First Costume

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So much about hunting then.  I had just stayed there, looking at him with my head piling up with questions.

"How do you know that? What's your name? How do you even know about me?" i asked immediately. The anger had gone and had been replaced with confusion.

"My name's Rayner Roberts. The rest is a bit longer story and as i can see you are not here to talk to me but to hunt." he said and looked at the dead elk in front of himself.

"Actually i have lost my apetite. Finish it up and meet me outside of the woods, near the city." i answered and phased. I ran for a bit, my head still filled with the same idea. Is it possible? I mean me having a brother. In that case he has to be older than me. Why didn't my parents ever tell me about him? Why did they have to keep it a secret?WAIT! THEN HE ALSO IS A WOLF! DID DAD MANAGE TO EXPERIMENT ON HIM ASWELL?  my thoughts had gotten loud. Without being noticed i had gotten out of the woods and stood near a rock as a wolf. I phased back into human and climbed onto the rock. 15 minutes later i saw a huge black blurr come out of the woods. A moment later there stood a man. A man from the outside i mean.

"Now tell me. Why did my... our parents kept us seperated?"i asked with a silent voice, my gaze on the leaves of grass that were moving with the wind.

"I was born eleven years before you did. Dad was already experimenting and started with the research of the genes and shit like that. When i turned 10, my mood behaviour changed hyperventilately. Dad wrote it all down, word-by-word and hid it all in his lab. Then i ran away from home and 32 years later, when i returned, i saw the house had been abandoned. I decided to seach through his entire lab and found an unfamiliar thick folder with information. I managed to read about a new experiment and its success. I cracked the safe open and found some interesting things."   he spoke for a while and stopped. I looked at him for a second and looked back at the leaves of grass.

"I found adoption papers. There was no name or date but it ment that one of us was adopted in a very young age. Since i found your name in the folder which described dad's experiment, i decided to find you. Since your my sister or so. And because you constantly changed your address, it was hard to reach you and it also took a lot of time. I know that you don't trust me but i hope that you will. Now tell me about yourself." he sighed when he stopped talking and looked at me with a curious look on his face.

"More fragments about the past... More of that horror... At least i'm not the only one like that. When my transition took place, mom and dad were constantly fighting. I don't remember or didn't hear what they were talking about but i remember that it was bad. When dad was ratted out and a day before his trial, he comitted suicide. Then mom got ill and a year later she died. After my twentieth birthday i moved out of the house. And now a few days ago i quit my job, was captured as a wolf, got placed a chip under my skin and then i ran. I got captured as a human as well. Now i work somwehere up there on a huge howercraft in a nice team. There haven't been much work but luckily they are a nice companion. Now they are probably wondering why the hell i'm standing in one place." i huffed and moved my fringe away from between my eyes.

"A pet? At least you have somene to talk to. I haven't been able to do that for the past 10 years. Maybe i can help as well? What is your job like?" Rayner was interested.

"I helped to catch the criminal of the century and now we have to wait for his brother to take him away. By the way- he's a demigod." i said, raising my finger, giving him a sarcastic sign on the matter of the situation "Do you have any powers?" i added another question.

"Yes. I can control fire and other elements, but i'm not going to name them. You?" he asked in return.

"I can move things with my mind. I can read information about any person from one touch or from a fingerprint. My eyes change colour, when i'm upset." i answered with a sigh and jumped off the rock, landing in front of Rayner.

Young woman with old spirit (Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now