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Why can't I sit still?

I'm going crazy, and why? I don't even know his name. I don't know why but he's on my mind. His hair that seemed to change every minute, but still looked out of place. While I don't usually take height into account, his shortness might have been the thing to win me over.

Or maybe it wasn't even the way he looked. Maybe it was the way he carried himself. He seemed to be a walking contradiction. He presented as extremely confident, but you could see that he didn't actually think he was all that.

What time is it?

I check the clock on my phone, only to see that it was about 7:34.

Nobody's awake at this time on a Saturday. Unless you're me, I guess.

I decide to walk around campus to ease the pent up tension inside my joints. Walking down the hall, I hear a mumbled, "fuck," behind walls.

My ears perk up, for that sounded like The Guy.

Why would he be awake at this time? I mean, unless he just never fell asleep in the first place.

As I walk closer to his dorm, I hear a mechanical whirring sound as well as a long string of profanities.

Should I knock on the door?

I knock on the door without really thinking ahead.

I can just say I was concerned.

The door slowly opens up to reveal the guy I spoke to yesterday. The guy I have weirdly been obsessing over.

"Hi?" His voice abruptly coming in causes me to realize I had been staring.
"Oh, sorry... I was just wondering if you were okay? I heard some stuff..." I manage to get out those few words.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'm just making something really, really stupid," he responds, laughing at the last of it.

"Oh, okay," I say as he starts to close the door.

No wait!

"Wait!" I grab the handle of the door at the last minute, forcing it to stay open.

He stares at me quizzically, his eyes filled with confusion and a bit of worry.

"I didn't get your name. Just... your major..." I stammer out.

"Michael Reeves." He says, closing the door.

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