Too many I love yous

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I was home crying to myself. I love Winter but I'm scared what if the same thing happens. I laid on my bed and my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked wondering who it was. "Rebel?! Where the hell are you?!" He asked sounding worried as hell. "Daddy I'm sorry." I said crying the phone. I couldn't talk to him. I was scared I can't take him yelling at me. I love my dad I really do but I'm scared. I locked myself in my room and cried my day away.

I finally came out and went to get water. After all this crying I was dehydrated. I heard a car door slam and running footsteps. I tried to run upstairs quickly but I fell half way up. "Ahh!" I screamed falling down. "Rebel!" dad said running towards me. I got up and walked to the couch. "Sweetie are you okay?" He asked hugging me. I nodded and cried in his arms. "Why did you leave school?" He asked kissing my head. "Winter asked me out and I have bad trust issues." I said looking down. He kissed my cheek and rocked me back and forth. "Rebel Winter is better than Johnnie I already see that. He's very sweet you should give him a chance." Was all he said. I nodded and walked upstairs and text Azucena.

Me: please ask Winter if he hates me. Tell him I'm sorry and I want to talk to him. Please.

Azucena: yeah I'll talk to him. I think he understands what you're going through. He's just sad. He really does like you.

Me: alright I'll talk to you late thanks so much! <3

I sat in my room sitting on the bed and Crow walked in. "Hi Crowbear." I said picking him up. On Monday I'm gonna give Winter and answer.

Azucena: Winter said he's too upset to talk to anyone. I'm sorry I tried Rebel. :(

I didn't even bother answering. I threw my phone on my bed and locked my door. I got my blade and cut the words 'I'm sorry' in my wrist and thighs.

After I cleaned up everything I unlocked my door and put on a hoodie and pants. I walked downstairs and dad was on the phone. I walked outside and sat by the pool. I feel like I should just kill myself. I should get it over with. "Rebel you're going to catch a cold." Dad said picking me up and holding me close. I couldn't help but cry. "I love you." Was all I could say to him. "Rebel can you take off your hoodie?" He asked setting me on his bed. He knew I had just cut. I can tell he knew. I sighed. "How did you know.?" I asked looking away as he took off his shirt and pants. "Rebel it's hot in this house. There's no need for a sweater. So I just put the puzzle pieces together." He said sitting on the bed in his batman pj pants. I cried again. "I'm honestly sorry dad." I said crying in his arms. "Shhh Rebel it's going to be okay. I promise." He said. I think he was crying. I took my hoodie off and showed him. After that I knew he was crying. "Rebel please work with me. I want my daughter to stay alive." He said laying down with me. "Daddy will you sing to me?" I asked snuggling into his warm chest. He nodded and sang.

You've been running for so long, still breathing

Hoping soon to find a song worth singing

Every chapter of this note they're reading

But you're slowly losing hope on bleeding


I'll carry you, my darkest desire

When life sings to you through devil's choirs

F.E.A.R won't steal what burns in you

I'll carry you away from the fire

My desire, devil's choirs [2x]

(Raise another broken glass to failure)

A simple promise of a crimson savior

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