Chapter II

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It was aca-initiation night where the new members of different acapella groups came together to celebrate their success. Aubrey led the Bellas to the area outside where everyone was and the Bellas were all keen to get their drink on and have a good time. Before they came, Aubrey reminded them all not to sleep with any of the Treblemakers or else they would be disinvited from the group. Beca personally thought it was ridiculous, as did Stacie but they didn't say anything to the uptight blonde leader.

Aubrey smiled as she watched her Bellas have fun and enjoy the night. The blonde was sitting by herself for a little bit, keeping a close eye on Stacie who was downing alcohol like it was water and Beca who was being hit on by a Jesse, a Treblemaker, but she didn't have to worry too much since Chloe was on top of it. The redhead was the nicest person Aubrey knew and anyone else knew for that matter, but the sight of Beca being hit on created a massive amount of jealousy and anger within her. When Jesse left to get Beca a drink, Chloe raced over to the alt-girl, grabbed her hands, and pulled her in for a massive kiss, which took Beca by surprise but she didn't fight it. She couldn't stop thinking about Chloe ever since they met at the activities fair and she couldn't stop thinking about Chloe's beautiful, naked body after their shower encounter either.

Once the shock wore off, Beca kissed Chloe back and groaned when the redhead fisted Beca's hair and pulled her body closer. Chloe had a bit to drink but she wasn't completely buzzed. The alcohol just gave her that little bit of extra confidence that she needed to kiss the girl she had been crushing on for the past few days and it felt so good to finally do it.

While the two of them were making out, Aubrey was joined by Fat Amy, a blonde Australian who Aubrey could tell was going to be the funny one of the group. They got to talking and Aubrey found Fat Amy to be quite amusing and carefree.

"So, there's ten of us?" Fat Amy said.

"Mm-hm," Aubrey nodded.

"So that means that one of us is probably a lesbian,"

"You think? Which one do you think it is?" Aubrey asked curiously.

"My money's on black beauty..."

Fat Amy and Aubrey looked over to Cynthia-Rose who was being spoken to by Stacie. The brunette said something and the woman looked at Stacie's cleavage before nodding with a smile, agreeing to what Stacie was saying. Aubrey felt something in her stomach tighten and what she thought to be a relaxing night out quickly turned into a tense one.

Aubrey's eyes were on Stacie for the entire night and every time she saw the brunette getting hit on, flirting, and dancing with other people, the knot in the blonde's stomach wound tighter and tighter. Usually, Chloe would be Aubrey's go-to when she needed to talk but the redhead was too busy dancing and making out with Beca, who was no doubt going to hook up with the co-captain later on. Aubrey was tempted to go home but this was her night and she couldn't just leave. She had to make sure the Bellas were on their best behaviour and she couldn't rely on Chloe like she usually did.

"Aubrey!" Fat Amy called out. "Come dance!"

"Oh, I don't know, Amy, I'm not feeling up to it."

"Oh, bullcrap! Come on!" The Australian yanked the captain over to where everyone was dancing and Aubrey laughed and decided to have some fun and she did.

Aubrey was dancing and singing along to the music and she forgot about Stacie for a little bit until the blonde felt a pair of hands rest on her hips. She looked over her shoulder and saw that it was Stacie.

"You're a good dancer, cap!" She winked and it was obvious that all the alcohol Stacie had consumed was catching up with her.

"T, thanks, Stacie..." Aubrey felt her cheeks turn redder than Chloe's hair.

"This is such a good night!" Stacie beamed and continued dancing.

"I'm glad you're having fun."

"I am! It's the best!" Stacie danced with Aubrey a little longer then merged with some other people, making Aubrey's heart drop.

When that happened, Aubrey made her way out of the dancing group and got herself another drink.

"Hey, Bree!" Chloe walked over to her friend whilst holding Beca's hand. "We're gonna go back to our room, okay? Are you alright without me?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You go and... do whatever."

"Oh, I will," Chloe winked then turned to Beca who failed to hide her smile and rosy cheeks. "Come on, cutie," Chloe pulled Beca behind her and the brunette almost tripped up on her feet trying to keep up with the redhead.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and drank some more as she continued to watch Stacie mingle with everyone else, hating the feeling she got whenever the brunette got hit on. Aubrey was never a relationship person or someone who thought lustful thoughts but Stacie changed that for her within seconds. Aubrey wanted nothing more than to take Stacie home but the brunette was clearly heterosexual. Aubrey was, too, but again, Stacie changed that for her big time. Aubrey knew she would never have a chance with the leggy brunette and the realisation hit her hard and made her feel terrible. She hoped to God that Stacie wouldn't do something stupid and sleep with a Treblemaker and even if she did, Aubrey wasn't sure if she'd be willing to kick Stacie out.

Aubrey groaned frustratedly at herself, hating how she got a wave of feelings all at once. She wasn't sure what to do with them and she would usually talk to Chloe about them but she was busy getting it on with Beca the alt-girl. Aubrey just hoped that tomorrow would be a better day and that Stacie didn't break the Bella oath.

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