New friend

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I woke up in the hospital and saw all these stuffed animals and the guys were sitting in chairs talking. My ankle was in a black cast with white marker on it. Andy was in the middle of drawing what looks like batman I assume. After he was done I reached down and touched his hand. When he saw that he bolted to my side to hug me. I hugged him back and the guys hugged me too.

The nurse brought me lunch and it looked like shit. "Dad I'm not eating this blob of shit." He laughed at my attitude. "I'll go pick you up some Starbucks and White Castle." Uncle Jinxx said. "I'll go to!" Uncle CC said. I laughed and hugged them. Fuuuccccckkkkkkk my ankle is killing me! Sammie and Ella were talking about me meeting this girl named Quinn. They said she was the daughter of Vic from PTV and the niece of Mike. Oh yeah! I forgot he had a kid. They want me to meet her? Wow.

My uncles brought my food back and they brought people. Vic and Mike! A girl my age was with them and I assumed it was Quinn. I kept eating my tiny burgers. I peeled off the pickles and then put on ketchup. I looked at Quinn's tiny figure. She looks a lot like me! We both have long black hair however she has blue highlights. She was slightly darker than me. Also she's really quiet. I talk a persons ear off. I waved at her but she kept staring at me like I was gonna kill her. I sighed and finished my 10 sack. I'm still drinking my Starbucks. I took out my phone and it was already 4:45. Damn.

Dad sat next to me as everyone left and said bye. He was laying with me and he sang one of my favorite songs.

I open my lungs dear

I sing this song at funerals

No rush.

These lyrics heard a thousand times

just plush.

A baby boy you've held so tightly

this pain it visits almost nightly

Missing hotel beds

I feel your touch.

I will await dear

A patience of eternity

my crush.

A universal still

No rust.

No dust will ever grow on this frame

One million years I will say your name.

I love you more than I can ever scream.

Booked our flight those years ago

I said I love you as I left you

Regrets still haunt my hollow head

I promised you I will see you again, again.

I sit here and smile dear

I smile because I think of you and

I blush.

These bleeding hollow dials

This fuss.

A fuss is made of miles and travels

When roadways are but stones and gravel.

A bleeding heart can conquer every crutch.

We booked our flight those years ago

You said you loved me as you left me.

Regrets still haunt your saddened head

but I promised you I will see you.

We booked our flight those years ago

I said I loved you and I left you.

Regrets no longer in my head

But I promised you and now I'm home again



I'm home again



I'm home again.

I was asleep after that and all I know is that he kissed my head.

*2 days later*

I'm finally home! Andy picked me up and carried me into the house. He sat me on the couch. "Dad you know I have crutches right?" I asked smiling at him. "Yeah but I love carrying you." He said hugging my small frame. I leaned on Andy as we watched batman and he said some of his friends were coming over. He and I sang a small duet with each other it was actually really fun.

I cannot hide what's on my mind

I feel it burning deep inside

A passion crime to take what's mine

Let us start living for today

Never gonna change my mind

We can leave it all behind

Nothin's gonna stop us

No, not this time

So take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight

This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice, it's do or die

This is a rebel love song

My outlaw eyes have seen their lies

I choke on all they had to say

When worlds collide what's left inside?

I hold on tight and hear you pray

Never gonna change my mind

We can leave it all behind

Nothin's gonna stop us

No, not this time

So take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight

This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice, it's do or die

This is a rebel love song

Wild and running for one reason

They can't stop us from our freedom

Wild and running for one reason

They can't stop us from our freedom

Never gonna change my mind

We can leave it all behind

Nothin's gonna stop us

No, not this time

So take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight

This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice, it's do or die

This is a rebel love song

Take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight

This is a rebel love song

Hearts will sacrifice, it's do or die

This is a rebel love song

Dad's friends started showing up and Vic brought Quinn. Goodness I can't get over how pretty she is! "H-hi Quinn." I say while dad helps me up. I got my crutches and walked towards her. She smiled and she said hi back. "Wanna come upstairs and watch movies?" I asked as everyone was watching us. "What about your leg?" I was about to say something when dad piped in. "That why she has me." He said picking me up. Quinn grabbed the crutches and we walked upstairs. Dad laid me on my bed ad Quinn sat next to me. "Pick a movie any movie!" I say like a magician. She laughed and started looking at my wall of movies. "Wanna watch Duck Dynasty?" I nodded and well I have every season. She put the first one in and we sat in my room the whole night watch movies and talking. Dad was downstairs probably drinking. I didn't mind he wasn't bothering us. Quinn and I fell asleep and we were both tired as fuck! Quinn is my new and only friend.

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