Chapter IX

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Once Beca became in charge of the Bellas, everyone was getting along really well and enjoying themselves. Chloe was ever so proud of her girlfriend for coming back and so excited to work alongside her as was Beca. Aubrey was learning to relax a little more but sometimes she got a bit carried away and slipped back into her controlling ways such as one afternoon where Aubrey insisted that they maintained their cardio but Beca was saying that it wasn't so important.

"Aubrey, just chill out. We did cardio yesterday and I think we're okay," Beca told her.

"Okay isn't good enough, Beca! We need to be perfect!"

"Aubrey, we've been over this! Not everything has to be perfect! It puts too much pressure on us. All we need to do is our best and that's all that matters."

Aubrey grew frustrated as did Beca and the Bellas all rolled their eyes. That's when Stacie decided to step in and fix the issue by walking over to Aubrey, grabbing her wrist, leaning down, and flinging the older woman over her shoulder.

"Stacie Conrad! Put me down!" Aubrey protested but Stacie just ignored her and walked out of the auditorium.

The Bellas all looked at each other in confusion until Beca decided to give the Bellas all a quick break.

"What the Hell was that about?" Beca asked Chloe.

"I have no idea but whatever it is, I hope it works."

"Me, too."

Beca, Chloe, and the rest of the Bellas enjoyed their break by sitting around and relaxing. Everyone loved that Beca had taken over now since they were free to do what they wanted during their breaks. Beca was very carefree and because of her easy-going attitude, the Bellas were able to learn more and enjoyed learning more as well. It was a very dramatic change from Aubrey's controlling nature.

Speaking of Aubrey, after about ten minutes, the blonde was seen returning to the auditorium with Stacie by her side and they looked a little different when they got back. Aubrey's hair was a little messy, her cheeks were flushed, and she had this goofy grin on her face while Stacie had a cocky one as she wiped the sides of her mouth. Everyone watched curiously and was surprised about what happened next.

"Beca," Aubrey said, standing in front of the younger woman.

"Ah... Yeah?"

"I'm sorry for my outburst. I will try and be more relaxed. This is your show now so you need to do what's best for the group."

"Ah... Thanks, Aubrey. I... I appreciate it."

Aubrey nodded with a smile then turned back to Stacie who grinned pleased at the blonde then took her hand and sat her down. The Bellas all watched in confusion but didn't question it.

"Good girl," Stacie whispered before kissing Aubrey's ear.

"So does that mean I get the rest of my treat tonight?"

"Yes, you do."

Aubrey flushed and felt heat rush to her core again. Stacie smiled, put her arm around the blonde, kissed her head, and drank some water.

"Stace?" Aubrey spoke after a while.


"Do you wanna go out sometime?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"Well... yeah."

"Like, on a date?"


Stacie's smile couldn't have gotten bigger if she tried.

"Yes," she kissed Aubrey's head again. "I'd love to go out on a date with you."

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