Chapter one - The first love letter

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Smithers didn't know exactly when his feelings had started to develop towards his boss, but one thing was for sure, it wasn't getting better, nor was it staying the same--it was getting worse. His first letter started around 1989. It was not very well written, and a bit messy since Smithers hadn't quite gotten a handle on his feelings just yet.

Mr. Burns,

I can't imagine something like this ever happening. I've known you all my life, and yet just now this is happening? It's not that I'm just finding out I'm gay, I've known for some time, I just . . .  didn't think it would have an affect on you. I don't know what's happening, Mr. Burns! I wish you could explain this to me. It's almost sickening to think of what's going on in my mind. I . . .  I don't know. I don't know if I'll ever send you this, for I know you'd fire me, or disown me. Maybe you'd never talk to me again. I don't want to think about this. 

-Waylon Smithers

Looking back on the letter, Smithers chuckled to himself. He was so . . .  premature in his feelings then, and back then, he didn't even picture any feelings like those he was feeling now. And the fact that these feelings went as far back as this was nerve wracking.

Some of the situations he'd been having with his boss were making it even more uncomfortable. Mr. Burns would occasionally brush up against him or vice versa, which would always send shocks down Smithers' spine. Mr. Burns would sometimes notice the visible shift in Smithers' behavior, but he never once called him out on it or questioned him.

What is happening to you, Waylon? He asked himself, shaking his head. 

"Is something wrong, Smithers?" Mr. Burns asked.

"No, everything's fine, Sir," Smithers replied.

"Back to work then. We don't want you slacking off, do we?"

"No, Sir."

Something seemed off, but Smithers couldn't quite tell what. He continued with his work, filing paperwork -- most of it overdue -- , chuckling to himself when he came across a letter that Mr. Burns wrote to his mother. The handwriting was sloppy, and though it didn't look like that of his boss, it was recognizable enough to be deemed his. Based off of the content, Smithers concluded that Mr. Burns must have been drunk when he wrote it.

My "dearest" mother, It read

I regret to inform you that I do not think I want to be, want you to be in my life anymore. I don't know... I don't know why I'm writing this, okay I'm done writing this.


-C. Montyyy Burns

Yeah, he was definatley drunk.

"Hey, Monty?" he called, quickly cursing to himself at the unprofessional name choice. He prayed Mr. Burns wouldn't notice.

"Yes, Smithers?" he didn't say anything about the name.

"What would you like me to do with this letter to your mother?"

"Give me that!" he snatched it out of his hand, reading it over. His brow furrowed in confusion. "I did not write this, Smithers. Where did you find it?"

"With all the other paperwork, Sir."

"I did not write this, Smithers."

"If you say so, Sir. What would you like me to do with it?"

"Throw it away -- I have no use for it."

"Of course, Sir."

Mr. Burns handed the note back to Smithers as he threw it in the garbage. He sighed, secretly wondering what had prompted Burns to get drunk like this. Sure, he had his fare share of drinks not too rarely, but it was uncommon for him to get mood-altering drunk. He shook the thought off, and continued with filing paperwork.

"Hey, Smithers? What's this? It's addressed to me. Who's it from?"

Smithers' face went white in horror as he understood what he meant. He sprinted to his boss, snatching the letter from his hands before he could even open it.

"What the hell, Smithers? It was addressed to me?"

Quick, think of something, idiot! He thought. Last minute, he came up with a half-baked excuse. "Oh, it was just that we were getting some threats towards you, and need to check the mail before you open it. I hope you understand, Sir."

Mr. Burns seemed a bit suspicious, but nodded, motioning him off with his hand. "Very well, but as soon as you check it, give it back to me."

"Will do, Sir."

A/N: I know, I know -- I've already made a Smithers/Burns fan fiction, but my hopes for this one are that it will be much more detailed and plot based than most of what I've been writing lately. Of course, this means that it will give me a bit more of writer's block, but I promise it will be worth it in the end. In the meantime as well, I am hoping to go through and either finish or delete some of the unfinished stuff I have on Wattpad. Please vote and comment if you liked this, and feel free to give me some suggestions. Thanks for reading! 

(Image credit: MissNeens, Deviant Art)

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