9//ᴡᴀɪᴛ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ??

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Short oops//
Kyle's pov

I  can't breathe. What's Entrapta saying? Is she saying that-

"Bow cheated on you with Perfuma and guilt overtook her so she called to confess. I'm sorry, Kyle."

She says softly as I fight to catch my breath and stay calm. A panic attack is not what I need right now, believe it or not. Might come as a shocker. My apologies, I tend to be deeply sarcastic as a default when I'm panicky and gay. I mean, more than usual.

"What'd she say happened?"

I ask, swallowing and gaining the confidence to look her in the eye. I can tell both of us right now are unsure of what to think or say to this. I sigh, reaching over to turn off the music that's still playing from the bluetooth speaker that Adora got me for Christmas. Entrapta rings her hair-hands while her actual hands gesture as she talks.

"She said that she had a party and they ended up moping about us, so they spiked up a game to cheer them up and ended up having a heavy alcohol-induced make-out session and.. possibly more..?"

She cringes a little, biting her lip as my panic increases more. Panic! At the Horde. Not as fun as P!ATD. I hurry from the room so I don't end up vomiting on Entrapta.

After a very gross vomit and retch fest, I lock myself in the bathroom(A/n: kyle in the bathroom by himseeeeeelf), spray some Febreze, and pull out my phone to call Bow.

"Hey! I was just about to call you."

"Really? What about?" I can't keep my voice from cracking at the end.

"Just to check up on you, make sure you're doing okay... you know.."

"Mm, yeah I'm okay. Absolutely peachy." How can he not notice that something's obviously wrong? Oh, yeah. He's trying to hide the fact he cheated on me. As if I'm completely clueless.

"That's good. I'm doing okay, too. Went to a party last night.."

"Oh, at Perfuma's, right?"

"Oh, um, yeah.."

"Entrapta told me. Filled me in on what's been going down over there."

"That's.. cool.."

"Anything you need to tell me?"


"Any confessions?"


"Go on, you can tell me. Not like it's our entire relationship at stake."


"Just spit it out already, Bow! Or at least make excuses and convince me that what I've been told has a much better excuse than just a few bottles of tequila! Because that's a shitty excuse to cheat on your perfectly gay, sub, and wonderful boyfriend that has done nothing to deserve this! Oh, wait, you didn't know I'm a bottom! Oops! See, I was gonna tell you, but now it's pointless anyways. I wanted to tell you when I was sure I was in love with you. Well, it's too late now, because you settled for some heterosexual drunk partying!"

"Let me explain, plea--"

"What's there to explain? you cheated. That's that. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. Now, I gotta go cry in the bathtub. I'll make it easier on ya. Don't worry about a long distance relationship. Or a relationship. Because ours is over."

And, with that final, movie-worthy break-up line, I hang up and retreat to the bathtub to bawl my eyes out and yell for a 3 feet high stack of chocolate and other comfort foods.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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