Chapter Nine

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Recap: "She's so ugly! She'll never be able to get a boyfriend!" Yoongi exclaims.

"No one asked for your opinion, you intolerable ass pastry," I say, glaring at Yoongi.

"Yoongi, you need to leave," Taehyung says.

. . .

Once I got home, I flopped onto my bed and sobbed into the covers.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed when I checked my phone again.

Thirty minutes? An hour?

I had four missed calls from Taehyung and one text message that read "I'm sorry.."

From this point on, I will hate Min Yoongi with every fiber in my being.

.     .     .

The next day, Taehyung apologized profusely for Yoongi's behavior, but I told him that it wasn't his fault and that Yoongi was the one in the wrong and that he should be the one apologizing.

I didn't see much of Yoongi until Mr. Ju's class, which I had attempted to get out of by claiming that I was sick, but the nurse wasn't having it and sent me back to class.

As I walked into Mr. Ju's class, I could see Yoongi glaring at me from the back of the room.

When I passed him, I hissed, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Yoongi muttered something under his breath that I didn't catch.

As class progressed, I began to doze off, but a sharp knock on the classroom door jolted me awake.

I heard Yoongi snicker from beside me, but I chose to ignore him.

The secretary walked in and behind her was a girl with pale skin and dark hair.

She cleared her throat and announced "This is Seo Yoon, and she just transferred here from Seoul. Please make her feel welcome."

After the secretary left, Mr. Ju ended up making the new girl sit behind Yoongi.

In the middle of the lecture, Seo Yoon began loudly smacking a piece of gum which you could probably hear from a mile away.

Mr. Ju wasn't helping by having selective hearing today of all days, so the smacking continued.

I almost felt bad for Yoongi, but I pushed the feeling away and enjoyed how irritated he was getting.

I could see Yoongi getting angrier and angrier by the second, and  suddenly he turned around and slammed his fist on Seo's desk and yelled, "Could you stop smacking your gum?! You look like a cow chewing its cud with all that smacking you're doing and it's disgusting!"

Seo Yoon's dark eyes went wide and her face turned bright red.

"I'm so, so sorry!" She kept mumbling.

Mr. Ju cleared his throat and thundered, "Min Yoongi, see me after class!"

I smirked to myself, thinking about how Yoongi got what he deserved.

"Y/N, is something funny? Care to share?"

I could feel the blood rushing to my face and it suddenly got really warm.

"Uh, no sir." I responded quietly.

I looked up at Yoongi and saw that the slightest smirk on his face.

Of course, he wants to get a reaction out of me, just like a kid, but I'm not going to give in anymore.

* * *

The dismissal bell rang and the hallways were quickly filled with students that were impatient to get home.

I squeezed through the swarm of people to try to get to my locker, but I was suddenly pushed into someone.

"You sure do like to run into people." They said with a smile.

Shoutout to faraahfanfic ! Go and read Love Lessons and Love Games (The sequel to Love Lessons)!

A/N: Thank you guys sooooo much for blowing up Polar Opposites! I'm sorry I haven't been writing lately. I haven't been motivated at all and I've been really busy. Don't worry, new chapters will be released every Saturday! ❤️

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