Chapter Five

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Recap: "Do you want to sit with us and a couple of our friends at lunch on Monday?" V asked.

"That sounds great. I actually have to get home- " I to say before I was rudely interrupted.

"You're going to let Y/N out of all people sit with us?!" I recognized that voice immediately.

This guy really loves to test me, I thought.

"Yoongi, it's Y/N's first week, and I'd like her to sit with us," V says, glaring at Yoongi, "Don't you agree, Jungkook?"

Jungkook nods and adds, "Yeah, it would be nice."

Yoongi wasn't too fond of that idea apparently because he shouted "Guys, she's a loser! Please tell me why she should sit with us?!"

"Well-" Jungkook started.

I interrupted him "Listen here bud, you're acting like a toddler throwing temper tantrum just because some girl you don't like is going to sit with your friends at lunch. Go complain to someone who cares because I don't. If you don't want me to sit with at your table then go sit somewhere else because I'm going to sit with V and Jungkook whether you like it or not. Your friends, unlike you, seem like decent people."

I storm off in the opposite direction.

. . .

I finally arrive home after walking for twenty minutes because I got lost again. I have the memory of a goldfish that is so bad I once forgot how old I was.

(A/N: This actually happened to me about six months ago and it took me a good twenty seconds to remember! 😂)

Luckily, a nice woman gave me directions to the gas station near my apartment, and I somehow managed to find my way home from there.

I arrive at home, unlock the door and walk in.

Once I was inside, I went straight to my room and flopped on my bed with a sigh.

The atmosphere of the house immediately calmed my anger towards a certain ugly rat.

I contemplate going to the store to get dinner, but I was mentally and physically exhausted from today.

My stomach growled in protest, so I got up and walked into the living room, which was eerily silent.

I live alone, besides my cat Hairy Potter, who is probably the most mischievous cat that has ever walked the face of the Earth.

My parents died in a car accident when I was ten, but I haven't always lived alone.

I stayed with my aunt in the U.S. for two and a half years, but she decided that she didn't want to take care of me anymore after she got engaged to her boyfriend, so she sent me to stay with my grandparents.

When I turned fifteen my grandparents told me about this wonderful, prestigious school in South Korea and they asked if I wanted to enroll.

I promptly refused their offer because I didn't want to leave my friends and I actually enjoyed going to school.

My friends eventually ditched me for a group of snobby popular group of girls, and every time I walked down the hallway they would make fun of me or tease me.

After about a year of this, I asked my grandparents if I could transfer to the school they offered to enroll me in before.

At first, they were a bit hesitant because I would be living alone in a big city, but I managed to convince them that I would be okay.

A few months later, and here I am attending this so-called prestigious school.

I see Hairy Potter rolling in a pile of torn newspapers that he had ripped up while I was gone, so I picked up the Scottish Fold to scold him, but he's just so darn cute.

"This is why we can't have nice things, Hairy Potter." I say sternly as I put him gently on his cat tree.

I cleaned up his mess and threw it in the trash can.

I finally decided to go to the store to pick up some food so I wouldn't die of starvation.

As I entered the shopping mart, I was instantly hit with the crisp, cool store air.

I grab a shopping basket and I make my way through the store while picking up things that I need along the way.

Midway through my errand-running session, I see a familiar face picking through the variety of meats the store sold.

Why here of all places?!

I silently cursed the store gods for allowing this to happen to me.

Angry Coffee Guy grabbed a steak and started reading the labels, and then I noticed something...


I mentally smacked myself.


I finally came to my senses and realized that I didn't want him to see me because that would probably lead to another argument, so I quickly dashed down the nearest aisle.

As I ran, I looked behind me to make sure ACG wasn't coming, which was a very bad idea because next thing I knew my face was smacking a shelf that had some frying pans on it.


A hot, burning pain spread through my face and my nose started throbbing.

I drop my basket and all of its contents spilled out onto the floor.

You must have been able to hear the impact from a mile away because an associate came jogging towards me and asked in a concerned voice, "Ma'am, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I just hit my face on the self. It's no big deal." I respond.

"I don't think you are. Your nose is all bloody. Do you want me to get you some ice?" He offered.

"No-" I started

"Y/N?! What happened?!"

I jerked my head towards the direction of the voice, and there he was. Just the person I wanted to see.

. . .

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry for the very late update! I've been super busy lately, but my schedule will clear up after try-outs on Friday. Today is the only day I don't have practice so I'm going to use it to write ahead! :) THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! <3 If you like this chapter leave a vote or a comment! (I love reading your comments by the way!)


Booksie <33

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