there are angels in the bedroom
there's a demon in the bark
there are echoes in the cellar
when the dark falls its black dark
there are fishes on my wish list
there are chickens in my head
there's a garden in the hill weeds
vava's laughter is my med
there are colors in the future
there are flowers from the past
there are babies in the distance
on their far off pathies cast
there's a spring horse painted purple
there is buttman aiming west
there are eyes no matter where you look
to say its all a test
there is magic in the rainbows
there's been praying for the rain
there were lessons not to fire work
there's talk were taught in vain
there is happy in my heart place
there is rebirth in the air
and it all goes round in circles
from there to here to there
*breathe in deep, hold on tight, eye to eye, grin to grin, fall on in, please...
Puisia short collection of sometimes delightful, sometimes sad, sometimes dark poems. there's a little something for everyone. you may see biker poetry, love, lust, and revenge. something new every so often, so visit when you need to escape the everyd...