Chapter eighteen - Ready

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Smithers awoke the next morning with a small sense of joy. Sure, things had been rocky, but they were improving . . .  right? Mr. Burns had seemed to be acting more warmly towards his assistant, and he noticed it.

He got into his car quickly, urgent to get to work and see his love. Speeding to the power plant, he thought up quickly what he would say. Maybe something along the lines of, "I love you and would love you for whoever you are and what you do," which seemed a bit forward, but it was true.

He walked into his boss' office, preparing a greeting when he noticed that Burns was nowhere to be found within the office. He walked outside, and saw a worker in the plant whom he recognized to be Lenny. "Hey, have you seen Mr. Burns?" Smithers asked. Lenny shrugged, and continued walking with his coffee. Smithers started to grow panicky. Who knows what could have happened to him? He was so helpless . . .  anything could have happened! He decided he would call Mr. Burns, and ask him as calmly as he could where he was. Surely, he would have told him about plans if they interfered with his schedule. Surely?

Dialing the number, he listened on the other end for what seemed like a lifetime. Eventually, the other end clicked, and Mr. Burns' voice sounded. "Ahoy hoy?"

"Mr. Burns! I'm so happy to hear your voice. Where are you? Do you need me to drive you to work? I-"

"Nonsense, Smithers, all of this is intentional, I assure you. I merely have a surprise planned for you."

A surprise? Smithers thought with excitement. "What is it?"

"Good God, Man, don't you know the definition of a surprise?"

"Well . . .  yes. I suppose I can wait. Not even a hint?"

"Not even a hint. I know you'd figure it out, Waylon," Smithers couldn't see, but he could tell Mr. Burns winked on the other end.

"Well . . .  I suppose that's alright," Smithers chuckled. "What should I do in anticipation of this surprise?"

"Stay at work ---  I'll pick you up after."

"Please tell me you're not going to drive."

"Precisely. It's your surprise, so you get to be chauffeured," Mr. Burns protested. Smithers would rather not die that day, but he accepted. "I'll see you at 3:30 sharp," Mr. Burns said before hanging up.

All of the rest of the day, Smithers waited in anticipation for the surprise that was to come. Was it possible that Monty had a romantic dinner prepared for them? Or perhaps . . .  something more? Smithers blushed, telling his mind not to go there. Nothing good ever came to a person with expectations. He decided to wait out 3:30, doing as much work as he could muster before Mr. Burns showed up at the plant.

His job proved to be much more difficult than he had thought without Mr. Burns around. Sure, Mr. Burns had done the job solo, but Smithers started to wonder how it was possible, as he considered him to be less capable in the work department than Smithers.

3:30 rolled around slowly, and before he knew what was happening, he heard a loud honk from a car. He looked out the window of his boss' office, and sure enough, there was Mr. Burns behind the wheel of an old-looking vehicle. Smithers rushed downstairs and out to the car, smiling at how well dressed and refined his lover looked.

"It's very nice to see you Sir."

"I could say the same about you, Waylon. And like I said, none of that 'Sir' business. You will call me Monty tonight."

"Y-yes, Monty," Smithers said, blushing.

Getting in the car, Smithers crossed his fingers that Burns wouldn't get them both killed that night, but just in case, he stored a first aid kit under his seat for the sole purpose of if his boss decided to make a bold decision. That, and any natural medical crisises. Mr. Burns drove surprisingly well that night, and Smithers let out a long exhale he didn't know he had been keeping.

To his surprise, Burns drove them back to his mansion, stepping out of the car to help his assistant out.

"Well, this is a change," Smithers chuckled. "I'm usually the one picking you up, driving you home, and helping you out of the car."

Burns chuckled. "Yes, I suppose so, my dear Waylon, but all of the tables are turning tonight," he said with a wink. The two descended to the front doors of the mansion, and Smithers unlocked the door and opened it, revealing the large stretch of space that was the Burns manor. He couldn't help but gasp each time he saw it with such a flourish as this. "Like what you see?" Mr. Burns joked.

"Very, very much," Smithers said in a flirtatious tone.

Mr. Burns led them to a private room that Smithers had seen only once --- it was fairly small, yet surprisingly roomy, and there was a small table with wine glasses and candles set up. "Oh, Monty, you didn't!" He gasped.

"Oh, but I did . . .  I did this all for you, Waylon."

"I love you so very much, Monty."

"And I love you, my dear, dear Waylon."

Mr. Burns helped Smithers into his seat before taking his own. He snapped his fingers, and a slightly plump girl arrived, carrying a bottle of wine. She uncorked it, pouring some in each glass in front of the couple. Mr. Burns smiled and thanked her as Smithers did the same. Wow, Mr. Burns was in a good mood.

"Tell me, Waylon. What would you like to eat?"

Smithers couldn't help but have some dirty thoughts pop into his mind at the question, but he suppressed them instead. "Well, I have a few things in mind . . ." Damnit. Well, so much for suppressing. Mr. Burns rolled his eyes. "But I would like a turkey ceaser salad, please."

"Very well, Waylon. I'll have the same."


"I trust what you eat," it was a strange statement, but Waylon accepted it, laughing lightly to himself. "I have been thinking a lot more lately, Waylon," Smithers rose an eyebrow. " . . .  about us. I wasn't sure I was ready to have a relationship like this, but all of these events . . .  everything that has led up to this moment has just proved to me that I am ready for this. So I wanted to say this to you personally. Waylon," Mr. Burns put a hand on his lover's. "I love you, and I'm ready."

A/N: Only two more chapters to go before we're finished! I am kinda sad to have to leave this story behind, though. :'( But there will be more stories to get intertwined with, I suppose. As always, thank you for reading! (Also the next chapter includes smut, but a PG recap will be provided again for those of you that don't wanna read that. OwO)


(Image credit: MissNeens, Storgram)

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