112: There's One Game I'll Always Win

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"If I was a baby and you're going to diaper me, then I'd lose all my potty training as long as I'm in diapers instead of wetting right away." Adi smiled just a little as she heard herself say the words. The phrasing wasn't exactly the same as she'd carefully spoken a few minutes before, but she was sure it meant the same thing. They'd decided that getting her to list her baby behaviours would be a good way to find out if the trigger had been successfully modified before they actually tested it.

"I think that sounds straightforward enough," Toni nodded her confirmation. "So, some child-appropriate video games, and see how well that works?"

Adi nodded nervously. After all the weeks she'd spent trying to break this trigger so that she wouldn't wet herself again, she'd actually added a suggestion deliberately that would make it happen more often. It was hard to believe that she would even consider that, it went against everything she knew about herself. But when she thought that this was something Toni enjoyed playing with, and how comfortable she'd actually felt when she'd last been a baby for her, it was hard to imagine saying no.

"Want to test it, Babe?" Toni gave a wicked grin.

"You sure it'll work right?"


"Would you tell me if you weren't? You want to watch me wet my pants, don't you?"

"I do. But you said I'm not allowed to trigger you like that, and I'd never push you into something that bothers you so much. I think we got it right this time, as long as you know I'm about to put you in diapers, then you won't wet yourself when you hear your name."

"Promise there's not some catch I'm missing?"

"The only catch is that I'm going to be waiting. Someday you'll be curious enough to want that spanking, and you'll be ready to wet your pants for me."

"Someday. Not today."

"Not today. But you already agreed, Babe. When you wet your pants, you'll be getting that spanking. And you'll be in the cutest diapers we have for the rest of the day. That's a promise."

"Yes, Mommy," Adi giggled. She didn't think she'd ever be willing to go that far. There was something intensely humiliating about being made to wet herself, and she was sure she couldn't bear it when she wasn't diapered. But she'd thought the same about all babyish behaviour a month before, and now she was agreeing to so much of it. She knew better than anyone else not to knock something until she'd tried it. "But right now, I think we were going to see if I could be a toddler without peeing. And without needing to use the bathroom first to make sure. Or should I..."

"Trust me. Trust your subconscious. I'll say your name, and you'll still be able to hold it because you're about to be diapered. But..."

"Okay, let's try it. And if I end up having a little accident anyway, then I guess that's a sign my subconscious wants to let you play out your fantasies on some level. To explore the possibilities."

"Okay, Adelaide. Time to be my little baby."

Adelaide couldn't help gasping a little as she heard her name. She'd been surprised by the trigger so many times, and now a part of her mind was half expecting to lose control right away. But after a few moments, she realised that she barely felt any different.

She turned and looked up at Toni with a smile. That was different; in her mind the labels that said "friend", "girlfriend", and "Mommy" had all merged together, and she was sure she couldn't separate them. She knew that Toni was her Mommy, and that she never wanted to be separated from her. And she was sure that those thoughts had been changed by the trigger, even though they felt so natural that they were beyond question. But this time her bladder hadn't reacted. It had worked.

"Yes, Mommy," she said with a smile. And now the word wasn't come gag, or a running joke between them. It was simply the most natural thing to say, and a word that gave her immense comfort.

"Did it work? I see you're managing to hold your pee like a big girl. Or did you not need to go?"

"I can hold it!" Adi said excitedly, and then blushed at the words coming out of her mouth. She felt so proud of not having wet herself, like she was a real kid, and Mommy was smiling so widely about it. It felt so good, and she was sure that if it could get her so excited, she would have no objection to playing out this kind of scenario again. She concentrated for a second, and she could feel that she would need to use the bathroom soon, maybe in half an hour or an hour, but she wasn't that desperate yet.

"Okay, but you're still going in diapers, honey. Because Mommy needs to be sure."

Adi nodded, and unfastened her jeans before lying back on the bed. She was sure that she didn't need diapers anymore, but she wasn't going to argue with Mommy's decisions. Maybe this was what had got Toni so excited; the fact that she would do whatever she was told without thinking about it. There was something really special about letting someone take complete control, and the amount of trust that involved. But Adi knew right now that she wasn't old enough to be thinking about that, and she could let those thoughts drift away until she was a little more grown up.

It felt good as Toni quickly diapered her, seeming a lot more confident than a few days ago. And then she changed Adi's clothes as well, and the little girl had no objections because she knew she needed to do what Mommy said. She ended up in a loose summer dress in pastel pinks, with a poofy skirt that was only just long enough to hide the diaper. She looked at herself in the mirror, and she knew right away that Mommy was right, as always. She looked cuter than she'd ever imagined she could be. Even the babyish unicorn-print diapers she couldn't object to.

"What do you think, baby?" Toni asked with a grin. "Think you'll be able to keep your diaprs dry long?"

Adi wasn't sure how strong the suggestion would be. But in any case, she doubted it could make her wet her diaper until she needed to go. She could probably have peed a little if she tried, but it wasn't like she needed to go with any urgency. She focused for a second, wondering how long it would be before she had to seriously think about holding it, and the answer from her bladder was one she couldn't remember feeling before.

"I don't know," she said, breathless with surprise. "I can't feel it... at all."

"Well then, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"

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