Chapter VII

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It was days after the Semi-Finals and Aubrey was still pissed off at Beca. It was her final year at Barden and the one thing she wanted to go right didn't. It took the blonde ages to get her vomiting under control and work her way back to the top and just when all was going well, Beca went and ruined everything, according to Aubrey anyway. The Bellas didn't make it to the Finals and Aubrey felt like the world's biggest failure. She knew she shouldn't have accepted Beca into the group. If she hadn't, she believed that she would have been preparing for the Finals but that wasn't the case. Aubrey hardly spoke to anyone since the Semi-Finals, with the only exception being Chloe since they were roommates but the two of them argued a little since Chloe wasn't happy that she upset Beca.

Ever since Chloe failed to stand up for Beca at the Semi-Finals, the tiny brunette was mad at her girlfriend and ignored her for about a day until Chloe came over and apologised profusely. It was hard to stay mad at Chloe so the pair of them quickly made up and they continued to spend the majority of their time together. Beca looked after Chloe when the redhead had surgery to remove her nodes and the redhead was ever so grateful for that. Aubrey still didn't approve of Chloe's relationship with Beca but it did get her thinking about Stacie. Even though Aubrey was mad, she missed Stacie. They hadn't officially had a label yet but Aubrey missed her nonetheless. However, the blonde was still angry and upset about what happened and wasn't prepared to look at herself and how she acted, especially towards Stacie.

It wasn't until Aubrey was at a pilates class that her mood turned around. She had just received news that the leader of the Footnotes wasn't actually a college student and was still in high school, therefore the Footnotes were disqualified and the Bellas automatically advanced into the Finals. Aubrey was over the moon and quickly texted all of the Bellas to let them know of the good news, everyone except for Beca of course. All of the Bellas were overjoyed and agreed to come to rehearsals the following day. However, there was one Bella who was reluctant and that's when Aubrey finally realised that she screwed up.

The blonde wasn't one for accepting her flaws and looking at herself and more importantly, changing herself, but this was Stacie. There was something about Stacie that made Aubrey feel different and she was actually prepared to look at her behaviour and accept that what she did was wrong. So, that night, Aubrey made her way to Stacie's room. She was nervous but she needed Stacie for the Finals but more so, she missed the brunette and it wasn't about the exciting, spontaneous relationship that they kept a secret, Stacie made Aubrey feel good about herself and made her feel like she was worth something.

Aubrey took a deep breath and knocked on Stacie's door once she reached it. She felt like she was waiting hours before Stacie opened up.

"Aubrey," Stacie spoke and Aubrey had to swallow the drool that threatened to fall out of her mouth once she saw Stacie in pyjama booty shorts and a skimpy tank top, which showed that the woman was NOT wearing a bra.

"Stacie..." Her name came out more like a prayer than addressment.

"Look, if this is about the Finals I'm not going. Like, I'm glad we got in but I'm not doing it anymore. What you said hurt me and I can't do this anymore."

"No, I know but it's not about that. I... I came here to tell you that I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Stacie frowned, having a hard time believing that Aubrey was actually apologising.

"Yes. Can... can I come in?"

Stacie was hesitant but she didn't particularly want to have a conversation in the hallway so she agreed and let Aubrey enter her room.

"Thank you," Aubrey stepped inside and made her way over to Stacie's bed but didn't sit on it.

Aubrey was more nervous than she would have liked and she hated the way Stacie made her feel like that. Aubrey was always strong and independent and SHE was the one who had control but not with Stacie. It seemed like it all got thrown out the window and there was nothing Aubrey could have done about it.

"Well, I'm listening," Stacie stated, taking a seat on her bed.

"Yes, right, umm..." Aubrey played with her fingers awkwardly before beginning. "Look, Stacie, I... I'm really sorry about what I said. I was so angry that I just wasn't thinking and I shouldn't have lashed out at you. I didn't mean what I said and I regret saying it. I... I've always been like that and I don't know how else to be."

"Aubrey, you really hurt me. I was trying to get you to see things from a different perspective but you weren't having it. I was trying to calm you down but you just dismissed me and attacked me. Like, what the Hell was that shit you said about me liking Beca? Where did that even come from?"

"I know and I'm sorry. I have no idea why I said that. I know that you and Beca like to hang out and I didn't think much of it but I just lost it at the Semi-Finals and I took it out on you."

"Yeah, you did and you didn't speak to me for days. It's not until now that you're here because you found out that the Bellas made it to the Finals, only by default for that matter. I fear that if that didn't happen then you wouldn't be here at all. I'm actually surprised that I let you in."

Aubrey hung her head. This wasn't getting any easier for her and she knew it was because it was Stacie. Not that any of this was Stacie's fault, it was the fact that Aubrey had a lot of pride to swallow and she had to be accountable for her actions and that wasn't easy.

"I'm so sorry, Stacie. I... I was an idiot and I don't know what else I can say. I... I miss you. I know that we just fool around but... I actually like you. I'm sorry that I've been so closed off when it comes to certain things like being open about what we have but it... scares me."


Aubrey sighed. "I'm just worried that you'll realise that you actually don't want to be serious and alternatively, not want to be with me at all. You said it yourself that you're a hunter and that you don't do relationships."

"No, I didn't,"

Aubrey looked up at the brunette confused.

"But now I do."

"W, what?"

"Aubrey... You have no idea how much I want to be in a relationship with you. I've never met anyone like you before and you drive me crazy but I love it. I want more but you also said that you weren't the relationship type."

"I wasn't until now."

"Then what do we do?"

Aubrey looked at Stacie's vulnerable expression then sat next to the woman, took her hands, leaned forward, and kissed her.

"Be my girlfriend," Aubrey whispered.


"Be my girlfriend. Let's make it official."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes," Aubrey smiled softly. "But only if you want to."

Stacie tried to contain her beaming grin but she failed and ended up kissing the beautiful blonde in front of her.

"Yes," she answered. "Let's do it."

Aubrey's smile grew just as much as Stacie's as she leaned in and began making out with her official girlfriend.

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