108: I'd Do Anything for Love, But Maybe Not That

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"You loved it, didn't you?" Adi couldn't bring herself to say what she was really feeling, she wasn't quite sure herself, but she was absolutely certain that her girlfriend had enjoyed the evening. So the question was the easiest way to answer, without embarrassing herself further.

"It was fun, and you were adorable," Toni answered slowly, thoughtfully, and in a voice that somehow focused Adi's attention entirely on her lips. "But it's not something I'd ask for if it makes you uncomfortable. I love you too much to enjoy myself at your expense."

"It was fun," Adi admitted. "I mean, it's not something I would have chosen. And I want to get rid of the hypnotic suggestions as soon as I can. But as long as it lasts, or if I can change the trigger to a name that won't be said by accident, then I wouldn't mind... just occasionally... if we can organise something like this when it's convenient for both of us... if you want to..."

"Thank you, babe," Toni pulled Adi close, and kissed her on the cheek again.

"Now, I really need the bathroom," Adi blushed, pulling back before a kiss on the cheek could turn into anything more intense.

"You're going to be a big girl and change yourself this time?"

"I..." Adi started to respond, and then her memories clicked together and she pouted. "I was planning to last time."

"You said I could change you," Toni pointed out. Still grinning contentedly, but a little more serious now. "Did I misunderstand? I'm pretty sure you..."

There was a few seconds of silence, in which Toni started gnawing gently on her bottom lip. That worry there, the fear that she'd crossed some line, told Adi all she needed to know about her girlfriend. That she could be so concerned about a little mistake had to mean that she cared about Adi's feelings more than anything.

"I maybe assumed things you didn't actually say," Adi spoke carefully. "I can't remember the exact words, but I think it's probably my mistake. You said you wanted to change my diaper, and I thought that might be nice. Easier than trying to reach those tapes myself, which still isn't comfortable even after all the practice. I thought I could use the bathroom, and then you'd put a clean diaper on me, and then say my name to make me a baby. Or make me a baby first, I don't know. I never thought you'd make me..."

"Oh no! I'm sorry, I just assumed... I said I wanted to change you, and you said something like you need to pee first, and I thought you meant I should..."

"Don't worry. I mean, it could have been embarrassing afterwards, but I didn't even realise it was weird until you said just then. When I'm in that mindset it just seems so natural. And it feels like I've been so silly now, how I was getting all bent out of shape over it. I mean, I'm doing everything I can to make those suggestions end, that hasn't changed. But in a time and place when you're here with me, and I know I'm feeling so safe and protected, maybe I wouldn't mind so much. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not something I'd sign up for. But if you enjoy having that much... that kind of control over me? Maybe if you ask me, I wouldn't say no."

"Control, is it? How about if I just don't want you to be away from me?"

Toni's hand tightened around Adi's wrist, and the implication was clear.

"Won't your brother be back soon?"

"Yeah. But he'll be playing games online. If we're in my room, we won't even see him."

"Revision party? Or do you want to do something more fun? More baby time?"

"Maybe a bit of both, if you're up for it. We need to do something productive as well as just enjoying ourselves. Maybe you can keep playing like a little girl, while you're wearing such a cute outfit. And then I can help you study for your exams, and see what other kinds of fun we can have."

"Sounds like you've got a lot of plans."

"Not really. I just don't want to let you out of my sight."

"Even to use the bathroom?" Adi pulled gently against the hand on her wrist, squirming just a little in discomfort. She knew that the extra cute diapers she was wearing now didn't have the same high-tech resealable tapes as the medical ones, so she wouldn't be quite as cute after a few minutes. But even to give Toni a few more minutes of something she seemed to love, she didn't think she could hold it anymore.

"Is that my choice?" Toni raised an eyebrow, and waited for Adi to nod in response before she stood and moved closer. She pressed her lips gently against Adi's, and followed with a few gentle kisses along her jaw before gently nibbling on her earlobe and, finally, whispering her name.

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