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A knock awakes me.

Congrats! I actually slept last night.

"Uh... is anybody there?"

I get up to open the door. It's probably for Taylor, but it looks like Taylor isn't here. I open the door a little bit, only enough for them to see me face, but nothing else.

"Sorry, were you asleep?" It's Michael.

I can feel my heart pounding. It's going much faster than it's supposed to. Maybe if I have a heart attack he'll go out with me, or maybe I'll get my tuition paid off. Either way, sounds like a good plan.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I realize I was doing that thing again.

"Yeah... I'm..." I'm most definitely not okay, but I don't want to worry him, "I'm great. I just didn't sleep great last night." That was also a lie, that was the best I've slept in months.

"That's good..." he looks away for a second before shaking his head and asking, "You're an electrical engineer, right?"

Oh my god he knows that. How does he know that?

"Yeah- but how did you know?" I ask. I'm scared I might have told him without knowing.

He takes a step back and looks at the ground, "I...uh... found your Twitter..."

I haven't used my Twitter in forever... how did he even find it?

Sensing the tension, I ask, "Why? Do you need something?"

"Uh, yeah if you don't mind. When I got locked out of my door the other day, I had the idea for an electronic lock, and I already have the code, I just need the parts for the actual lock," as soon as he starts speaking about coding, he looks more confident. Like, he's not pretending to be confident.

He starts going off on a long tangent about trouble he was having with the code. I don't even care that it doesn't make any sense to me, he's just too adorable when he talks about coding. His eyes light up and his body language seems more open. I can't help but smile.

"...but it just turns out I forgot a semi-colon and-" he cuts himself off, "Sorry, you're probably busy." He takes a step back and moves a lock of hair out of his face, "But, y'know, if you're not busy, I was hoping you could help me..."

"Yes!" I jump at the idea of spending time with him.

Oh Jesus, that was really enthusiastic of me! He probably thinks I'm crazy.

"Great!" He looks almost as excited as I feel, but he sounds a bit apprehensive, "I'll see you around 4:00 so we can talk about this in more detail."

Oh cool, he doesn't think that was weird.

"Alright, cool! I'll see you then!" I wave goodbye to Michael and close the door.
You turn to look at your alarm clock.


Today's going to be a long day.

I haven't had the motivation to build anything in months, I really hope he can pull me out of that rut.

I haven't been this excited in forever. I really hope we can at least be friends.

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