Chapter IV

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Training was intense and merciless since Aubrey pretty much rained down Hell on the Bellas. Everyone was exhausted by the end of it and the only one who actually enjoyed it was Stacie. Aubrey was so bossy and so authoritative it drove the brunette crazy. Stacie wanted nothing more than to get into her captain's pants. Hell, she was ready to take the blonde on the auditorium floor she was that turned on.

"Okay, ladies, we have a gig next week," Aubrey said, handing out the schedule for next week to the Bellas, purposefully reaching out and giving Stacie one first.

"That's right, ladies, it's a Beta Fall Mixer," Chloe told them.

"Hands in, Bellas," Aubrey said and everyone just looked at each other oddly. "Hands in, aca-bitches!" She snapped and everyone quickly put their hands in the middle. "Sing, ah,"

"Ahhh!" Fat Amy sang.

"No, it's actually on three,"

"Oh, okay..." Fat Amy nodded with Beca holding in her laughter.

"Okay, one, two," Aubrey and Chloe sang but some of the other women went after three and it was a total mess. "Okay, we will work on that first thing next time. See you then!"

Everyone dispersed but Aubrey pulled Beca back, much to Beca's disapproval and the two ended up having a brief argument but Beca just brushed it off while Aubrey clenched her jaw tightly. Chloe wasn't sure why but she loved Beca standing up against Aubrey. But before she left with her girlfriend, the redhead quickly checked up on Aubrey who was pissed off.

"I'm not worried," said Chloe and Aubrey just scoffed at her.


The Fall Mixer was a huge failure and even more so when Chloe told everyone that she had nodes. Beca was upset for her girlfriend and spent the night comforting the redhead, trying her best to cheer her up. Beca wasn't a very affectionate person or one to care much about others but Chloe was the sunshine to Beca's raincloud and Beca couldn't help but care for the older woman. Chloe made Beca happy and Chloe meant everything to Beca, even if they had been going out for a week. Beca never met anyone like Chloe before and she wanted to do everything in her power to look after the redhead and make her happy whilst maintaining her badass persona, which Chloe loved.

Not too long after the fall mixer, Aubrey took the Bellas to a Riff-Off in an emptied out pool at the University where other acapella groups came to compete and random students came to watch. Aubrey and Chloe were the only ones who knew how Riff-Off's worked so they explained it the best they could to the Bellas.

"So we just sing any song and just go with it?" Beca asked Chloe once they entered the pool.

"Ah huh," Chloe nodded.

"Okay," Beca said nervously.

"You'll be great, baby," Chloe pecked Beca's cheek, boosting the brunette's confidence instantly.

The Bellas quickly learned how the Riff-Off worked then waited for the next category to be announced, which turned out to be songs about sex. Stacie's face lit up. She knew every song there was about sex so finding a song wasn't hard for her and thankfully, Cynthia-Rose began singing S&M by Rhianna and Stacie was quick to join in. The brunette began dancing rather sexually with the other woman and it didn't sit right with Aubrey. The tight knot in her stomach was back and she was beginning not to like the soulful singer that much since she could see just how obvious her toner, musical boner, was for the tall brunette.

The pair kept singing until the Treblemakers cut them off and Stacie just stood there watching them sing but it looked like they were singing to her instead of everyone else. Aubrey had enough so she stormed over to the brunette and grabbed her arm. Stacie spun around and read Aubrey's lips that were telling her to leave. Stacie followed but quickly had an idea and told Aubrey. Aubrey would have usually said no but this was Stacie so she let the beautiful woman do as she wished and she did. Stacie cut the Treblemakers off with a new song until Jesse stepped in and began singing but this song was at Beca, which didn't go unnoticed by Chloe. The redhead pursed her lips and went to take Beca's hand until the alt-girl got a wave of confidence and ran up to Jesse and began singing No Diggity.

Everyone was taken aback by Beca's confidence, making everyone, not just the Bellas, join in. Beca loved how everyone was enjoying her song and Chloe was ever so proud of her girlfriend. Once they were done, everyone in the pool cheered for them, except for the Treblemakers. Jesse was the only one impressed out of all of them. Unfortunately, the song Beca chose didn't suit the category, causing them to get disqualified and ultimately, making the Treblemakers the winners.

"Before everyone goes to sleep tonight, I need you to make a list of everything you did wrong," Aubrey told the Bellas once they were away from the Trebles.

"Guys, what we did was great, right?" Beca said.

"Calm your pits, Beca, we still lost," Aubrey grumbled.

"Yeah, but it was spontaneous. It was awesome. We were actually listening-"

"Okay, everybody - hands in. Ah, on my count," Aubrey ordered and Beca rolled her eyes.

"Wait, on three or after three?" Stacie asked and the Bellas bickered amongst themselves, causing Aubrey to lose her patience even more. "Why can't we figure this out?"

Aubrey rolled her eyes again then dismissed the group, telling them to be at the auditorium at nine sharp the following day. They had the Regionals coming up and it needed to be perfect.

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