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Who am I? I asked myself as I woke up from my deep sleep. When I tried to move, I felt sharp pain and stiffness in my body. I breathed in the air that smelled a bit weird. Where am i? I opened my eyes slowly, looking at the ceiling. I slowly made myself sit, supporting my elbow against the wall behind me. Why am i here?  I had a new question thought out. My gaze stopped at my hand. My skin was pale, almost white. I couldn't help but notice the tubes stuck to my hand. I slowly pulled them off, still gazing my hand. My eyesight was starting to get foggy. What am i? I heard the door open and slow steps, but i paid no attention to the person who entered.

"Who am i?" I asked quietly, looking at the person who seemed to be observing me with a worried look. Is it possible that i have seen him before? Did i know him?

"Sorry. I'll be right back." said the man and left the room as fast as he had entered it. As I was left alone in the room once again, I started to pay more attention to my surroundings. My left leg hurt and I had no intention of moving it. I peeked under the blanket and saw that my leg was in a cast. Something was wrapped tightly around my torso and saw a layer of bandages. 

"What battle have I been to?" I asked myself, dropping the blanket onto my legs again. Moments later the same person, who was here before, stepped in and 2 people followed pursuit. 

"Would someone be kind and tell me who I am?" I asked with annoyed look on my face, placing my hands on my lap.

"Your name is Rayanne-Amelia Roberts." Answered the man who was here for the second time.  "I am Steve and those two are Tony and Bruce." I answered with a nod. Another man entered the room.

"This is Clint." Added Tony.

"As we understood, you remember nothing?" Asked the man who I thought to be Bruce.

"I only remember today. Everything that has occused after I woke up." I said with a small frown. " What happened to me anyway? It looks like i had been hit by a truck or something." Everyone exchanged glances, not knowing what to say or do until the one named Clint decided to break the silence.

"You were trying to catch a villain. The building where you were in came crumbling down and you got stuck under the debris. You barely made it." he said.

"Who was he? What had he done?" I asked.

"The last time he tried to conquer Earth, losing the battle. Now he is after revenge, trying to get you to join him and use you against us. He happens to be a demi-god, who's brother is on our side. Clint answered again. The whole attention went back to the door as a woman with red hair entered. 

"How's with Roberts?" she asked Clint.

"She remembers nothing. She takes it all way too calmly. Usually a person with memory loss starts to panic." Answered Clint, turning his gaze to her.

"Am I going to get out of here soon?" I asked with a slight cough.

"First we need to check you again. You may go if you want to, but be gentle with the leg." I got my answer from Bruce.

"Can i get changed?" I asked the group.

"Yep. Your clothes are here since last night." Bruce answered again, pointing towards the little cupboard next to the bed.

"Natasha, can you help me, please?" I asked the red-haired woman, earning an amazed look. I felt something weird in my head and took a note of that little discovery.

"at least you remember one name." said Tony with a slamm smirk.

"Don't worry, Stark. I remember last names." I said with a nervous look.

"This should be a good sign." said Steve.

"That's right. It means that your memory is recovering on its own." added Clint.

"It's a weird feeling when I suddenly remember something." i sadi quietly.


After a whole hour of changing clothes and health check, i got the green light for leaving with my crutches and starting to record my memory of hallways and paths. Everything around me looked so familiar. As Barton and I went through the Control Room, I used the oppurtunity to snoop around while Barton talked to a person named Fury.I went through coridors, memorising everything I saw. Soon I reached a room that had a huge glass room in it. For a moment I felt a weird feeling in my head and I had flashbacks. This place was familiar to me as well. The flashbacks that I had seemed to be from the INSIDE of the glass room. Had i been in there?

"Remember something?" I flinched from the voice that suddenly appeared behind me. I slowly turned around to find Clint there. 

"Mhmhh. I remember having been there, but I can't remember when it happened and why I was in it." I answered, turning myself to face the glass room again.

"You have been in there twice." he answered, coming next to me. "And there were people after you. You managed to sneak away so quietly." he added with a small smile.

"I have a feeling i am not a person, who likes to stay still." i said with an apologising look and started to leave the room, Clint in my tow.

"You're right about that." i heard him chuckle.

"How did I use to act before? I have a feeling something is way different." I asked, starting to walk towards the Control Room.

"You're a lot calmer now. You used to be hyperkinetic and wanted to do everything on your own." he answered.

"Hmm... So there's hope that we can cooperate?"

"It's very possible. Fury decided that you need to be trained. Trainings start once you're fully healed." he added, looking at my broken leg." Aren't you tired of walking around with crutches?"

"No, thank you. I can handle it." i answered, hopping to the Control Room.

"Well done, Agent Barton. You managed to find her." said Fury, standing a bit further away.

"Why don't you go and sit down. I hope you don't start wondering around alone again." Clint pointed towards the table that was surrounded by chairs. I sat on one of the chairs, leaning my crutches against the table. Clint was talking to Fury about something again. I felt warmth in my broken leg and my vision turned foggy. I had another flashback. I saw an older woman, to whom i was talking to about quitting some job. Next I saw something about a dark alleyway, facing an unfamiliar guy, a weapon floating above my hand with the gun barrel pointed towards the man. A picture of a forest and a deer with huge fangmarks. Someone's hand fell onto my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts with a flinch.

"Did you remember something?" Clint took a seat next to me, his hand still on my shoulder.

"Yeah. If I understood right something about my previous job, some dark alley, about a forest and a deer with fangmarks." I answered with a sigh of relief, feeling chills run down my spine. 

"Better this than nothing." added Clint.

 Took a lot of time but here it is :) Please comment. We would really like to know what do you think about this fanfic.

Young woman with old spirit (Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now