Qween of Darkness

40 15 16

A/n: a piece requested by GaluhCahya8 I really enjoyed writing it. Especially because it was a way to mentally skip physics class XD.  Hmm it's not like a fairy tail. But it's something.

I hope you like reading it.

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Dead of the night
The witching hour
No one dare move
Breeze nor flower

The world is silent
No human speaks
No dogs bark
No mouse squeaks

All hide in their homes
In dens, in holes
Because at this hour
She takes a stroll

If one looks at her
Her smile petrifies
But don't mess with her
Her wrath destroys

Her lips, deep red
With enemy blood
Her nails, sharp claws
To gut without a word

Laugh vile and melodic,
As loud as dead silence
The queen of dark
The queen of violence

Her cape, deep black
As dark as night
Engulfs all lights
Inducing fright

The cape of death
Trails close behind
Leaving its victims
Dead at mind

Who ignore the warning
Those who don't prepare
Her 'foes', they choke
On misery and despair

She inflicts fear
Where ever she goes
How to defend?
No one still knows

Hide, stay quiet
Become invisible
Do that, and is promised
Loss will be minimal

Don't try to harm her
She doesn't bleed
Rest and sleep
She doesn't really need

The queen of darkness
When she's at her might
No one can do anything,
But hide at her sight....


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