Chapter III

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Stacie was greeted with a hangover and it wasn't pleasant and what made it worse was that she had her first Bellas training day today, which she was due to attend in half an hour. The brunette groaned but forced herself out of bed and into the shower, which usually helped with hangovers. It took everything in Stacie's might not to take someone back to her room last night but she didn't want to get banished from the Bellas but more importantly, she didn't have her eyes on anyone else except for an uptight blonde who happened to be her captain. Stacie didn't mind singing and if it wasn't for Aubrey, Stacie probably wouldn't have auditioned for the Bellas. Like Aubrey, Stacie also wasn't a relationship person or found herself genuinely interested in people but Aubrey was different. There was something about her bossy nature and her need for control that turned Stacie on like crazy.

The tall brunette had a cold shower to calm herself down before she went to Bellas practice. She had breakfast, got dressed, and made her way to the auditorium where practice was being held. Stacie was greeted by her fellow Bellas and she locked eyes with Aubrey who was looking at her. They smiled briefly before Aubrey made them all sit. Stacie hurried to the front row so she could get a good look at Aubrey's legs that were being flaunted for the first time thanks to a rather skirt. Stacie bit her lip as she watched Aubrey pace back and forth.

Aubrey began talking to the Bellas, informing them on how one of the Bellas was no longer with them because she slept with a Treblemaker the night before, therefore she was disinvited from the group.

"Wait, that oath was serious?" Beca laughed.

"Dixie Chick serious," Aubrey told her. "You can fool around with whoever you want just not a Treble,"

Beca and Chloe looked at each other with cheeky grins. They didn't get much sleep last night and they were tired but for them, it was totally worth it.

"That's not gonna be easy - he's a hunter," Stacie said, pointing to her crotch.

"You call it a dude?" Beca smiled, trying not to laugh.

Stacie nodded at Beca proudly, hoping that her comment caught Aubrey's attention and it did, but not in the way that Stacie hoped.

"Stacie," Aubrey bit hard on the brunette's name, snapping the tall brunette's attention back to her captain. "The Trebles don't respect us and if we let them penetrate us, we are giving them our power."

Stacie's smile dropped as she crossed her leg over the other. That was a big nothing, she thought.

"Not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate..." Fat Amy stated.

Aubrey then went on to disinvite another woman from the group since she also broke the Bella oath. Stacie swallowed hard. Aubrey meant business and Stacie was happy that she didn't take anyone home last night. If she got her way, she would have taken Aubrey back to her room but she wasn't sure what to make of the blonde just yet.

"Was that necessary?" Beca asked once the former Bella ran out of the auditorium crying.

"This is war, Beca," Aubrey said and began explaining the rules and why things were the way they were.

Beca rolled her eyes while Stacie bit down on her lip again, loving how authoritative and passionate Aubrey was becoming. There was something about Aubrey's controlling nature that attracted Stacie. Probably because Stacie was the one who was in control when it came to hookups and stuff like that but it was obvious that if she was going to get with Aubrey, the blonde would have total control and Stacie loved the thought.

Aubrey's rant was interrupted when she felt like she was going to vomit. She quickly turned around to control herself and Chloe stepped in to help calm her friend down. No one knew what was wrong until Chloe said that Aubrey didn't want a repeat of what happened last year. That's when Lily, the quietest member of the group, asked what happened and within no time, the woman got her iPad out and found a video of Aubrey vomiting all over everyone at last years ICCA Finals.

Everyone thought it was disgusting but also amusing at the same time. Aubrey was embarrassed, to say the least. Stacie was watching and she was laughing, which cut Aubrey deeply. If she ever had a chance to get with the brunette before, it was certainly gone now. There was no way Stacie will want to be with me now - a girl who projectile vomits whenever she gets stressed, Aubrey thought.

"Oh! Click on Guy Pukes On Cat!" Stacie told Lily.

"Enough!" Aubrey snapped. "It happened. It's over."

Everyone turned back around to face the blonde who had a hard time meeting Stacie's gaze.

"We will practice every day for two hours, seven days a week, and I trust that you'll add your own cardio," Aubrey said.

Beca's face dropped. "Why cardio?"

"Yeah, don't put me down for cardio," Fat Amy shook her head.

"Okay, moving on. This is a list of songs that we've ever performed and as you'll notice, we only do songs made famous by women."

Chloe began handing out the lists of songs, leaning down and giving Beca's cheek a sneaky peck when she gave the tiny brunette a list. Beca bit her lip, trying hard not to blush at the contact.

"There's nothing from this century on here," Beca stated once she looked at the list.

"Because we don't stray from tradition," Aubrey justified.

Beca tried not to smile as she kept her mouth shut. Aubrey is absolutely ridiculous for picking these old songs, Beca thought.

"Now, this is how we'll become champions," Aubrey flipped the whiteboard over to reveal a layout of how the Bellas would become successful and how they would climb to the top and win the ICCA Finals.

Stacie smiled at the blonde who was proud of her work and didn't hesitate to stand when Aubrey ordered them to. This is going to be a lot of fun, Stacie said to herself.

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