Bad days go good

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Dad pulled me on to the bus and locked it. "Stay away from him." I was so confused. I looked him in the eye to see if he was joking but he wasn't. "Why dad? I like Johnnie a lot." I wanted to be with Johnnie he said we would hang out tomorrow. "He's bad news! Also I don't want you dating yet! Especially not someone famous! You are going to get so much hate all of his fans. They're going to tell you so many things like to kill yourself I don't want that to happen!" By then I was in tears. "You can't tell me who to not date!" I ran off the bus into the pouring rain crying pushing past my uncles. I walked to the PTV bus crying. I knocked and Mike opened the door. "Rebel, what happened?" He asked taking me inside. I was soaked. "Here." Mike said wrapping me in a towel. "Thanks." I say shivering. "What happened?" I told him everything.

*Andy's POV*

Shit what have I done?! "What the hell Andy?! What's wrong with Rebel?" CC asked. "She hates me." I started to cry. I got up and got Jack Daniels and I was drunk.

*Rebels POV*

I was crying on the couch because Mike went to get me Taco Bell. I test Johnnie and told home everything. 5 minutes later he came to PTV's bus and he just say there hugging me. "Rebel um this isn't a good time but you wanna go out sometime?" I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Johnnie makes bad days into good days.

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