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A/n: to all those rain lovers out there, here's something I've had in my head all day as it has been drizzling on and off. And to those who relate to my works... rain is amazing, and it helps. Give it a try.

Vote and leave your precious comments.

Enjoy.... [rhyme intended;)]


With a twinkle in my eyes
I watch it as it drizzles
A smile spreads on my lips
A kid inside me giggles

As silent as I can
I neglect all other things
Going to stand under the rain
Arms spread out like wings

The water touches my head
My hair and my eyes
All of it vanishes
The hate and the lies

I forget whatever happened
Forget what they had said
Don't wanna pay attention
I'll stand in the rain instead

Stand here and watch the water
Puddling at my feet
Let the dogs bark all they want
Let the sheep bleat

Tiny little drops of water
Falling in my cup
And those which fell outside
I can't pick 'em up

Soon the the rain washes
All the little lies
All the dirt washes away
I'm free, I realise

'Cause constant downpour, you see
Dissolves all the walls
Flows like a river
Cleans all the halls

Then I look around and
You're standing in the dry
I extend a hand to you
Come, give this a try...


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