, had long brown hair, green eyes, long legs, beautiful curves, and a massive set of boobs. Aubrey's mouth dropped at the sight of the woman and Chloe knew that Aubrey thought she was attractive. Aubrey wasn't a relationship type of person. She was always independent and didn't have time for much else than her studies. However, Chloe knew when someone caught Aubrey's eye and this girl happened to do just that, especially when Aubrey turned to Chloe with a massive grin on her face before looking back to the gorgeous brunette.

"Hi, everybody. My name is Stacie and my hobbies include cuticle care and E! Network," the brunette stated.

Aubrey nodded with a big smile on her face and let the woman sing. Stacie was a bit rough to start out with but once she got into the song a bit more, she rocked it and Aubrey was blown away, even more so when she watched Stacie's hands travel all along her body, which looked like she was feeling herself up. The blonde folded her leg over the other to try and calm the massive amounts of heat that were coming between her legs but it only made it worse.

Once the auditions were over, Chloe was more than a little disappointed when Beca, the cute little alt-girl didn't show up to audition, even after the redhead had barged into her shower when the brunette was singing. Just when Chloe lost all hope, Beca peered in the corner of her eye and Chloe lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Oh! Wait! There's one more!" Chloe said and encouraged Beca to come out onto the stage.

Aubrey wasn't impressed but she knew how much Chloe wanted Beca to perform so she let the alt-girl audition and to her surprise, Beca was amazing. Chloe beamed from ear to ear then looked at Aubrey who was mulling it over. Damn, why did she have to be good? Aubrey thought.

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