A Change in Perspective (for Nonbinary readers)

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I also added the music that Michael plays in the chapter. Why that song? Because I like it and I was listening to it while writing.

As I start up my computer, I hear the knock on my door. I can't believe I invited them to practically do nothing at my dorm. I mean, obviously I want to, you know, "work" on my Doorman project, but all I really want to do is talk to them.

When they helped me with my lock... it was so... stupid. There was no reason for them to pick the lock, but they did. And it was... amazing. And they were, I can't believe I'm saying this, cute. They were slightly taller than me, and usually I hate that, and they had such soft eyes, so full of emotion. I feel so weird for feeling like this, I don't normally feel like this.

I suppose I should answer the door.

Greeting me is the same shy smile I saw only a little while back.

God damn it. They're cute.

"Hey, come on in," I let them in, "I was going to talk to you in the cafe, but I decided that would be weird."

Oh my god they're definitely going to know I was staring at them.

They blush slightly, "Oh, you saw me?"


There is an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"So... tell me more about this... Doorman thing you're working on," they smile, gesturing toward my computer.

"Well, it's a magnetic door lock, so it's fail-safe. You can control it using an app on your phone," I open up the code I'm working on, "When you choose to unlock it, the magnets open, and you can open the door."

Their lips turn, in what could be described as a smirk, "That sounds cool... what do you need me for?"

I freeze, not entirely knowing what to say. This is embarrassing, I don't know what I wanted them to do.

"Maybe you could help me design the physical part of the lock?" I shrug in apprehension.

"Okay, what did you have in mind?"


It's now around 6:38, and despite our initial enthusiasm about the lock, things are starting to spiral out of control. At this point we're just taking turns coming with shitty robot ideas, and I am having the time of my life. My brain is becoming fried due to the amount of caffeine I was ingesting, and the fact I hadn't slept in two days is not helping.

They look so beautiful sitting there, laughing. They seem so happy, and they are with me. Time seems to move in slow motion. I can hear the blood rushing through my ears. I've never felt like this before. I've never felt this happy before. I reach out to grab their hand-

Silence. They stop laughing. All I can hear in the background is the music we have playing. This feels wrong, but I don't let go of their hand. I don't look at them.

"Michael?" They breathe my name.

I start to look up at them, my heart beating faster. Our eyes meet and I see in their eyes a kind of emotion I don't recognize.

"I'm sorry..." I begin to apologize for being so... weird, but I'm cut off by the press of their lips against mine.

They bounce back, their eyes wide in confusion and fear, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what I'm doing, I need to go." They get up to leave and in the heat of the moment, I'm frozen. So I let them go.

And I'm in love.

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