Bella Ragazza

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That dude was my grandparents neighbour. And he was naked. NAKED!

"Staring is bad." I heard him yell. Of course he saw me looking. Just my luck. I closed the window balcony and laid on the bed. Of all people he had to be my grandparents neighbour.

After a few seconds, I fell asleep.


The next day as promised I took Mateo for some ice cream. Some kids tried to start a fight with him. I shot them all a glare and they scrammed.

The weekend went by so fast, it was now Monday morning. After I was ready. I grabbed breakfast and went to school. 

"So, did you like what you saw?"

"It was meh." I shrugged.

"Well, how about a private show." He said to my ear. That sent shivers.

"How about no." I retorted. He just laughed.

"Anyway, you're related to my neighbours?" I just nodded.

"In case I haven't said it before. I'm Stefano Rizzo."

"I'm Mariana Bellisario."

"Hold up, that's an Italian last name." He said a bit surprised and had a weird expression.

"Well, my grandpa is Italian and my Nana is half Italian, which makes my dad Italian. But I didn't learned the language."

"So, you wouldn't understand if I say,  Sei una ragazza molto bella." Oh God his accent. Focus.

"Is that Italian for, you're leaving me alone?" I smirked and a smile formed on his lips. 

He walked closer to me and whispered. "Not even close, principessa." With that said he left.

Classes went by and I went to detention. Oh boy two hours in here.

"Miss me?" I saw him leaning on the doorframe wearing a stupid smirk.

"No, why are you even here?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because, I smacked one of my classmate. He thought he could start drama and get away with it." He shrugged. Then he made his way to where I was sitting.

"Okay, you are not good in biology and you are not good in Math. So how about Miss Bellisario tutors you in Math and you tutor her in Biology." The teacher suggested.

"And if I refused?"

"Well, you wont be able to graduate." He shrugged. "if you two tutor each other, you won't have detention for two weeks, but I have to see improvement."

Fuck my life.

After detention I went to my car, but before going inside I was stopped by him putting his leather jacket and the helmet. He hopped on his motorcycle and left. I hate to admit this but, hot damn. Focus, don't let his looks distract you. 

As I was opening my car he came back and said. "Hop on, principessa."

"And if I refused?" I replied with crossed arms. "well, I'll make you."

"That's called kidnapping." I retorted.

"Maybe, but I won't bite or kill you. Well I can bite and maybe wrestle you." He winked. Don't blush.

"You have a dirty mind." I sighed. He just laughed then passed me a helmet.

"I better come back in one piece." I said while getting on his motorcycle. I've never been on one. This felt so good, my arms were wrapped around  his body and he was so hard. Lucky girl who gets to taste him. Wait why am I even daydreaming about his body. Snap out of it.

He drove us to the beach, the route to go there was beautiful. I've never been to that route. I could feel the warm breeze, and I love the sound of the waves crashing. I was relaxed. As soon as we arrived to the beach we hopped down and went for a walk. The sand on my feet felt nice.

"Tell me about yourself. Mar."

"Shortening my name now?"

"Meh, it's easier." He replied. I just rolled my eyes.

"And why would I tell you about myself? For all I know you could be a spy." I said while raising an eyebrow.

"In not a spy, I be stupid to spy on you anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I was confused.

"Well, Bellisario is not a common last name. In the town where I lived in Italy, there was a woman with a kid named Caleb Bellisario. He killed someone cause the robber was threatening his mother.

"What!" My heart was beating so fast. Grandpa was that kid? It couldn't be. Is that why he knows so much about defending and guns.

"You didn't know that story?"

"Does it look like I do? And did you seriously researched my family?" I became annoyed.

"Only cause your last name took me by surprise. Now I know my neighbour is a badass guy."

"Well, at least you're not judging. Even though I didn't know that story of grandpa. It was only to defend his mother."

"True. And I'm afraid to ask this cause no one ever tell us who grandpa's dad was. There's no picture of him."


"You seriously researched him?"

"I'm very curious. Turns out his dad was Kai Bellisario. He was a very dangerous person. But your grandpa put an end to him. That's all I read. The rest I don't know and that's for you to research. I'm assuming it gets more personal."

I knew there was more to this family. As a toddler I would see dad sneaking out in the middle of the night. When I asked he said business. We've been in the shadows. Well I need answers. I know things should stay in the past. But I'm very curious right now.

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