Forgive and forget

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So I'm at the PTV bus still and Johnnie and I have that date tonight. I was getting ready and all of a sudden my phone went off. It's Johnnie!

Johnnie: hey beautiful.

Me: awwww <3 hey

Johnnie: so I'm picking you up at 5 and wear a bathing suit and anything comfy gorgeous. :* <3

Me: oh staph! I'm blushing!

Johnnie: see you then......PRINCESS! <3

I giggled and looked at the time. Damn! It's 4:30! Shit! I run around the bus getting ready and I straighten my gorgeous hair. I was wearing my rainbow animal printed bikini. Over it I wore shorts and Quinn walked out. "Holy shit Rebel! It's a date not a fucking ball!" She laughed. I wasn't gonna wear a hoodie because it's summer. "Quinn! Language!" Jacky yelled. "Sorry uncle Jacky." I smiled and it was 5 o'clock.

There was knock on the door and Johnnie was there in his hoodie with a radio in his hand and he was in his bathing suit. "Rebel you look beautiful." He says grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek. I blushed and Quinn took a picture. "Awwwwww! Too cute!" She posted it on Instagram and tagged us. I smiled and she pushed us out of the door. "So are you hungry my sweet princess?" I shook my head and he grabbed my hand. We passed the BVB bus and Andy walked out. He was wear pajamas and his eyes were all poofy and red. I felt bad for over-reacting I know he was being over-protective but still. He looked at us slightly glaring at Johnnie.

Johnnie and I arrived at a gorgeous beach. I took off my shorts and walked into the water. He put the radio on and a song that I am in love with came on.

I open my lungs dear

I sing this song at funerals

No rush.

These lyrics heard a thousand times

just plush.

A baby boy you've held so tightly

this pain it visits almost nightly

Missing hotel beds

I feel your touch.

I will await dear

A patience of eternity

my crush.

A universal still

No rust.

No dust will ever grow on this frame

One million years I will say your name.

I love you more than I can ever scream.

Booked our flight those years ago

I said I love you as I left you

Regrets still haunt my hollow head

I promised you I will see you again, again.

I sit here and smile dear

I smile because I think of you and

I blush.

These bleeding hollow dials

This fuss.

A fuss is made of miles and travels

When roadways are but stones and gravel.

A bleeding heart can conquer every crutch.

We booked our flight those years ago

You said you loved me as you left me.

Regrets still haunt your saddened head

but I promised you I will see you.

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