Chapter VI

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After their night of fun, Aubrey was a little more relaxed from there on in. Yes, she still worried about the Bellas doing their absolute best but whenever the blonde got too stressed, Stacie would come in and sort her out. It didn't go unnoticed by the Bellas as well what the two of them were doing. It was so obvious that they were hooking up. Aubrey wanted to keep it a secret since she didn't want to get crap from everyone. Stacie didn't care, but she humoured the blonde and kept her mouth shut, even though everyone knew they were an item.

It was the day of the Semi-Finals and the Bellas were more than a little nervous. Aubrey was on them like white on rice about getting the choreography right and making sure that there were no surprises like last time. Aubrey was happy with what the Bellas had done but was skeptical of Fat Amy who always had a tendency to go off track and do what she wanted but she was constantly reminded that she couldn't do that. Aubrey was also a little worried about Beca since the alt-girl didn't take what Aubrey said seriously, but Chloe reassured the blonde not to worry, as did Stacie.

With that aside, Aubrey was feeling pretty confident. The Bellas knew what to do and they practiced every day for two hours, seven days a week just as Aubrey said. They did well and Aubrey was more than excited to lead her fellow Bellas out onto the stage and into the Finals where she was sure they'd get to. However, when the Bellas got to the Semi-Finals, the Footnotes had acquired a new member who was an outstanding singer. The crowd loved their performance and what confidence the Bellas had now had diminished.

"Where did he come from?" Stacie said worriedly to the blonde captain.

"Shh!" Aubrey hushed.

Stacie sighed with an eye roll until Aubrey clenched her jaw and smacked the brunette's behind without anyone noticing.

"Ow!" Stacie jumped then turned to face the older woman who was practically glaring at her.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me. You know I can't stand it."

Even though they were in a stressful situation, Stacie tried her best not to smile. She loved it when Aubrey got pissy. There was something about it that attracted the leggy woman.

"Sorry, baby,"

"What have I said about you calling me that in front of the Bellas!" Aubrey hissed.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Aubrey."

"Thank you."

"Quickie before the show?" Stacie knew the answer but it never hurt her to put the idea out there.

"Stacie! No! We're on in ten minutes!"

"Alright, alright, just checking..." Stacie teased and Aubrey walked past the brunette and over to the Bellas where they all huddled in for a small pep talk.

Aubrey could see that Beca was agitated by Aubrey's authority but the captain didn't care. She believed she knew the best way to get to the Finals and if Beca didn't like it, then so be it. When they were called onto the stage, the Bellas filed out and began singing their usual set and all was going well until Beca noticed the crowd looking rather bored so the alt-girl took a plunge and added an impromptu of Bulletproof in hope to get the crowd interested, which worked.

After their performance, Aubrey attacked Beca and told everyone that she wasn't a Bella. Chloe tried to stand up to her best friend but Beca was so hurt already that she told the redhead not to bother and then quit. Chloe tried to calm Aubrey and tell her that it actually went really well but the blonde didn't have any of it and stormed off in anger while Chloe chased after Beca.

"Bree!" Stacie followed Aubrey the best she could in her uncomfortable heels. "Bree, hold on!"

"What, Stacie?" Aubrey snapped.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad,"

"Wasn't that bad! You're kidding, right? Beca completely screwed us up! She thinks she knows what's best for the group then has the audacity to say that she's trying? If she was trying then she'd do as I say but she doesn't!"

"Aubrey, the crowd was actually looking pretty bored. Even I saw it. I think what Beca did was risky but she got their attention. Couldn't you see the judges nodding and smiling when Beca was singing?"

"That's not the point, Stacie. We would have gotten to the Finals if she didn't do that."

"You don't even know the results yet."

"I don't need to! We're done!"

"Bree, come on, don't be like that," Stacie pleaded, reaching out to take the blonde's hands but Aubrey smacked her hands away.



"No, Stacie. I mean it. I'm too angry now to do anything, even have sex."

"Aubrey, Beca actually did us a favour. Why can't you see that?"

"Oh, so you're on her side now?"

"No, I didn't say that."

"Well, that's what it sounds like! If you love Beca so much then go and be with her like you always are!"

"What?" Stacie frowned.

"Oh, don't what me. I see how you look at her. You love her ideas and if Chloe wasn't in the picture you'd be with her. I'm not an idiot."

"Are you serious right now? I'm not interested in Beca at all! She's my friend and that's it!"

"I never know with you, Stacie, you have more sexual history than a damn STD."

Stacie wasn't sure how to react to that comment. All she felt was hurt and that's when she gave up.

"You know what," Stacie put her hands up. "I'm done. If you want to be that way then so be it. I'm done."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Aubrey asked when Stacie began to walk away.

"I'm done! We're done!"

Aubrey's anger bubbled over and she didn't even care what came out of her mouth next.

"Fine! Go then! I don't need you!"

"With pleasure!" Stacie called back and left the blonde to her own devices.

Aubrey fisted her hair then stormed out of the center, still furious about the night and she remained furious for quite a while after that.

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