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A/N: Heyo! Just a ⚠️ warning ⚠️, there is some pretty heavy glimmadora  fluff (that literally no one asked for lol) I promise Catradora will come, though! In fact,  Catradora(and Glimmer's common sense ) is what saved you readers from reading Glimmadora smut in a Catradora fic.
Also: #65 in #catradora?? Yeet yeet potato street
Word count:2248 Enjoy!
-marisol 🌻
Adora's pov
I swallow as I look at Glimmer, who's sitting on my bed and tapping a foot impatiently. I can tell she's mad that I snuck out, even though she does it often to meet Bow if she's grounded. If Bow didn't have a raging crush on Kyle(which, he has confirmed after his little "visit" to a prison cell in the Horde), I'd say the two were lovebirds.
But no, Glimmer doesn't like Bow. Not that way. I know she likes someone.. Just, not who. And Bow and I's guesses haven't led us anywhere close to the lucky person Glimmer's crushing on.
Hesitating only slightly, I explain how I couldn't sleep and how I'd accidentally gone past the Kingdom limits and bumped into Catra and how she'd tried to convince me to go back with her to the Horde and made musical references.
Glimmer's jaw tightens in annoyance at the mention of Catra quoting romantic songs to me, something that tells me she clearly does not like it(a/n: I wonder why 🤔).  By the time I'm finished, I'm breathing in short,  shallow gasps and wiping at tears I didn't know had formed while I was describing the encounter with Catra.
"I-I'm sorry,  Glimmer. It's just.. This castle is so big and as comfortable as my bed is, I couldn't sleep that well and I needed some time to think." I manage to stutter out.
Glimmer motions me over, patting the spot on my bed next to her. I gratefully walk over, kicking off my shoes and sitting next to her. "I can tell you're quite.. Er.. Agitated at the moment.. What's wrong?" She asks softly, side hugging me.
I'm able to look up at her, tears filling my eyes. "I miss her, Glimmer. More than that,  I hate seeing her upset and staying so loyal to Shadow Weaver. And I know she can't stand me being so loyal to.. This. " I say, gesturing a little before letting out a sob. "Shadow Weaver's twisting her mind to the point where she believes it's out of pure friendship that she comes to me to try and convince me to go back. A-and.." Glimmer presses a finger to my lips, effectively shutting me up and hugging me tightly.
"Shh, it's going to be okay, Adora. I can tell it is. Just.. I don't know, try and forget about Catra for awhile.. You've got every princess in Etheria, plus Bow, on your side. You'll get through it." She says,  pulling away to give me a small smile.
I shake my head. "I don't think it's going to be that easy.  To forget, I mean." I take a deep breath. "I think I'm falling in love with her." I admit, searching Glimmer for any reaction.  I swear I see disappointment and hurt flash in her eyes. She frowns in concern. "Oh, Adora.."
I look away. "I know. I'm She-Ra and Catra's stubbornly loyal to the Horde and I actively fight against the Horde,  but yeah.. I'm falling in love with her." I say quietly,  shaking my head and closing my eyes.
Glimmer's pov
I hate seeing Adora like this. I hate it. Especially because she's in obvious pain and all I can do is sit and try to comfort her. It makes me want to ring Catra's stubborn neck. How can she not do whatever Adora wants her to do? How can she be so loyal to that mind twisting byotch?
Maybe this is just my big, fat lesbian heart talking. Maybe it's the fact that I care unnecessarily for  Adora and just want what's best for her. Maybe it's the disappointment and hurt I felt when Adora told me she's in love with Catra.
It seems no matter what I do, I can't manage to ever get a girlfriend or boyfriend or somebody to love me and for me to love back. Bow turned out to be immensely gay for Kyle, and Adora's got a big old lesbian crush on Catra, Janis Ian style. Perfuma, well, I'm allergic to a lot of flowers and I have to leave the room whenever she's in it just so I don't turn into a sneezing mess.
I just want someone. Anyone. But most preferably Adora.
I look steadily at Adora before taking her hand. I can see this surprises her,  but she doesn't say anything, just looks up at me in curiosity.
I inhale briefly. What I'm about to suggest is reckless and risky and just might get me axe murdered.
"Do you.. Do you think you could try and forget about Catra for just one night, since she kinda blew you off and turned you into an emotional roller coaster?" I ask softly.
I see a hint of a smile in Adora's eyes, but she furrows her brows. "What are you suggesting, exactly?"
I feel my face flush slightly. "Well, not forget her, but maybe push your feelings for her aside and go along with.. My idea?" I ask,  biting my lip and looking at Adora cautiously.
Adora looks at me skeptically. "And what exactly is your idea?" She asks, scooting to face me.
"Well,  you see, it's a bit of a game. Think of it as Truth or Dare." I say.  "Except it's a bit different. More of a trivia game. Each question I get right,  I get to dare you to do something or ask you something you have to answer truthfully to. And each time you get something right,  you get to dare or ask me something. And then if we answer a question wrong,  the other gets to ask or dare something. " I say,  sitting criss crossed in front of Adora. "And really,  there are no limits to the depth of the dares or questions. Except Catra is forbidden as a topic. Got it?"
Adora thinks before nodding. "Alright." I grin. "Okay,  I'll start. How many years apart are each princess prom?"
Adora scrunches up her nose before guessing feebly,  "Nine?" I shake my head. "Ten. You were close." I think for a moment. I'll start out small, no risks yet.
"Answer me a truth-- would you ever date me?" I ask, looking at Adora nervously. She looks back at me. "I, well.. I guess. I like you,  and if we got closer, maybe.." And if she wasn't in love with Catra. She smiles. "But we wouldn't have to worry,  right? Hypothetical situation." I bite back a remark and nod. "Yeah.. Your turn."
She thinks briefly before grinning deviously. "What's my favorite color?"
I cringe a little. "Red?" I aak hopefully. I mean, she always wears that red jacket- "Nope! Maroon." I groan. "Isn't that a shade related to red?" I ask.
"Yes, but it's not red." Adora sticks her tongue out before thinking. "I dare you to tell me something you've been hiding from me." She says, looking steadily at me.
"I..  Okay, um.. I like you. A lot. And it's been killing me slowly, especially since I know nothing will ever convince you to like me back or magically just make you my girlfriend. And it hurts, Adora. A lot. I just want you to be happy,  and I know that even if you were with me, you wouldn't be happy." I exhale,  wiping at some escaping tears.
Adora frowns before hugging me tightly. "Don't be so negative about yourself. And you know what, Glim? I'm going to suggest another factor of this game. Whenever we get something wrong, or the other gets it right, we have to take a shot of alcohol." She says, looking at me with a small smirk.
My eyes widen. "H-how? A-and won't we get in trouble?"
"Not if we aren't caught." Adora smirks before getting up and going over to a floor board. Lifting it up, she presented two bottles of wine, and one bottle of tequila, along with two shot glasses.
"Adora, you're fucking insane." I say,  though I'm grinning.
"Well, girls gotta have a little fun, don't they?" Adora asks, grinning back and settling in front of me on the bed. I shrug, nodding. "I guess." She laughed, setting the bottles on the night stand and handing me a shot glass. "Here's yours." I smile at her before exhaling. "Okay, so.. My turn?" Adora nods. "Affirmative."
I nod. "Okay.. Hmm, what's my favorite color?"
"Cheat. But um.. Blue?" Adora asks. I nod. "Yeah!" She chuckles. "Ha, you know what that means.." She reaches and grabs a bottle of tequila, pouring into my shot glass. "Bottom's up." I laugh before upending it, cringing at the taste before setting my glass aside.
"If my mom finds out about this, I'm blaming you. Your turn." I say. Adora just laughs, asking me her birth date. I get it right-- it was only a few days ago--, and watch her down a shot of tequila.
"Oh,  I almost forgot about the dares and truths thing. Hmm, say something nice  about me." I say,  shrugging. Adora smiles a little. "You're glittery!" I laugh before looking over at her, not mentioning she skipped a dare/truth.After a few more turns between us,  It's my turn again. 
"If you had any reckless thing to do before tomorrow, what would it be?" This is a cheat question. Obviously her answer will be the correct one and I'll end up taking another shot of tequila. We've had quite a few now, with half a bottle of tequila gone, and I can feel my world getting hazy.
"Hmm, I think it'd be this." Adora murmurs, cupping my face and smiling drunkenly at me. God, I love that smile. Over the round, we've gotten physically closer, and I can smell the alcohol in her breath when she exhales. "Mm, this as something you're about to do, or this as what's happening right now?" I ask,  reaching to lazily but skillfully pour myself another shot one handedly. The other is still holding Adora's from earlier.
Lifting it to my lips, I lock eyes with Adora, noticing that she's watching my lips intensely. I feel the alcohol slip down my throat and see Adora glance up at me. "This as just..  This." She says simply, looking down at my lips and then to my eyes before leaning forward to close the distance between us,  mashing her lips to mine.  I make a noise of surprise in the back of my throat before kissing back, my free hand abandoning my empty shot glass and reaching up to hold Adora's cheek.
This is everything. Everything I've been wanting for awhile. She's willingly kissing me. Acting fast,I scoot backwards to lay back against the lush pillows, bringing Adora with me. She kisses me urgently, letting go of my hand to tangle her fingers in my hair.
Adora pins me against the cushions, her hands sliding down my torso and down to the hem of my shirt, running against my skin and up underneath my shirt. I let out a low moan,  feeling Adora slip her hand up underneath my bra.
"Mm, you like that, huh?" Adora slurs in my ear, biting my lobe softly and nibbling a bit. I tilt my head back as she works her way down, peppering kisses along my collarbone. I just murmur an inaudible response, feeling the sensation of goosebumps spreading over my skin whenever her soft lips meet my skin.
Oh, god, this is wonderful. Pure bliss. She's so beautiful. For once everything is forgotten.
Adora pauses momentarily before pulling my shirt up and over my head,  discarding it as she lunged forward to kiss me again,  One hand finding its way again up mg bra,  the other tracing circles on my hip.
Adora starts tugging at the hem of my pants, grunting against my lips and licking lightly on my bottom one for entrance.
I allow my mouth to open and let her slip her tongue into my mouth,  dancing with mine.
Even Catra's forgotten.
Oh,  shit.
I must have stiffened because Adora stops and pulls away, looking at me in concern. "What's wrong?" I look at Adora, pain evident in my eyes. "Catra. You're in love with Catra. Not me. I'm not Catra."
"Well, of course not silly." She says before I cut her off. "You're not in love with me."
"Well, maybe if we get closer, duh. Isn't that what I said?" Adora giggles before leaning to kiss me. I push her off.
"Adora. No. I'm not Catra. And that was in reference to a hypothetical date." I say.
"Well,  isn't we on a date?" She slurs, giggling. She then pouts. "And didn't you tell me to try and forget Catra for tonight?"
I nod. "Yes,  but I never said forget about your dignity. I can't do this with you,  Adora. Not tonight. You're drunk, and I don't want you to regret this later. I don't want it to affect our friendship. I'm sorry,  but you're not in love with me."
Realization flickers in Adora's eyes before she sighs in defeat. "Okay, you're right. But.. Can we at least snuggle? That's in the best friend code,  isn't it?"
I nod. "I suppose." I crawl underneath the covers,  Adora doing the same and snuggling up to me.
I sigh. This was almost a disaster. I snuggle Adora back before letting my eyelids drop, humming quietly.
If only she wasn't in love with Catra..

I won't say I'm in love-CatrAdoraWhere stories live. Discover now