9: I Can Make My Own Decisions

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"You have school tomorrow!" Adi's Mom called from the hallway, cutting off the rest of what she was going to say. "You should be in bed by now!"

"I know, Mom!" she called back, "I got to finish my homework. Five minutes, tops."

"You're sure about that?"

"I'm sure, Mom. I'm nearly finished already."

"Okay, young lady. But I expect your light to be off in five minutes. Tops."

Adi shook her head. So what if Mom could see the light from her bedroom around the edge of the door frame? It wasn't like it would be bright enough to keep her awake, it wasn't as bright as the moonlight or any other light that might be coming in. She probably couldn't even see it unless she stood out on the landing watching for the lights to go out.

She glanced down at her homework, which was almost finished. There were just a dozen problems she'd skipped over because they seemed too much trouble to think about while she was on the phone. She could do those at morning break tomorrow, and nobody would know any different.

"Sorry about that," she whispered into the phone. "Mom's yelling again. She wants me to be in bed already. I think we got this, though. Thanks. Again."

"No worries. And if there's anything I can do to help out, just let me know. I mean, you were listening to those things just to do the reviews, and I kind of pushed you to do more. So I feel responsible in a way."

"Don't worry too much," Adi shrugged, while she got up and switched off the bedroom light. She preferred to have her curtains open just a crack, and the silver moonlight gave the shadows enough of a shape that she could get to bed without tripping. "Just being able to talk to somebody about it makes me feel so much better. I never thought I'd say–"

"Good night, Adelaide," Mom's cheerful, sing-song voice came from outside the door, followed by footsteps leading back to her own bedroom.

"Crap!" Adi responded much the same as the last time she'd heard her name, but this time it was the start of a stream of curses somewhat longer, and padded out with just about every unpleasant word she could think of.

"Was that your mom again?" Britney asked over the phone. "I couldn't hear, but I guess..."

"Yeah, it happened again. I can get changed easy enough, but Mom might be wondering how I filled up the laundry hamper so quick. If she even notices, I guess. And she'll shout me when she hears my alarm go off in the morning too. So if this doesn't wear off overnight, I'll have to wear pull-ups to keep from wetting the bed."

"I guess it's not the problem it could be. Like, if it's only your clothes need washing, and you've not got to deal with a puddle on the carpet or something."

"Yeah, that's about the only silver lining. It makes me let go, but I can stop it as soon as I realise, so it's only a tiny bit. I'd be in so much trouble already if I was really like a baby, like I didn't know how to hold my pee at all or something."

"I'll let you get cleaned up, anyways. Good luck, and hoping you're better tomorrow."

"You and me both," Adi laughed. Her friend was right about that, at least. Even with something so embarrassing, there was a bright side to look on if you could find it. She went into her little bathroom and changed her clothes again. She put on one of the pull-ups, and some tight fleecy pyjamas that were really better suited to winter nights. That would hopefully be tight enough to hold the diaper in place, so it wouldn't move if she was tossing and turning in her sleep. She brushed her teeth, tied her hair back so it wouldn't strangle her in her sleep, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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