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 The whole building seemed quiet and abandoned for quite some time. All of the rooms that I passed were absolutely empty.

"It's absolutely quiet here. Are you sure that it is the right place?" I asked quietly.

"It should be. Have you noticed anything suspicious? Natasha answered.

"That's the problem. There's nothing." I whispered and continued to walk. I heard somekind of a voice that started to get closer to me. I dodged into an empty room and continued to ambush next to the door.

"There is something." I whispered in a hurry and right as it was passing me, i smacked it on the head, leaving him uncounsious. "I'm starting to believe that it's the right place." I said again and continued to search through the building. I noticed a light to have been lit in a room about 4 metres from where I was standing. I peeked from the small gap in the door and noticed a staircase, with a trapdoor which was open. I stepped into the room so quietly that you could hear a pin drop. It was only when I had gotten in, when I heard the voice.

"I went down somekind of a staircase and I am now somewhere unerneath the building. I can hear someone talking." I whispered quietly and crept on.

"Be careful."

I crept through a maze of walls. It was like a labyrinth. I arrived in a bigger room and hid behind a wall. The whole room was full of somekind of weird engineering and people busy with something.

"I have visual on him." I whispered quietly, noticing a tall man standing a little bit away from me. I could recongise him with an ease due to his weird greenish- black outfit and cole-black hair. He was, fortunately, standing with his back facing me so he couldn't see me. I stepped out of the shadows, gaining looks from several busy-budies. It was certain that their boss hadn't missed his chance to notice me. He turned around slowly with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Never would have thought that you would honor me with your visit." He said, taking a few steps closer to me. "You really have turned into their lapdog." He added with an evil smirk.

"And you still keep on becoming more pathetic by the minute." I snapped at him. I raised my right arm, preparing to start the attack. All there was a loud bang and the wall behind me exploded. "Ladies first!" I snapped at him and created an energy field around me.

"You are no human. More like an animal." he said, walking into my energy field. He reached his scepter's sharp point to my chest, but nothing happened. All I could feel was cold spreading inside my body, but only for a moment. That was all I could feel.

"I guess animals are heartless enough." I huffed at him with a small smile on my face and pushed him away with an energy wave. Everything happened so fast. I could hear a loud explosion and everything around me went black. The ground underneath was gone and I could feel as I hit myself against something multiple times. I landed on the concrete floor and heard stuff falling onto the ground around me. I could feel sharp pain in my left leg and ribs and in my right arm. I forced my mouth shut, trying not to start screaming from the pain.

"Roberts! Come in! I could hear a voice from the earpiece.

"I'm alive." i clenched through my teeth, only then noticing the pieces of the building that kept me confined.

"What happened?" asked the same voice that I recognised  to be Natasha.

"Let me know when you find out." i answered quickly and coughed because of the dust that was in the air.

"It's hard to tell since the whole building collapsed. Can you tell me where you are?" Nat kept asking.

"I don't know. But it is really tight in here." i answered through my clenched teeth, teleasing a low growl.

"Are you injured?" came a new question.

"I think yes. My left leg seems to be broken or something really heavy is on it because i'm unable to move it right now. A rib seems to be cracked as well and or course there are a lot of cuts and bruises." I answered very quickly. 

"We are trying to locate you and get you out of there as quickly as possible. We need to get some backup. We'll let you know if anything changes." Nat said before the utter silence. I felt oddly weak. It was something I hadn't felt for a long time. In hopes that the pain decreased, it increased. An hour later I was in harrowing pain.

"Roberts. Try to stay awake. Just in case." Rogers said suddenly.

"Thank you for your consern, but due to this agonising pain, I couldn't fall asleep even with a sedative."  I said a little ironically, shifting myself into a more comfortable position, that my leg didn't approve of. "What is going on out there? Is it still evening?" I asked my questions, being tired of the darkness around me.

"It's early in the morning. The sun is still rising. After which we will start looking for you. In the meanwhile I had decided to do a backround check on you." He said. 

"Thanks for the info and for caring." i said with a sigh.


The second day had already begun and nothing much had happened. At least not for me.The pain was still agonising and I was terribly exhausted as well, but my mental health was the worst.My thoughts were getting darker and darker. All I could think about was getting out of there and letting my wolf side erase its hunger. I knew I had delayed the hunt and I could see my humanity slipping away slowly. Somewhere deep inside I was scared for the first person, who would find me. I wouldn't be able to hold myself back... All I could do is to attack. I would act like a true predator, who would only be afraid of its own wellbeing and wouldn't hold back. 

"Roberts. We managed to locate you. It's going to take a few hours to get you out of there." said a little bit happier voice, that I didn't even bother to recognise.

"Mhmhh.." I mumbled. Those were my only answers lately.


I could feel a wave of cold run over my spine, like it usually happened lately. Why couldn't my body heal itself anymore? I could hear distant voices and crackling noises. I felt myself going more numb by the minute and felt drowsy. From out of nowhere, a bright beem of light lighted my dark surroundings. All of the sounds around me went more and more quiet.

"She has been found! Hurry up!" I could hear someone's commanding voice from the distance. As soon as I felt someone's warm arm around mine, i blanked out and the pain went away as well. Was this Death?

 Well, i guess it s the last chapter this year. We continue writing thin as well in the next year. As i remember i still don t have any idea what do you guys think about this story. Would you tell us...please? *does puppy eyes*

Happy new year to all of you!

Young woman with old spirit (Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now