Trust issues

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I woke up to dad's amazing cooking. I got up and got dressed. Fuck showers. I heard my phone go off and I check my messages.

Quinn: hey! Rebs I saw you and Winter! Ooooohhhh kissy kissy!

Johnnie: hey Rebel. I'm super sorry I cheated on you. I love you I really do. Give me another chance. I love you bye. <3

I took a screenshot and sent I it to Quinn.

Me: holy fuck what do I do?! I mean I'm starting to really like Winter.

Quinn: don't take him back! I'd date Winter if I were you! Show Johnnie you don't need his sorry ass.

"Rebel! Come on you're gonna be late!" Dad yelled from downstairs. I text Quinn and told her I'd see her later. I walked downstairs in my PTV shirt and my shorts with my thigh high socks and my combats. "Whoa Rebel you look awesome!" Dad said hugging me. "Thanks dad." I said hugging him. "Want a ride kiddo?" Dad asked taking a bite of a banana. I shook my head. "No I'll walk dad." He smiled and hugged me. "Be safe and have fun." He said to me as I walked out the door. I saw Winter leaving his house and he was smiling the whole time.

Me: hey Winter!!!!

Winter: hey Rebel! :) c:

Me: do you want a surprise?

Winter: yes I do. :3

Me: turn around

I smiles as I hit send. He stopped walking and turned around. "Hey!" He said hugging me. I smiled at him and I could hear the song that was playing in his earbuds.

I was born one morning in December

On the coldest day

Abandoned by my mother

Whom my father I was raised

My father raised my brother and I

With a stubborn heart

My mother left me her good looks and confident charm

Well I spent most of my teenage years

Searching for her love

I could not find it anywhere

So I turned to drugs

And after all the smoke had cleared

And it was said and done

I found myself addicted by the age of 21

I tell the truth

I've been beaten

I've been bruised

I was left for dead as well

I was wrongfully accused

You left me locked inside a cell

I've been cheated

I've been sued

But I have lived to tell

The more you kick me when I'm down

The more it truly helps

I feel the madness creeping slowly

Loved by many, I'm still lonely

Paid the price for your mistake

The music died the day I walked away

No, I won't let you win

Not this time my friend

You know that I'm better in the end

No, you won't take my pride

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