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I'm an electrical engineer, so it's not uncommon for me to have dreams about weird things.
But this dream...

This dream is weird.

Oh great. A calculus dream. Just what I needed.

I see a paper in front of me, filled with basic operations and formulas.

I better not be building a robot again.

The more I stare at the paper, the less it makes sense. Now it's just jumbled up words with the occasional number mixed in.

I look up to see that I'm in my old high school, which was definitely not my favorite place in the world. I look at the desks around me, which are empty, except for the one behind me-

And I'm up.

I think for a solid three minutes before whisper yelling, "Boy!"

I hear my roommate, Taylor, sit up in bed and whisper, "Where? And why are you up? I get that the whole 'engineers-don't-sleep' thing is kind of true, but don't you think you should get a full eight hours before you... what do you do again?"

"What time is it," I ask, not really looking for someone to answer.

I look up at the digital clock I attached to a gutted stuffed animal I found in a dumpster. It reads 1:04 am.

Fuck, I can't just knock on his door. I mean, as if I'd be able to do that anyways.

I flop sadly back into my bed, not answering any of Taylor's questions.

I don't go back to sleep, although I pretend to do so to ease Taylor's mind. Instead, I think self-degrading thoughts for the next 4 hours.

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