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I wake up in Glimmer's arms with a pounding headache in my bed. Blinking, I can just barely register the half empty bottles of tequila and red wine. I sit up quickly, causing Glimmer to wake up, screaming a little. "Ahh! Adora,  be careful!" She sits up,  notices the wine and tequila, and goes beet red. "We've got to take care of those before my m-" Footsteps sound faintly down the hallway and Glimmer and I both jump out of bed, grabbing the bottles and shoving them back into their hiding places along with the shot glasses. I'm just setting the floorboard back down when a knock comes on the door.
"Adora?" Angella calls in. "Have you seen Glimmer?"
I swallow. "Y-yes, your majesty, we had a sleepover last night."
"A sleepover? Why didn't you tell me! I would have provided snacks." She chuckles and pauses before saying, "Well,  if she's in there,  then I'll leave you two be. I was just checking in." Angella says before walking off. I let out a sigh of relief I don't know I've been holding and look over at Glimmer, cringing a little as my head pounds.
"What exactly happened last night?" I ask quietly,  fearing the answer. "All I can remember is going on a walk, bumping into Catra, and coming back to find you in here. That's it." I say.
Glimmer sighs, rubbing her temples. "We played truth or dare--or, another version anyhow--, you suggested shots of tequila, and then got drunk off your ass and tried to have sex with me."
I feel my face turn red, my eyes widening as I freeze. Really? Jeesh, Adora, get a fucking grip on yourself. Not on your best friend's boobs. "Eventually, I came to my senses and talked you out of your drunk horny daze, but you insisted on snuggling." Glimmer says, looking at me carefully.  "I-I'm sorry,  Glimmer. I must've been really drunk to have done that.." I stammer.
Glimmer shrugs. "You're fine.. Just, try not to do it again, okay?" She laughs a little.
Glimmer's pov
Adora doesn't remember a thing. Of course not. She was wasted off her ass. No way she would remember anything. She doesn't remember my obvious attempts to hint that I liked her.  Maybe that's for the better. I stand up. "I'm going to go get some painkillers." She nods simply before saying, "Okay." And watching me walk out. As I'm digging for the Tylenol, my mother suddenly materializes, taking in the bags under my eyes. "Glimmer,  when was the last time you recharged?" She asks stern, but gentle.
I think. "Hmm.. Two, three days ago?" I say,  popping two tylenol in my mouth before washing them down with water.
"Glimmer! You know it's standard and best if you recharge at least every night!Or at least every day! Go, get some rest." She orders, sighing. I nod and attempt to teleport, but sigh. Walking it is. "And brush those teeth of yours. They reek."
" Yes, got it." I mumble, trudging to the recharging station. I bet Adora's already passed out again as well.
Catra's pov
I can't stand Adora sometimes. Last night, my one objective was to get her back to the Horde. Back to Shadow Weaver. I had one job. And I failed. Jesus, I'm turning into Kyle. Huh,  figures. We're both disaster gays.
Last night when I returned,  Shadow Weaver was livid. She scolded me and nearly had me set up to one of her creepy black garnet energy draining electric shock stations.  She warned me that if I fail again I'll be set up for sure. Then, of course,  Scorpia magically materialized and swept me out of there. We sat on my bed and talked for awhile. It was nice.
Now, though, I grunt as my opponent  slams into me with force, causing me to stumble. I block another strike of Kyle's sword with my own and quickly disarm him, catching his sword in my free hand and pointing mine at his throat with the other. "Well done, Catra!" Scorpia cheers, walking over to me and clapping her, uh, pincers. If that's possible.
I smile and drop both swords to accept an embrace from Scorpia, soon being swept off my feet. "You better not fucking drop me." I warn sternly.  Scorpia chuckles. "Wouldn't dream of it, Catra." She replies,  setting me down. "You're getting better. Soon you'll be able to disarm She-Ra." She praises. I nod, looking away. "Yeah.."
Scorpia sighs. "I know you miss her, but you've got to stay positive. We'll have her back here soon enough." She says, smiling softly.
I sigh. "I hope you're right."
And with that,  I go back to training.
Adora's pov
I wake up a few hours later, opening my eyes to see that Glimmer's no longer in my room. Well, obviously. She left to get tylenol. She must be recharging. I sigh and sit up, rubbing my tired eyes before getting up and grabbing my sword as I head to breakfast. Ya never know when you could potentially run into your ex best friend and need a quick way out of there. I sit down as Angella sets a plate in front of me, heaping with pancakes. As always, she knows just what to make this morning for breakfast.
I lick my lips before digging in, mumbling a thanks and look up to see Glimmer materializing next to me. "Hey!" I jump, laughing. "You need to stop scaring me like that." I say.  "Sorry. " Glimmer says, a twinkle in her eye telling me she's not at all sorry in the least.
"So, are you still thinking about the whole Catra thing?" Glimmer asks softly. I gulp and look down at my nearly empty plate. "Y-yeah, I am.." I whisper. Glimmer side hugs me, telling me it'll be alright. But if it really is going to be alright, then why do I feel so.. Numb? My chest aches dully at the thought of Catra, and I can't go a single day without her crossing my mind. I miss her.
"I.. I need some time to think." I say softly, standing up and grabbing my sword. "I'm going on a walk."
Glimmer looks concerned, but I brush her off. "I'll be fine. Besides,  I'm bringing Swift Wind, so he'll be able to keep me from eloping with Catra to the Horde." I joke. Momentary hurt flashes in Glimmer's eyes before she cracks a grin. "Okay, then. I'll be with Bow in my room if you need me. He should be here shortly." I nod before walking out to find Swift Wind.
Predictably, I find him drinking calmly from a string. "Hey, horsey!" I greet excitedly. He looks up and scoffs playfully in response. "We've discussed this. Must we discuss it again?" I shake my head, laughing. "No,  we don't have to discuss anything. You're just stuck with that nickname. Actually, I'm heading down the trail to get some thinking done, and I thought you might like to accompany me." I say, shrugging.
One of his ears pricks in interest. "Do I have a choice?" He asks. "Nope! Well,  you do, but it's preferable you come with me anyways. Last night I had quite the encounter with Catra." I laugh.
Swift Wind blows air out through his nose. "What'd she want?" He asks. "For me to return to the Horde. She also tried serenading me with love songs from our childhood." I say.  Swift Wind cringes. "Yeah let's just go, then."
(a/n: I'm getting so many flashbacks from my MLP phase a few years ago I hope you're happy. )
We're traveling at a steady pace, me lost in my thoughts, Swift Wind staying politely silent beneath me as he walks,  when something in the air changes and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Swift Wind, sensing me tense, stops as well, turning his head and snorting. "What's wrong?" I shush him as I look around frantically. I know this feeling. It's such a familiar feeling.
And I just realized what it is.
"Hello, dear Adora." Shadow Weaver's voice rings out as the wind picks up,  leaves swirling wildly.   (a/n: we gon have some cool sorcery stuff going on)
I scowl slightly, looking around. "What do you want?" I snap.
Shadow Weaver's voice chuckles coldly. "Now,  is that any way to talk to the person who took you in as a child? Who raised you and nurtured you?" I might be going nuts, but the wind seems to caress my face gently. I shudder. It doesn't feel right.
"I'm practically your mother, you know."
I shake my head. "You're no mother of mine. You twisted my mind to your will."
"That's because you were such a frustrating child!" Shadow Weaver protests. "You were so insolent. I had to teach you my way. "
"And I didn't want to learn your way. So you twisted my mind. " I reply.
"Adora, Adora,  what will I do with you?" something tugs on my ponytail. "You know,  I don't want to be here anymore than you do, but Catra failed her assignment and it's easier to do things myself. " Shadow Weaver chuckles. The wind swirls around me, my hair blowing around my face.
I grit my teeth "Show yourself." I demand. There's a slight pause before Shadow Weaver answers. "Alright." And appears in front of me. She smiles at me.  "Adora, my sweet." She spreads her arms, moving as if to hug me. I stiffen in her hold, before unwillingly sagging against her arms. It's so.. Familiar. I just want to stay here in her hold all day.
As if reading my mind, which I'm sure she is fully capable of,  Shadow Weaver murmurs softly, "Yes, I know. Stay here in my arms forever. Come back with me to the Horde. I know about your little crush on Catra. I can bring you back to her. She misses you, y'know. And she'll be immensely ecstatic to see you come back. You two can have the future you've always dreamed of. "
A voice in my head screams NO NO NO!! But I ignore it, because an even bigger voice is wondering, "Will she like me back?" I can almost feel the small smile playing Shadow Weaver's lips. "She already does, darling. In fact,  she's part of the reason why I'm here."
My heart squeezes. Catra is why Shadow Weaver came to get me? Because she's missed me and wants me back? Swift Wind shuffles beneath me.
"Oh, get off that poor horse. He looks restless." Shadow Weaver gestures for me to get off and I immediately obey. "Adora.. Don't do this." Swift Wind  mutters in my ear. "Don't do what?" I ask,  blinking. "Nothing! nothing, darling. I'm sure it's just nothing. " Shadow Weaver says,  smiling at me and shooing Swift Wind away.
My mind feels hazy, but Shadow Weaver hasn't even laid a hand near my head(besides the pony tail tug). Shadow Weaver smiles down at me, an arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Adora,  I believe you should come back with me. Come back to Catra. You should feel special, y'know. It's a rare occurrence that I make a personal appearance." She chuckles and begins walking us somewhere. "Then again, you've always been quite special." My sword thumps lightly against my side and it distracts Shadow Weaver as she looks down at it. "You're pretty attached to that thing, huh?"
The tiny voice from before screams YES, but I reply, "I guess." I unsheath it and look at it in my hands. It's got importance to me, and especially Etheria, but- "The Horde does not require that you have such weapons. You know, all your old weapons are waiting for you. No one's touched them. I've made sure of it." Shadow Weaver says, carefully lowering my hands until my sword slides swiftly to the ground and lands with a soft thud in the grass.  She can be so persuasive.
A future with Catra. Who would've thought that I can have a future with Catra. And she'll be thrilled to see me again. Everything will be like how it was before.
Looking up at Shadow Weaver,  I see her looking back expectantly.  Almost imperceptibly, I nod. "Just--let me write a goodbye note and leave it here. Glimmer and Bow will have a fit." (a/n:probably the only rational thing she's said during this encounter) Shadow Weaver quickly shakes her head and I immediately forget what we'd been talking about other than the fact that I agreed to go back to the Horde.  "I'll do it. Just don't worry. " Shadow Weaver scribbles onto an oak nearby and smiles at me.  "There! All done. They won't worry at all."
I hear thumping and Shadow Weaver curses under her breath. "Now,  we really must go. Get you back to Catra." She holds me tightly. "I'm going to transport us out of here,  okay? So no squirming." I nod.
(a/n: sorry if I'm getting this wrong in any way, I'm just assuming Shadow Weaver can do these things because.. Shadow Weaver)
"Okay, in three," I steady myself as Shadow Weaver counts down.  "Two.."
"Adora! Don't listen to her! She's a lying bitch!" Glimmer shouts, suddenly teleporting a few yards away. "You have to realize that-"
"One!" Shadow Weaver tightens her hold on me and I'm engulfed in blackness.


We appear in one of the dark corridors of the Horde, Shadow Weaver instantly releasing me. "Alright, you're free to go find Catra, or yell at Kyle, or just do whatever. I'm going to go to my Black Garnet room,  and I expect not to be interrupted at all costs."
She slinks away and I'm left to recollect my memory of how to navigate the Horde. It's been awhile since I was here last.
I eventually find my way back to the sleeping chambers, tentatively opening the door and peeking in. Everyone's how they were before- lazy and tired on a Sunday morning, mostly chatting, some reading. Some sleeping.
All of this stops, however, when I step in. Then, as if coming to their senses, they al shout,  "Adora's back!" Some get up to hug me, others sit and chat excitedly. The previously sleeping ones give me a tired glance before rolling over and continuing to snore lightly.
Catra isn't anywhere in sight.
"Oh, she's probably hanging out with Scorpia somewhere." Kyle supplies, as if this solves everything. "They're, like, super close."
Catra has a new best friend? And it's not a clone of me? She just moved on from me and replaced me? Seeing my stricken face, one of the others groans. "Seriously, Kyle? That's obviously not what she needed to hear." I get sympathetic looks. "Check the training deck."
I nod and carefully step out, turning and navigating my way to the training deck. Catra and a rather, er, large (in height) girl with pincers for hands along with a scorpion tail sit chatting softly, Catra's weapon discarded to the floor. Catra's laughing at something the other girl, whom I presume is Scorpia, has just said.
I feel a wave of jealousy hit me with force. This must be how Catra felt when I met Glimmer and Bow. It fucking sucks.
I carefully walk closer,  nearing them.
The other girl--er,  Scorpia- glances up, the smile fading from her recently cheerful face. Catra looks up as well, but holds her smile. "Adora! Y-you came back?" Her smile fades into confusion as she furrows her brows.
I nod. "I just got here with Shadow Weaver." I say quietly. I notice that both her and Scorpia have Force Captain badges. Something in common.
Catra looks at me before looking back at Scorpia, then back at me. "You're really here? This isn't a trick?"
I shake my head. "No, I'm really here."
Catra closes her eyes and reaches an arm out. "Pinch me."
Before I can, Scorpia helpfully reaches out a pincer and pinches Catra, who yelps, opening her eyes and withdrawing her arm, rubbing it and glaring at Scorpia. "Not you, I meant Adora. " She huffs quietly before looking at me.
"So, it only takes me about four tries and Shadow Weaver one try to convince you yo come back to the Horde?"
I bite my lip and nod, looking down. "I-I really missed you and Shadow Weaver was able to talk me into it." I say quietly.
Catra immediately stands and hugs me tightly. "It's about time! We have so much to do! And to catch up on!" She squeals, pulling away and swishing her tail excitedly. "So many pranks to pull!"
I smile in relief. She hasn't changed a bit. "C'mon, I have something to show you!" She grabs my hand and drags me down the hall, leaving Scorpia to walk after us.
"Okay, so since you've come back, I trust that you're here to stay and won't pull any stupid shit." Catra says, stopping by a door. "And you can't freak out."
I cross my heart. "Promise."
She takes a breath before opening the door.  Stepping in,  I can hear obvious clicking and clattering and there looms an ominous project in the middle. Walking around, I can see glimpses of someone busy at work and hear a faint humming along with the clattering. A light switches on-- Scorpia, probably--, and I can make out what I was beginning to think was the person at work.
I hear a gasp escape me as I take in the girl tinkering in front of me. Long, purple hair pulled into high pig tails. A jaw set in concentration. Eye gear securely protecting violet colored eyes. Greasy gloved hands working and twisting gears.
It's a princess, of course. One that went missing a few months ago. One that everyone believes to be dead. It's--
She looks up suddenly, a grin forming on her lips as she reaches up to set her eye gear on her head. Smiling brightly, she says,
"Hey Adora!"

I won't say I'm in love-CatrAdoraWhere stories live. Discover now