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I must have fallen asleep as soon as I got back from Michael's dorm. So, I guess I don't know if he was okay with me kissing him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taylor sits on the base of my bed, "You look depressed, more than usual."

"That's funny, I feel less depressed than normal," despite everything that's happened I'm not that upset. I guess I needed some good old socialization.

"Oh? Did something good happen yesterday?"

"Yeah, I hung out with Michael from down the hall."

Taylor's expression changed, "Reeves?"

"Uh, yeah, why?"

Taylor burst out laughing. Guess there is a catch.

Taylor wipes away a tear from their eye, "My friend from drama club is his roommate. He tells me all kinds of stories. That guy is wild!"

I'm kind of offended for him, but I am extremely curious, "Like what?"

"Oh, well this one time-" Taylor is interrupted by a knock on the door, "oh, I guess I'll tell you later."

Damn, really wanted to know more.

"Hey, [Y/N}, it's for you, for once." Taylor looks back at me.

"Ugh," I shuffle to the door, "Hello?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you, it is kind of early," Michael grips the frame of the door.

"I, no, I'm good, I," I try to stammer out words, but fail ultimately.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Michael glances over at Taylor before asking, "Can I talk to you real quick."

Taylor puts their hands up defensively and backs out of the dorm, "Okay, I get it. I'll leave. I needed to go anyways."

Michael enters my dorm and shuts the door behind him, "I think I owe you an explanation."

"Ha! You owe me an explanation? I think I owe you one," I laugh.

"Please don't laugh, I need you to listen to me." Michael folds his arms.

I'm taken a back. Was I just being insensitive? I didn't realize...

"Sorry," I mumble.

"I think I went too far. I shouldn't have just grabbed you like that. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking at the moment."

"I forgive you... I wasn't even upset about that in the first place."

"But you just left! I thought you were mad."

"I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at me for kissing you with no warning at all."

"I-" Michael stammered, the blood rushing to his cheeks, "I... forgot about that."

Okay, I'm pretty sure that's a lie, but I'm willing to let that slide.

"Well, I'm sorry about that. I wasn't thinking either," this whole interaction is so awkward, "Can we just pretend this never happened."

"Yeah, let's just start over..." he reaches his hand out, "I'm Michael."

I go in for the shake, "I'm [Y/N]."

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