Chapter VIII

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After their makeup session, Stacie agreed to go to the Bellas rehearsals the following day, however, that was something to be desired. Aubrey was back to her controlling ways and everyone was quickly growing tired of the blonde's nature. Stacie tried her best to calm Aubrey down but the captain's mind was set on getting their performance perfect. Thankfully, Aubrey's reign on terror didn't last too long since Chloe had enough and ended up arguing with her best friend, telling her how fed up she was of Aubrey treating her like shit, especially after Chloe had always been there for her. Aubrey was denying it and justifying everything she did but things got worse when Chloe brought up Beca, causing Aubrey to lose control and projectile vomit all over the auditorium floor.

The Bellas were disgusted and Stacie would have been lying if she wasn't a little grossed out by it. She left Aubrey to argue with Chloe a bit more until it became physical and that's when Stacie decided to intervene but Cynthia Rose stepped in to try and 'protect' Stacie, which involved grabbing onto Stacie's boobs. That's when Stacie had enough of the woman's advances and all of a sudden, the Bellas rehearsal turned into a complete mess.

In the meantime, Beca had spoken to her father about what happened and explained to him about quitting the Bellas. She wasn't sure what to do. Chloe had tried to convince her girlfriend to come back but the alt-girl didn't budge. Her main problem was Aubrey and she couldn't stand the woman. Beca wasn't overly close with her dad but she needed to talk to someone older and wiser so he was her best option.

"What do I do?" Beca asked him.

"Well, that's up to you," he answered simply and Beca sighed. "What did Chloe say?"

"She said to come back."

"Then why don't you?"

"Because it's not that simple."

"Why not?"

Beca sighed again.

"Look, Bec, I'm not going to tell you what to do but you need to just look at some things and listen to what you actually want. You said yourself that you really liked those girls and that you enjoyed being a part of that group. You like music and you're able to share your ideas with them."

"But I can't though, that's the thing. General Posen won't let me."

"Well, maybe it's time to actually talk to her. Get Chloe on your side if you have to. Stand up for what you believe in, Bec, but perhaps... don't be so aggressive about it. You said that Chloe texted you, right?"


"What did she say?"

"To come back because I apparently make them better."

"Well, it looks like you'll have Chloe on your side."

"I don't know, dad..."

"Listen, I know it's a lot to consider but I know Aubrey. I've met her father and I've actually taught a few of her classes. I know her type and being aggressive isn't the way to go with her. Perhaps try a different approach - a gentler one."

"Why do I have to change when she doesn't?" Beca snapped.

"I know it's not fair but maybe if you try it that way, that's what'll help Aubrey change and see the truth about herself. All you can do is try."

Beca hated when her father made good points but he was right. She knew she was too aggressive when it came to things such as Aubrey but she really did miss the Bellas and singing with them. So, that's when Beca made the decision to head over to the auditorium where the Bellas were rehearsing. However, when Beca walked through the doors she wasn't expecting what she saw. Fat Amy, Chloe, and Aubrey were wrestling on the floor, Lily was making angels in a puddle of puke, Cynthia Rose was trying to get Stacie to stop blowing her rape whistle, while Jessica and Ashley were crying in the background.

"Guys! Guys, stop! What is going on?" Beca rushed in, making everyone freeze.

"Nothing," Aubrey answered as she stood. "Nothing, this is a Bellas rehearsal."

"I know, I... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. What I did was a really dick move and I shouldn't have changed the set without asking you guys, and I definitely shouldn't have left. I let you guys down and I'm really sorry. And... Aubrey, if you will have me... I want back in."

Chloe, who was now standing, looked at her best friend who had a smug look on her face. They all waited and waited but Aubrey didn't answer and Beca took that as a sign for her to leave and she was about to until Aubrey changed her mind at the last second and everyone sighed with relief.

"You came back," Chloe said, walking over to Beca while everyone was taking a seat.

"I did," Beca nodded.

Chloe beamed and placed a gentle kiss on the woman's cheek. "Proud of you."

Beca blushed. "Thanks,"

Once everyone was seated, the Bellas decided to go around the circle and say something about themselves that no one else knew and Stacie was the first one to go.

"Well, I have something that none of you know about me..." Stacie took a breath then looked at Aubrey who nodded in approval. "Aubrey and I are dating."

Everyone gasped and congratulated the couple and it was the first time that day that Aubrey genuinely smiled. Stacie put an arm around her girlfriend and Aubrey went to kiss her but the brunette pulled away.

"Clean that mouth first,"

Aubrey forgot that she had vomited all over the floor earlier and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"It's okay, you're still hot," Stacie reassured her, making Aubrey giggle and snuggle into her.

"Aww! Pair of cuties over here!" Fat Amy announced.

Aubrey buried her face into Stacie's neck but Stacie just laughed and kissed the blonde's head lovingly.

"But you're competing against Shawshank and Ginger here. They're pretty cute, too."

"Amy, come on..." Beca whined but Chloe giggled and kissed her cheek.

"So, Beca," Aubrey said. "What do we do?"

Beca looked at Aubrey then at the pitch pipe in her hand. Aubrey followed Beca's eyes and threw it to her only for Beca to miss, causing the pipe to roll into the puddle of puke.

"I'm sorry," Aubrey uttered.

Beca laughed then responded. "Maybe not here."

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