177: I've Got All the Answers

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"Truth!" Adi grinned widely. She could just give an honest answer to whatever Mommy asked of her, and she'd know that it was true. No more doubt, no more time trapped as a baby while Toni thought it was something she was just scared to admit. She'd just say that she didn't want itr be a baby anymore, and this time she knew Toni would be sure she meant it.

"Good girl," Toni ruffled her hair slightly. "I don't mind you pooping in your diaper if you want to show me that you still need to be treated like a baby. But tell me, if I change your diaper now, are you going to mess right away so I have to punish you?"

Adi didn't need to think much to that question; she could tell that she needed to poop a little, and she already knew that as soon as Toni put her in a diaper, she'd lose all her potty training until the next time she was changed. So the answer was so simple, she didn't need to worry about it at all.

"Yep!" she nodded, smiling confidently. It was so much easier to answer without thinking, and not have to worry about anything more complicated than a single question.

"You know it's naughty to waste diapers, don't you?" Toni asked, lifting Adi's chin slightly to look her in the eyes. Adi tried to nod again, but when she found that wasn't so easy she whispered a quick "yes" instead. Of course it was naughty; the cute baby-print diapers were more expensive than Adi would ever have believed, and there was no way she'd ever have been able to afford them without Adi's help. She really didn't want to go through more than she had to. But surely she wouldn't get in trouble if she couldn't help it?"

"Wouldn't you like to go before I change you instead? Then you can have a nice, clean diaper all day, and I promise you can still be a baby if you want."

"No!" Adi shook her head quite vigorously this time, wanting to make sure Toni understood just how serious she was about the answer. It might have looked a bit funny because her chin couldn't quite move away from Toni's finger, but she was sure anyone would be able to tell what the gesture meant.

"No? You're pretty sure of yourself this morning, aren't you baby? I'm not quite sure why it makes such a difference to mess after being changed, rather than before. Do you want to be sitting in your own mess while we have breakfast? Do you secretly want to be a stinky little baby, not getting changed?"

"No! No no no!" Adi was getting a little more excited now. She'd never even thought about the prospect, and the thought was too disgusting for words. She knew she was telling the truth, as well. It was just a simple thought, which maybe calmed her down a little, because if she was answering the question on her own she was vaguely aware that she would probably have been bawling and screaming at that thought, terrified by the possibility of not being clean.

"I guess little Adelaide just doesn't want a chance to grow up, then. But you're not such a naughty girl, are you? You're always so eager to do what you're told, and to obey your Mommy. Are you going to do what you're told like a big girl?"

"Yep!" Adelaide's worries raced away. Of course she wanted to be a big girl. She didn't want to cause any problems, and she didn't want to stay as a baby. And even if she was stubborn at times, getting herself into all kinds of trouble because she couldn't admit she was wrong, she knew that wouldn't be the problem right now. Because Mommy had just said her name, and that made her so eager to please that she would do whatever she was told for the next few minutes, overcoming her natural stubborn streak. "I'm a good girl!"

"Yes, you are," Toni patted her on the head. "So, if you want to be a baby today, you should mess your diaper before I change you. Let your new one stay fresh for longer, so we don't have to put up with a nasty smell over breakfast. That sounds better, doesn't it?"

Adi found herself always nodding, but she wasn't really sure what the question meant that time. Better than messing after she'd been changed? Or better than being a grown-up? She didn't have an answer, but Toni didn't seem to mind. She was already lifting her up onto the changing table. Adi let herself smile just a little. Even if the questions weren't getting straight to the point, she knew that Toni would be sure she was telling the truth, and that meant it didn't matter if all she could come up with was a yes or no answer. She could leave all the big thoughts to Mommy, and she knew that everything would turn out alright.

"Come on then, baby," Toni said encouragingly as she laid Adi back on the changing table, strong arms guiding her right to where Mommy wanted her to be as if she weighed nothing at all. "Make a stinky for Mommy, and then we can get you in a nice clean diaper right away."

Adi nodded, feeling her hair ruffled against the padded surface behind her head, and then gave a little push. It felt strange pooping while she was lying down, but she wasn't going to argue with a grown-up. She was sure that Mommy knew best, and she needed to do what she was told so that she could be a big girl again. She took a couple of deep breaths and kept on pushing, bringing her knees half way up to her chest as instincts she wasn't even aware of kicked in. A second later she didn't need to try at all, it just came so naturally. She could feel the mess in the back of her diaper, and she was so glad that she'd be able to get washed straight away now. Mommy knew best, she always did, and Adi knew that everything would have been so much easier if she'd just done what she was told right away.

"Good girl!" Toni praised her again, and there could have been no bigger reward for Adelaide. Mommy reached down and tapped her nose, bringing out a contented giggle but at the same time preventing her sitting up. That was probably good as well; keeping her from making herself more uncomfortable. Mommy always did the right thing to make her feel good. "Now, I know you wanted to be a baby, but I'm not sure if there's many things we haven't already done. Is there anything in particular you'd like to try?"

Another simple question. Adi answered it in the simplest way she could, just a shake of her head. She didn't want any more baby behaviours, not today.

"Well then. I might have an idea. I think if you were a baby..."

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