Chapter V

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The Bellas performance went well, even though Fat Amy got a little bit carried away during her solo of Turn It Around, but the crowd loved it. However, it wasn't good enough since the Treblemakers won but they still had the Semi-Finals to go and Aubrey was on everyone's case about getting everything perfect, not right, PERFECT. It was draining for everyone and Aubrey wasn't open to new ideas. Beca quickly got frustrated with the blonde and often had multiple disagreements with her but Chloe always intervened to stop them from having a serious argument.

"You've got to do something about her," Beca told Stacie.

The two were in Stacie's room relaxing after a long day. Usually, Beca would be with Chloe but the redhead had to stay behind and do some extra study so Beca was on her own for a few hours.

"What? About who?" Stacie probed.

"Aubrey, you've got to do something. If she gives me any more shit I'm going to rip her head off."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you've got a toner for her."

"What?" Stacie laughed.

"Oh, come on, Stace, we all know you and Aubrey have it in for each other."

"Who's we?"

"The Bellas and myself. You two practically eye-fuck each other every day and it's so painful to watch."

"Oh, like you can talk! You can Chloe can't even keep your hands off each other!"

"Yeah, but at least we did something about it! Aubrey's getting worse and worse and it doesn't help that she catches you flirting with other people."

"What? I'm not flirting!"

"Oh, really? When we all went out for drinks the other night you were flirting with the bartender."

"I got a free drink out of it."

"And pissed Aubrey off. Do you not see just how much she's into you?"

Stacie had to think. Looking back, it wasn't completely subtle the way Aubrey kept looking at the tall brunette. Stacie would often catch Aubrey staring, especially during training. Stacie would work up quite a sweat and she always wore revealing clothing. One, because she was a strong believer in letting her body breathe whilst exercising, and two, because she wanted to get Aubrey's attention and she did very well.

"I've caught her staring a few times but I don't think she's into me..." Stacie said and Beca just rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on, dude! She was practically drooling all over you last week at rehearsals!"

"I don't know..." Stacie shook her head softly.


"I just... I like Aubrey, I really do but I don't think she'll be into me."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, look at us - we're completely different people."

"Yeah, but opposites attract, dude. I mean, look and me and Chloe."

"Yeah, that did take me by surprise."

"Just give it a go. Aubrey is super wound up right now and you're not helping."

"What? Why me?"

"Because you're not! Aubrey's got it in for you super badly and you've got it in for her just as much but both of you are too scared to do anything."

"So, what, you want me to just go over to her room and have sex with her?"

"Not everything is about sex, Stacie. I'm saying that if you happened to go to her room and tell her how you feel, it won't be the worst idea. She'll probably tell you she feels the same way and if you two happen to have sex, calming General Posen down, then that'll be a bonus."

"So basically, you want me to bone our captain so she'll go easier on you?"

"That, and I also think you should give it a go. You like her and I don't know you that well but I know you enough to know that you want her badly."

Stacie sighed. Beca was right. She wanted nothing more than to tell Aubrey how she felt but she was scared. For the first time in her life, Stacie Conrad was scared.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Beca asked.

"She could say no."


"What do you mean so?"

"So she says no and you move on. It'll be hard but you didn't die. All she did was say no. Nothing else. Come on, Conrad, woman up and tell Miss Up Her Ass Aubrey how you feel. If I have to sit through another Bellas meeting watching you two eye-fuck each other I'm going to lose my mind!"

"Okay! Okay!" Stacie threw her hands up. "I'm going!"

"Thank you! I better head back to my room. Chloe will be finished soon," Beca said, packing up her laptop.

"Okay, wish me luck."

"You'll be fine, Stace. Good luck."


With that, Stacie carried herself down the hall, making her way to Aubrey's room. The brunette was nervous as all Hell but Beca was right - she had to do something. Her feelings for the blonde were growing stronger and stronger and she wasn't sure how much longer she was able to hold out.

Stacie eventually made it to Aubrey's room and took several deep breaths before knocking on the blonde's door. Stacie was trying not to be so nervous but she couldn't help it. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait too long before Aubrey opened the door, dressed in a white bathrobe with her wet blonde hair flowing over her shoulders and down her back. Stacie gulped. Holy shit, she said to herself. She looks so cute and hot at the same time!

"Oh, Stacie," Aubrey was taken aback by the brunette's presence.

She had no makeup on and she wasn't wearing anything underneath her robe. The blonde was quite embarrassed. If she knew Stacie was coming, she would have spruced herself up a bit.

"Sorry, I, I just got out of the shower,"

Stacie wasn't sure what came over her at that moment. All she knew is that she wanted the woman in front of her badly. Her mind went blank and she leaped forward, crashing her lips with the older woman's. Aubrey was knocked back several steps as Stacie kissed her. She had no idea how to react until Stacie's tongue forced its way inside Aubrey's mouth. The blonde groaned and eventually kissed the younger woman back. Stacie pushed her way into Aubrey's room, shutting the door with her foot.

Stacie slammed Aubrey against the wall and continued to kiss her hard until she needed to breathe. "I cannot tell you how long I've waited to do that,"

Aubrey looked into Stacie's beautiful green eyes. "Likewise,"

Stacie smiled then leaned back in for more kisses then undid Aubrey's robe, letting it fall to the floor. Stacie then bent down, picked up the blonde, and held her against the wall. Aubrey groaned and tugged at Stacie's hair, making the brunette make the same noise. After about five minutes of solid kissing, Stacie pulled Aubrey off the wall and carried the blonde down the hall.

"First door on the left," Aubrey mumbled against the younger woman's lips.

Stacie giggled in their kiss and followed Aubrey's instructions where they ended up having a very fun night.

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