Chapter Two

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I felt a solid, warm surface under my head, and to my horror, I had landed right on the stranger's chest.

My shirt felt a bit sticky, so I looked down and discovered that my shirt was covered in the stranger's coffee.

I looked at the stranger and I noticed his shirt had an identical brown stain.

I started to panic when I realized that I had not only fallen on this stranger, but I made him spill his coffee on his shirt as well.

Can this day get any worse?!

. . .

"What the hell?!" he shouted, "Get off of me!"

I realized that my head was still on his chest and I was preventing him from getting up.

I could feel my face turning red, so I quickly jumped up and bowed.

"I'm so, so, so sorry!" I immediately apologized.

The guy was getting up and brushing the dirt off himself, and then he looked down and noticed the stain on his shirt.

He cursed under his breath and glared at me with his piercing brown eyes.

"Why the hell did you fall on me?!" he says with a hard gaze.

This guy was obviously pretty mad, so maybe he won't hold a grudge if I make a joke about it, right?

"It was his fault!" I pointed to the guilty looking concrete block.

Okay, I positively hate conflict and I prefer to stay out of it, so when he looked away, I sprinted off in the opposite direction.

"HEY," he screamed, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!"


Out of sight, out of mind. He won't ever see me again.

Or so I thought...

. . .

After jogging and turning onto many streets, it was safe to say that I was completely lost.

I started to panic due to the fact that I only had a few minutes to get to the school, so I went into a local convenience store and asked the cashier for directions.

Luckily, the directions were helpful and I ended up at the school twenty minutes later.

As I walked in, the secretary looked at me and asked, "Do you have a note for why you are late signed by your parents?"

I looked at her and said in my most innocent please-don't-send-me-to-the-principal's-office voice, "No ma'am, could I possibly bring one tomorrow?"

"No, I'm sorry, dear. You must visit Principal Chay if you don't have an excuse. Walk down the hallway to your right, and his office is the first one on the left." she said and smiled kindly.

I internally sighed. I woke up late, didn't have time to make myself look nice, I smell like a coffee air freshener, and now I'm tardy and about to see the principal. What a wonderful start to a day.

I walked down the hallway to Mr. Chay's office and knocked on his door.

"Come in." I heard a gruff voice say.

I opened the door and I saw a man with wrinkles on his forehead, a scruffy beard, and a receding hairline.

His office was full of cats.

Cat pencils, encouraging cat posters, cat calendars, and to top it all off, he was even wearing a yellow tie with cat faces plastered all over it.

I think it's safe to say that this guy might have an unhealthy obsession with cats.

"Please sit." he gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

"So, I heard you're tardy. Why is that, and why didn't you bring an excuse with you?" he questioned, looking me up and down.

The way he stared at me made my skin crawl.

"I- uh, it's my first day here. I'm a foreign exchange student from America and I got lost on my way here." I explained nervously.

I didn't want to be in here any longer than I had to.

Should I make a run for it?

"Oh! You're L/N, Y/N! A pleasure!" He held out his hand for me to shake it.

Too late.

I didn't want to be rude, so I shook his hand once and let go.

"Don't worry about the tardy, just try not to be late again." Mr. Chay said cheerfully.

"Let me print out a schedule for you, and I'll get a student to show you to your class."

He typed something into his computer and printed out my schedule then handed it to me.

"This is your schedule for the day, so don't lose it." He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"May I have Ms. Young to my office for a moment, please. Okay, thank you."

A minute later there is a knock at the door and the principal told them to come in.

The girl has wide brown eyes, brown hair, tan skin.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Y/N, this is Young, Min Jee. Min Jee, this is L/N, Y/N. Please show her to her class." He says and waves us off.

"Okay, so you have Mr. Ju's class with me next," she said cheerfully, "It's this way." She motions me to follow her.

"So where are you from?" she asks.

"America," I answer.

I usually hate small talk, but this was okay.

"Oh, that's cool! Don't worry you'll love it here!" she said with a smile.

We talked for a couple of minutes until we arrived at Mr. Ju's class.

Min Jee opened the door for me, and I walked in.

The teacher, Mr. Ju, was in the middle of a lesson, so as soon as I walk in, all eyes were on me.

"Class, this is L/N, Y/N. Please make her feel welcome!" Mr. Ju said, "Y/N, you can take the empty seat beside Mr. Min." he says while pointing to the seat at the back of the classroom.

I shift my gaze from the floor to where he's pointing, and I see the angry coffee guy from this morning.

This is going to be interesting.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry if the chapter seems a bit vague or rushed. I'm trying my hardest to make good content, and I have so many ideas for this story it's unreal! I'm going to try to upload at least once to twice a week (Probably every Tuesday and Friday), but that may be difficult because school is stressing me out. Thanks for the read! Please vote or comment if you enjoyed! :)

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